2 button component in single row vuetify

Solutions on MaxInterview for 2 button component in single row vuetify by the best coders in the world

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05 Oct 2020
1<template v-slot:[`item.action`]="{ item }" >
2  <v-container grid-list-sm>
3    <v-layout row justify-space-around>
4      <v-flex md3>
5        <v-btn depressed @click="view(item.book)" color="primary">View</v-btn>
6      </v-flex>
7      <v-flex md3>
8        <v-btn depressed @click="viewUpdate(item.book,item.id_book)" color="primary">Update</v-btn> 
9      </v-flex>
10    </v-layout>
11  </v-container>