adding border in react native

Solutions on MaxInterview for adding border in react native by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "adding border in react native"
15 Nov 2017
1button: {  
2	borderWidth: 4,
3    borderColor: "#20232a",
16 Jul 2020
1borderColor string
2borderTopColor string
3borderRightColor string
4borderBottomColor string
5borderLeftColor string
6borderRadius number
7borderTopLeftRadius number
8borderTopRightRadius number
9borderBottomLeftRadius number
10borderBottomRightRadius number
11borderStyle enum('solid', 'dotted', 'dashed')
12borderWidth number
13borderTopWidth number
14borderRightWidth number
15borderBottomWidth number
16borderLeftWidth number
queries leading to this page
react native border on viewreact native borderstylesheet react nativereact native add borderborder types react nativereact native styles borderborder width react nativeborderoutside react nativereact native border shorthandborder left in react nativeoutter border react nativehow to set border to view element react nativegive border to view with border radius in react nativestyle border react nativeborder in css react antivereact native style borderhow to apply border to text in react nativebordercolor react nativereact native add border on pressborder buil react nativeadd outline to image react nativeimport 7b stylesheet 2c text 2c view 7d from 27react native 27 3b commandhow to use border box in react nativeadding borders in react nativestyle border in react nativeborder width reactnativecreate a curved border in react nativehow to style border left in react nativeborder in view react nativeconst styles 3d stylesheet create 28react native border around textunwanted border in react nativeborder radious in react nativeset border to view react nativeadd a border to a picture reactdufferent border style react nativeborderstyle react nativeborder color reactnative styling border to have angles 40react nativestylesheet hairlinewidthborder react nativecreate custom border with react nativeborder in react naticerecat native borderborder right reactnativeadd border to input react nativehow to use border radius in react nativeborder wights react nativegive border in react nativemargin color react nativeborder in themes react nativereact native border stylesborder text react nativeouter border react nativereact native elements no borderborder tags in react nativeborder stylesheet react nativeborder react native cssstylesheet create reactnativebordercolor in react nativeborder color in react nativereact native all about borderborder line view react nativehow to use boarder in react natviereact native style sheetborder radius react nativeborder left dotted in react nativeborder in radius react nativehow to make eclipse border of view in react nativeset border stylesheet react nativereact native frame border border react nativehow to add border in react nativehow to set icon on image border in react nativereact native stylesheetborder property in react nativeborder view react nativereact native border with curveborder image react nativehow to get a border on react native on androidreact native border radius chow to create border line in react nativeborder dotted in react nativeborders react nativeadd image to border to react nativedotted border in react nativeborder dotted react nativecreate hyperlink in react nativereact native border lengthborder react ativereact native input borderborder react nativeline border in react nativereact native bordercolorwhite border react nativehow to make a border in react nativeoutline of a text in react nativeborder styling react nativehow to use borders in react nativereact native outline borderreact native border stylinghapply border to text field react nativeborder form in react nativereact native border radiusborder in react native stylingreact native border around textstyle property in react nativeinset border react nativegradient color in react nativecss border properties in react nativereact native borderreact native column borderreact native border lineborder top in react nativereact native borderraduishow to give border to view in react nativereact native border tioborder radius css react nativeborder solid react nativeuse image as border react nativereact native view borderborder left style react nativereact nativ epicker borderreact native style border imageborder style react nativereact native border widthreact native image border dotborder radius in react nativetext outline react nativereact native style docsset border react nativelinear border react nativeborder in reactnativeadd border react nativereact native border one sidereact native border layoutreact native border csshow to set only one border in a view react nativereact native border sizeborder box css react nativereact native border viewbefore border in react nativeset border css react nativehow to get a border in react native on android react native borderreact native border bottom radiusborder styles react nativeborderbotom react nativeonst styles 3d stylesheet create 28 7b 7d 29how to make inner border in react nativeborder radius on react nativeborder in text react nativeadd border left color react nativehow to pass border in react nativereact native prevent flex moving iconreact native border selected itemreact native border radiusreact native horizontal borderreact native border stleborder react native styleborderblockstart react nativereact native css borderborder width reactadd border to view react nativeborder image in react nativeborder right react nativehow to set border in view in react nativeborder for view in react nativeaccordance border in react nativeset border in react antivereact native border bototmhow to give solid border in react nativeborder declaration in css for react nativeadding border in react nativereact native style borderitemshow to add border in react antivereact native border imagedeclare border on color react nativehow to add border card react nativeborder react native ioshow to make border to background react nativereactnative border stylereact native bordersborder of view react nativereact native add border to elementadd border in styles react nativern stylesheet flattenreact native dashed borderhow to apply a border in react nativereact native add border on textborder radius react nativeset border in react nativeborder none in react nativeborder style none in react nativereact native border dottedborder around with percentage react nativeset border color react nativeborder length react nativehow to set border between element react nativehow to add border react nativerewact native border propertiesreaccct native borderborder style attributes react nativemake border on react native buttonhow to give text border in react nativeadding border in react jsreact native border set colorreact native borderborder around view in react nativeborder fill react nativereact native style solid borderreact native borader linereact native how to make border radiushow to use borderimage in react natviereact natiove borderreact native border three sidesreact native border colreact native border top onlyhow to border with in react nativereact native elements borderdotted border in react nativehow to give a border shorthand in react nativemake custom border in react nativereact native add border colorreact native view on border stylereact native custom borderborder lines in react nativereact native border propertiesadd a border around text in react nativereact native border insidereact native soft borderhow to make border in react nativehow to add border around card react nativereact native style border radiusreact native border style 5 pxborder size react nativeborder 1px solid react nativeuse border in react nativereact native borederreact native border very thinborder superior react nativetext border css react nativeborder radius react nativeborder none react native border line in reactstylesheet react nativereact native border leftborder width reactnative borderredius react nativereact native border color graidenthow to add border on any side in react nativein react native borderreact native border aroundrounded border react nativereact native border propertyborder top react nativeadd border in container react nativereact native border inlinereact native border style typesreact native style reference borderboreder width reat nativereact native imahe borderhow to make border curve in react nativereact native item borderborder react native border boxhow to give border to image in react nativetext border react nativeview border react nativereact native outer borderreact native stylesheet borderborder for element in react nativeborder left react nativedotted border react nativeadd border to left only react nativegive border to box react nativeborder design in react nativeborder in react nativveborderradius react nativehow to style a border in react native 3fborder listing in react nativereact native border on buttonview style border line react nativehow to add border to text react nativeborder property react nativeview border in react nativeadd thin border in react nativestylesheet create vs objectborder style in react nativereact native div borderreact native border stylereact naive borderhow to put border around text in react nativehow to make border in reactnativeborder styling in react nativereact native border colorreact native outside borderborder spread react nativeadd border in react native pickerborder top color react nativeadd border to text react nativecreate border in react nativeborderbottomwidth react nativehow to style border in react nativereact native boarderborder radius stylesheet createborder color react 5dnativereact native view add borderreact native inset borderreact native bring border insidehow to bring border in react nativereact native styling bordercss border react nativereact native border androidborder radius react native using stlyedreact native how to styles borderreact native border stylingborder 3a in rect nativereact natice stylereact native solid borderimport stylesheet reac tnativeabsolutefill react nativeborder react nativeborderleft in react nativeborderstyle in react nativeborder in react native stylereact native border styleborders in react nativereact nativw bordertext border in react nativehow to use border style react nativecustom border react nativeborder box react nativehow to adjust image border in react nativehow to add a border to view in react nativeborder just the edges of the box react nativeborder from around in react nativeshow border react nativeborderradisu react nativeborder properties in react nativehow to put border around a view in react nativereact native border topreact native using border radius with 25add border in react nativegive a border for text in react nativehow to provide border style in react nativeborder behind content react native androidreact native borderwidthreact native image with border cssreact native 22border 22stylesheet hairlinewidthborder color react nativeborder type react nativemake curve border in react nativehow to create border in react nativeadd a border to a picture reactjsapply border on top in react nativeborder on view react nativeborder in react nativehow to use stylesheet in react nativeborder iun react nativereact native white borderhow to make border in react native 3fdefine border in react nativereact native border radius topreactnative borderimage border react nativereact native border classhow to borderreduis to react nativehow to give all border in react nativereact native view border border css react nativereact native text borderreact native elements add borderno border react nativehow to give border in react nativeborder view react natviereact native borderradiushow to set border react nativehow to set border in react naitvereact native set borderborder in react antiveadding border in react native