showing results for - "angular cli skip tests"
17 Jan 2018
06 Nov 2016
1The name of the TypeScript configuration file for tests. Default: ... --skipTests=true|false. When true, does not create "spec.ts" test files for the app. Default: false
3While generating component using cmd
4>ng g c component-name --skipTests
queries leading to this page
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create testskip angular test fileng generate service angular 8angular cli generate component inline templateskip specific test in angular 10angular cli 9 skip testsskip test angular spec 2ctsangular skip test filecg cli create new appnpm angular skip testng generate provider skip test in angularskiptests inlinestyle angular skiptest in angular cliangular create ts file skip tests angularangular skip the test spec false angular cluangular skiptest false commandcreate class nggenerate module angular cling generate pages skip tests angular clohow to create service in angular cli without service extensionskip tests angular 12ng new generatecreate module angular cliskip tests in angular 12skip tests 2c test nghtml file generator angularng generate modelangular cli generate resolver skiptest angularng generate class angularng generate page angularadd module angular cling generate ts filecreate new classse angularangular setting skip test defaultangular generate component with module and routingspec false in angular 9angular ng create modelng create component skip testangular generate component ts onlyskip angular testng g class in angulargenerate a class in angularangular cli ng prefixng create serveng g c module in angularangular cli create componentng g classangular ng g class command to skiptest in angularangular generate skip testcreate module angular cli commandangular geenrateng skip testsskip testing angular comandangular skip test at project creationangular generate component and module skip test angularskip test angular clihow to generate ts file in angularng generate application with different app moduleangular module generateng g c specng g c dryng create module in angularskip test true angular whyng generate pipeng generate servicegenerate module in angular cmdunknown option 27 skip tests 27ng g c component with modulespect test skip angualrangular cli new moduleng generate compoente routing trueangular cli 3a how to create a moduleangular ng add modelng 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