angular conditional directives

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03 Oct 2018
2<div *ngIf='[condition]'> </div>   
3  //if [condition]==true the div will be shown
6<div *ngFor='let [data] of [dataArray]; let i=index;'>
7  <h2> {{i}} {{data.title}} </h2>
8  <img src='{{data.image}}' />
9  </div>   
10  //the data contained in an array will be displayed element by element
11  //similar to the function .map() in React
13// ngStyle (conditional Style)
14<div *ngFor='let [data] of [dataArray]; let i=index;'>
15  <h2 [style.background]="i>1? 'green': 'red'"> {{i}} {{data.title}} </h2>
17  </div> 
19//if the index of the element is 1 or 0, the background will be red, if it is over 1 the background will be green
queries leading to this page
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