angular convert string to html element

Solutions on MaxInterview for angular convert string to html element by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "angular convert string to html element"
06 Feb 2020
2 * Convert a template string into HTML DOM nodes
3 * @param  {String} str The template string
4 * @return {Node}       The template HTML
5 */
6var stringToHTML = function (str) {
7	var parser = new DOMParser();
8	var doc = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/html');
9	return doc.body;
29 May 2019
1function createElementFromHTML(htmlString) {
2  var div = document.createElement('div');
3  div.innerHTML = htmlString.trim();
5  // Change this to div.childNodes to support multiple top-level nodes
6  return div.firstChild; 
23 Jan 2018
1hiiii helllo
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