atm java

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12 Apr 2016
1import java.util.Scanner;
3public class ATM {
4    private static Scanner in;
5    private static float balance = 0; // For everyone they will get 0
6    private static int anotherTransaction;
8    private static void greetings(){
9        System.out.println("Welcome to bank Pepe Pig you can withdraw, deposit, and balance you have $0");
10    }
12    public static void main(String[] args) {
13        in = new Scanner(;
14        greetings();
15        transaction();
16    }
18    private static void transaction(){
19        int choice;
20        System.out.println("1. Withdraw ");
21        System.out.println("2. Deposit");
22        System.out.println("3. Balance");
23        System.out.println("---------------------" +
24                "Please select an option: " + 
25                "---------------------");
27        choice = in.nextInt();
29        switch (choice){
30            case 1:
31                float amount;
32                System.out.println("Please enter an amount you would like to withdraw.");
33                amount = in.nextFloat();
34                if (amount > balance || amount == 0){
35                    System.out.println("You have a insufficient with your funds\n\n");
36                    anotherTransaction(); // If they want another transaction
37                }else{
38                    // They have some money
39                    // update balance
40                    balance = balance - amount;
41                    System.out.println("You have withdrawn " + amount + " and your new balance is now. " + balance + "\n");
42                    anotherTransaction();
43                }
44                break;
45            case 2:
46                // This is to deposit
47                float deposit;
48                System.out.println("Please enter the amount you would like to put in: ");
49                deposit = in.nextFloat();
50                // update balance
51                balance = deposit + balance;
52                System.out.println("You have deposited " + deposit + " new balance is. " + balance + "\n");
53                anotherTransaction();
54                break;
55            case 3:
56                // to balance
57                System.out.println("Your balance is " + balance + "\n");
58                anotherTransaction();
59                break;
60        }
61    }
63    private static void anotherTransaction() {
64        System.out.println("Do you want another transaction? \n\nPress 1 for anotherTransaction \n2 To exit.");
65        anotherTransaction = in.nextInt();
66        if (anotherTransaction == 1){
67            transaction(); // Call method
68        } else if (anotherTransaction == 2){
69            System.out.println("Thank you for banking in bank of leano!");
70        }else{
71            System.out.println("Invalid choice \n\n");
72            anotherTransaction();
73        }
74    }