basic code for file upload in php

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showing results for - "basic code for file upload in php"
26 Jan 2020
1//This is the minimal code for an image upload for first time learners
2//html portion
3<!DOCTYPE html>
6	<title>ImageUpload</title>
9	<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
10		<label>Username</label>
11		<input type="text" name="username">
12		<br>
13		<label>UploadImage</label>
14		<input type="file" name='myfile'>
15		<br/>
16		<input type="submit" value="upload">
17	</form>
21 //php portion
22  <?php
23	$user=$_POST['username'];
24	$image=$_FILES['myfile'];
25	echo "Hello $user <br/>";
26	echo "File Name<b>::</b> ".$image['name'];
28	move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'],"photos/".$image['name']);
29	//here the "photos" folder is in same folder as the upload.php, 
30	//otherwise complete url has to be mentioned
31	?>
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file upload in php