best python stack implementation

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showing results for - "best python stack implementation"
23 Jan 2021
1class Stack:
2     def __init__(self):
3         self.items = []
5     def isEmpty(self):
6         return self.items == []
8     def push(self, item):
9         self.items.append(item)
11     def pop(self):
12         return self.items.pop()
14     def peek(self):
15         return self.items[len(self.items)-1]
17     def size(self):
18         return len(self.items)
18 May 2018
1# Stack
2class My_stack():
3    def __init__(self):
4 = []
5    def my_push(self, x):
6        return (
7    def my_pop(self):
8        return (
9    def my_peak(self):
10        return ([-1])
11    def my_contains(self, x):
12        return (
13    def my_show_all(self):
14        return (
16arrStack = My_stack()     
04 Mar 2019
1>>> myStack = []
3>>> myStack.append('a')
4>>> myStack.append('b')
5>>> myStack.append('c')
7>>> myStack
8['a', 'b', 'c']
10>>> myStack.pop()
12>>> myStack.pop()
14>>> myStack.pop()
17>>> myStack.pop()
18Traceback (most recent call last):
19  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
20IndexError: pop from empty list
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