1def binary_search(arr, item):
2 first = 0
3 last = len(arr) - 1
4 while(first <= last):
5 mid = (first + last) // 2
6 if arr[mid] == item :
7 return True
8 elif item < arr[mid]:
9 last = mid - 1
10 else:
11 first = mid + 1
12 return False
1def binary_search(a, key):
2 low = 0
3 high = len(a) - 1
4 while low < high:
5 mid = (low + high) // 2
6 if key == a[mid]:
7 return True
8 elif key < mid:
9 high = mid - 1
10 else:
11 low = mid + 1
13 return False
1# This is real binary search
2# this algorithm works very good because it is recursive
4def binarySearch(arr, min, max, x):
5 if max >= min:
6 i = int(min + (max - min) / 2) # average
7 if arr[i] == x:
8 return i
9 elif arr[i] < x:
10 return binarySearch(arr, i + 1, max, x)
11 else:
12 return binarySearch(arr, min, i - 1, x)
3def binary_search(item_list,item):
4 first = 0
5 last = len(item_list)-1
6 found = False
7 while( first<=last and not found):
8 mid = (first + last)//2
9 if item_list[mid] == item :
10 found = True
11 else:
12 if item < item_list[mid]:
13 last = mid - 1
14 else:
15 first = mid + 1
16 return found
1#binary search python
2def binaryy(ar, ele):
3 low = 0
4 high = len(ar)-1
5 if ele not in ar:
6 return "Not Found"
7 while low <= high:
8 mid = (low + high) // 2
9 if ar[mid] < ele:
10 low = mid + 1
11 elif ar[mid] > ele:
12 high = mid - 1
13 else:
14 return mid
17ar = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
18ele = 55
19print(binaryy(ar, ele))
1def binary_search(records:list, search_target, key=None, index=None, return_multimatch=False):
2 """Returns dictionary of {index, duplicates, iter(sorted_records)}.
4 Searches [foo,grok,spam,...], {x,y,z,...}, [{},{},{},...], or [(),(),(),...]
5 l=[10,2,5,8,9,3,6,7,4,2,5,1,7,4,9,2,9]
6 >>> binary_search(records=l, search_target=9, return_multimatch=True, key=None, index=None)
7 {'index': 14,
8 'multimatch_indicies': [13, 14, 15],
9 'records': [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10]}
10 ** 'index' represents first match, not necessarily first in sequence.
12 lt=[('hello',43770,'world',17701570),('bye',843,'world',17701570)]
13 rt=binary_search(records=lt, search_target=17701570, key=None, index=3)
14 target_tup = list(rt['records'])[rt['index']]
15 """
16 lower_bound = 0
17 upper_bound = len(records)-1
18 """List MUST be sorted in ascending order, due to the conditional inequalities & the arithmitic; else use linear search."""
19 # sort_records = f'records.sort(key=lambda record: record["{key}"],reverse=False)' # alters OG list
20 sort_records = f'sorted(records,key=lambda record: record["{key}"],reverse=False)' # doesn't alter list
21 reference_target = f'records[mid_index]["{key}"]'
22 if (key==None and index==None): # [1,2,3,...] or {x,y,z,...}
23 sort_records = sort_records.replace(f'key=lambda record: record["{key}"],','')
24 reference_target = reference_target.replace(f'["{key}"]','')
25 elif (key!=None and index==None): # [{},{},{},...]
26 pass # base case
27 elif (key==None and index!=None): # [(),(),(),...]
28 sort_records = sort_records.replace(f'["{key}"],',f'[{index}],')
29 reference_target = reference_target.replace(f'["{key}"]',f'[{index}]')
30 elif (key!=None and index!=None):
31 raise Exception("Both 'key' & 'index' should not have a value simutaneously (other than 'None').")
32 # eval(sort_records) # alters Original list
33 records = eval(sort_records) # doesn't alter list
34 while lower_bound <= upper_bound:
35 mid_index = (lower_bound+upper_bound) // 2
36 if search_target == eval(reference_target): # Return records to remove sorting ambiguity; it has been sorted in ascending order.
37 if return_multimatch: # Returns a list of indicies that matches the search_target (i.e. ID duplicates).
38 i = mid_index
39 h = mid_index-1
40 multimatch_indicies=[]
41 if (key==None and index!=None): # [(),(),(),...]
42 try:
43 while search_target==records[i][index]: # run forward
44 multimatch_indicies.append(i)
45 i+=1
46 except IndexError:
47 pass
48 try:
49 while search_target==records[h][index] and h>=0: # run backward
50 multimatch_indicies.append(h)
51 h-=1
52 except IndexError:
53 pass
54 return {'index':mid_index, 'multimatch_indicies':sorted(multimatch_indicies), 'records':iter(records)}
55 elif (key==None and index==None): # [1,2,3,...] or {x,y,z,...}
56 try:
57 while search_target==records[i]: # run forward
58 multimatch_indicies.append(i)
59 i+=1
60 except IndexError:
61 pass
62 try:
63 while search_target==records[h] and h>=0: # run backward
64 multimatch_indicies.append(h)
65 h-=1
66 except IndexError:
67 pass
68 return {'index':mid_index, 'multimatch_indicies':sorted(multimatch_indicies), 'records':iter(records)}
69 elif (key!=None and index==None): # [{},{},{},...]
70 try:
71 while search_target==records[i][key]: # run forward
72 multimatch_indicies.append(i)
73 i+=1
74 except IndexError:
75 pass
76 try:
77 while search_target==records[h][key] and h>=0: # run backward
78 multimatch_indicies.append(h)
79 h-=1
80 except IndexError:
81 pass
82 return {'index':mid_index, 'multimatch_indicies':sorted(multimatch_indicies), 'records':iter(records)}
83 # return True
84 return {'index':mid_index, 'records':iter(records)}
85 elif search_target < eval(reference_target):
86 upper_bound = mid_index - 1
87 else:
88 lower_bound = mid_index + 1
89 return False