1In HTML programming, a block-level element is any element that starts a new line (e.g., paragraph) and uses the full width of the page or container. A block-level element can take up one line or multiple lines and has a line break before and after the element.
1<address> Contact information.
2<article> Article content.
3<aside> Aside content.
4<blockquote> Long ("block") quotation.
5<details> Disclosure widget.
6<dialog> Dialog box.
7<dd> Describes a term in a description list.
8<div> Document division.
9<dl> Description list.
10<dt> Description list term.
11<fieldset> Field set label.
12<figcaption> Figure caption.
13<figure> Groups media content with a caption (see <figcaption>).
14<footer> Section or page footer.
15<form> Input form.
16<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> Heading levels 1-6.
17<header> Section or page header.
18<hgroup> Groups header information.
19<hr> Horizontal rule (dividing line).
20<li> List item.
21<main> Contains the central content unique to this document.
22<nav> Contains navigation links.
23<ol> Ordered list.
24<p> Paragraph.
25<pre> Preformatted text.
26<section> Section of a web page.
27<table> Table.
28<ul> Unordered list.