bootstrap responsive resolutions

Solutions on MaxInterview for bootstrap responsive resolutions by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "bootstrap responsive resolutions"
19 Feb 2020
1// Extra small devices (portrait phones, less than 576px)
2@media (max-width: 575.98px) { ... }
4// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
5@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767.98px) { ... }
7// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
8@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991.98px) { ... }
10// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
11@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199.98px) { ... }
13// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
14@media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }
17 Sep 2020
1The Bootstrap grid system has four classes:
2xs (for phones - screens less than 768px wide)
3sm (for tablets - screens equal to or greater than 768px wide)
4md (for small laptops - screens equal to or greater than 992px wide)
5lg (for laptops and desktops - screens equal to or greater than 1200px wide)
queries leading to this page
media queries bootstrap 4 for div sizesxs sm md lg bootstrapbootstrap 4 mobile responsive media queriesbootstrap sm md lg sizesscreen width level bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 device widthhtml grid view bootstrapbootstrap 40media for mobilemedia query bootstrap 4 examplebootstrap break point show to use grid in bootstrapbootstrap 4 responsive screen sizesimport bootstrap grid system w3schoolsbootstrap sizesresponsive media query breakpointsbootstrap column widthbootstrap grid deviceswidth xs bootstrapbootstrap media sizesbootstratp screen sizecolumn width bootstrapgrid bootstrapresponsive breakpoints cssall screen sizes in bootstrapstandard screen sizes bootstrapbootstrap container widthhow many breake points does butstrap usebootstrap4 braek pointsbootstrap desktop dimensionscss breakpoint sm 3a 576px 3bmedia css bootstrap 4use bootstrap grid htmlbootstrap layout rulesbootstrap grid with different sizesbootrapp screens sizes 40media text for sm md and lg in bootstrapbootstrap row typesbootstrap css mediausing media queries with bootstrapsize of device bootstrapbootstrap width responsivebootstrap screen sizes widthbootstrap media rwdmedia breakpointcss responsive media breakpointsbootstrap breakpoints media queriesbootstrap screen size of a device is 900px x 1200px which category it comes under 3fclass for div in bootstrapbootstrap4 media querybootstrap screen widthbootstap 4 media querysgrid sizing bootstrapbootstrap css media queries breakpointswhat media breakpoints to ussehow to create a grid in bootstrapmedia query bootstrap 4bootstrap media query for mobile devicesbootstrap width on small screenbootstrap mdiageneral html breakpointsbootstrap 40 media cssboostraps screen sizebootstrap 4 breakpoints includebootstrap mobile screen resolution sizehtml understand class row and columnunderstanding bootstrap gridstyle how to check screen width bootstrapbootstrap container on mobile onlybootstrap grid column sizesbootstrap page sizesis it possible to make a button a fixed size at each breakpoint with bootstrapscreen breakpoints bootstrapbreakpoint css responsivecontainer width according to screen size bootstrap 4bootstrap breakpoints in csswidth bootstrapsmobile width bootstrapbootstrap mediaquerie max width 40media bootstraphow to add width for small screens bootstrapresponsive media query bootstrap5best breakpoints for media queriesmedia query breakpoints csshow to create a row in bootstrapboostrap 3 row grid sizewidth of column in bootstrapbootstrap responsive resolutionsbootstrap row and columnhow to use media query in bootstrap 4bootstrap md sizewhat is bootstrap columnhow to use bootstrap 4 media queriesmedia queries en bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 display screen sizebootstrap fluid container gridcss pf c xs 12 bootstrap 4 querymedia query md bootstrapbootstrap classes for all sreen sizesbootstrap resolutionbootstrap col explaineddevices size bootstrapbootstrap xs sizebootstrap 4 media queries breakpointsbootstrap 4 media query use responsive head show and displayhow to make size change with screen sizes in bootstrapscreen sizes bootstsize screen bootstrapclass row in cssbootstrap 4 small device media querybootstrap div typesbootstrap sscreen sizebootstrap screen sizes mdbootstrap responsive gridcontainer width according to screen size bootstrap4bootstrap grid breakpointsbootstrap breakpintbootstrap 5 media breakpointsbootstrap small device widthbootstrap breakpointbootstrap 40media screen and 28max widthbootstrap mobile responsive cssscreen sizes bootstrapchange width with screen size bootstrapcss style breakpointscreen sizes in bootsrtapbreakpoints media queriescss row and colclass row csspage size bootstrapbootstrap responsove sizesbootstrap responsive media objecthow to use media queries in bootstrap 4html 12 column griddifferent breakpoints bootstrapmedia breakpoints bootstrap 4phone size bootstrapbootstrap 4 default media queriesmedia queries with bootstrap 4botstrap grid layout linkbootstrap screen size media query htmlbootstrap 4 layout screensizemax width md bootstrapbootstrap media querieeshow to use bootstrap 5 media queries classesmedia query for phone bootstrapresponsive screen sizes bootstrapbootstrap 5 screen size classesbootstrap xs size widthdiv tag in html bootstrapcss media queries standard breakpointsbootstrap tabletbootstrap change md breakpointgrid options htmldefault xs viewport wide 3fmobile media query bootstrapbootstrap widthmedia query breakpoints css tricksbootstrap grid propertiesmedia queries responsive bootstrapbootstrap screen width valuesbootstrap gird sizebrealpoints bootstrapboostrap sizestandard media query breakpointsmedia breakpoint csscss breakpoints bootstrap 4device sizing bootstraphow to get the breaking point in cssbootstrap display breakpointsmedia query css bootstrap breakpointsxs sm lg bootstraplaptop col bootstrapbootstrap dimension media queriesbreakpoints screen sizesmall screen size in bootstrap 5emailcut off bootstrap 4 mobilebootstrap device sizessm screen width bootstrapipad breakpoints bootstrap 4breakpoints bootstrapbootstrap 4 screen sizesw3schol bootstrap gridmedia break pointrow class htmlscreensizes in bootstrapsize bootstrapbootstrap media queries for all devicesbootstrap display small screenbootstrap responsive for all devicesbootstrap screen size xsbootstrap width based on screen sizebootstrap gridsbootstrap media quieriesbootstrap width media queriesbootstrap sizing for devicesmedia break pointsbootstrap detect screen sizebootstrap grid sizea bootstrap file for rows and coumnsbootstrap col size for mobilemedia breakpoint bootstrapcustom media queries bootstrap 4boootstrap screen sizemedia query bootstrap classesbreakpoints css sm md lg xlbootstrap container max widths media query breakpointsmedia queries bootstrap for mobilehow to apply a class in bootstrap on a certain screen sizemedia query bootstrap breakpointscolumns in bootstrap inmedia query responsive bootstrapbootstrap creative media querycommon responsive breakpoints cssmedia query css bootstrap 4row class in htmlgrid size bootstrapbootstrap 4 columns media query landscapetext responsive screen size class in bootstrapbootstrap scss breakpointsbootstrap 4 breakpointsmax bootstrapbootstrap 4 media screenhow many breakpoints does bootstrap use 3fmedia queries css breakpointsin bootstrap how to fix screen sizebootstrap columns explainedbootstrap sizezsize bootstrap screenhow to create grid in bootstrapbootstrap breakpoints for responsive designscale responsive bootstrapboostrap container screen sizesusing bootstrap grid system to build a boxbootstrap column sizesbootstrap 4 device sizesbootstrap column 25 wdithhow to use grid bootstrapbootstrap classes for media querybostrap gridno of classes in bootstrap gridmedia query for screen size sheet bootstrabbootstrap grid predefined classeswidth on a small screen bootstrap 5bootstrap screen resolutionbootstrap 4 responsive breakpointscellphone screen size bootstrapbootstrap 5 media querybootstrap grid system tutorialbootstrap css row and columnbootstrap screen sizesbootstrap col widthhtml version of breakpointbootstrap mobile widthcss media queries breakpointsbootstrap 4 media querysrow col in bootstrapmedia mobile bootstrapcss responsive breakpointsbootstrap lg breakpointbootstrap size layoutbootstrap grid example with boxbootsrap screen width and height sizesmedia queries bootstrap 4screen size bootstrap 4breakpoint media queriesbootstrap breakpoints pxadd bootstrap breakpointscolumn gridbootstrap what are the best responsive sizescontainer for each screen size css bootstrapsm md lg bootstrapwhat is xs size in bootstraphow to use bootstrap col with htmlhow to use bootstrap screen sizesbootstrap 4 mediaquery cssbootstrap 4 media queries exampleboostrap media queriesbootstrap 4 768 pxbootstrap display gridscreen sizes in bootstrapscreen breakpoints csshtml row classresponsive div css bootstrapbootstrap 4 breakpoints media queriesbootstrap responsive sizesbootstrap mobile classdiv default size bootstrapsetting up bootstrap gridsbootstrap how does column workbootstrap breakpoints 4bootstrap vh vw portrait landscapehow to create columns in bootstrapwidth according to screen size bootstraprow and col cssbootstrap column sizing different screensmedia breakpoint bootstrap 4 greater than col x 3 grid media query bootstrap all screen sizescreen size based resolution in bootstrapmediaquery bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 24screen md max widthmedia query bootstrap 4 mobilebootsrap gridbootstrap col sizes for different screensrow column csssizing bootstrap gridwidth bootstrapusing bootstrap screen sizesbootstrap for html row and columnwisth screen bootstrapbootstrap using size of screenresponsive css media query breakpointswhat size media query bootstrapmedia query for mobile not working for bootstrap 4media query breakpoints 2020bootstrap media for mobilebootstrap 4 custom media queriesbootstrap break pointsbootstrap device sizebootstrap breakpoints mobilehow to add grid below htmlmedia query css breakpointsbootstrap grid custom breakpointsbootstrap size breakpointsbootstrap divcreate media query css breakpointswidth class for small devices in bootstrap 4what the different screen width according to bootstrapbootstrap screen dimensionsboot strap screensizesbootstrap breakin gpointsbootstrap xs widthlike bootstrap sm media querybootstrap media queries 4 5media widths in bootstrap grid systemhow to give a width for small device in bootstrap 4make bootstrap responsive to all screen size 5 media query bootstrapbootstrap strature htmlbootstrap 4 inbuilt media queriescontainer row col cssbootstrap sizes mediamedia queries bootstrapbootstrap classes for sizebreakpoints styles bootstrapbootstrap 4 media queriesbootstra md break pointbootstrap 4 css media queriesbootstrap specifie responsive ratio for divxs screen size bootstrap 4bootstrap md screen sizemedia query bootstrapbootstrap col explainebootstrap default screen sizesmobile screen media query bootstrap 5bootstrap responsive media queriesresponsive media queries bootstrap 4xs starting point bootstrapmobile bootstrap csshow to size a grid systembootstrap css breakpoint 40media bootstrap cssxs bootstrap dimensionsresponsiveness bootstrap container width breakingchange with screen size in bootstrapuse row col in bootstrapmedia queries breakpointsbootstrap resize screen smallerbootstrap 4 all mobile media queriesmedia query screen breakpointsbootstrap 4 media querybootstrap media queries col 4bootstrap 4 media object responsiveresponsive grid bootstrapbootstrap 4 xs breakpointbootstrap breakpoint 40media examplebootstrap responsive breakpointbootstrap media screen sizesbootstrap media breakpoint downbootstrap screen size breakpointsusing media breakpoints in bootstrap 4best media query breakpointsbootstrap media querrow in bootstrapxs screen size bootstrapmobile first media queries for bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 small screenextra large screen bootstrap media querybootsrap media queriesbootstarp device width optionsbootstrap container size in pixelsscreen sizes in bootstrap 5row column css classgrid system 2c e g 12 columnsbootstrap 4 media query for mdmedia queries bootstrap 4 examplebootstrap mediaboostrap media querybootstrap dimensionsresponsive breakpoints bootstrapbootstrap and css grid layoutmax width css bootstrapcss breakpoint mediabootstrap screen size break pointsbootstrap responsivedifferent screen sizes in bootstrapbootstrap responsive screen sizesmedia queries popular breakpointsbootstrap viewport sizesbootstrap small devices media querybootstrp resolutionbootstrap 4 6 media querieshow to place div tag using bootstrapcreate a grid in bootstrapcss media queries bootstrap 4recommended media query breakpointsbootstrap container fluid columnsbootstrap responsive resolutionmedia query for mobile phones boootstrap 4mobile screen media query bootstrapbootstrap breakpoint sizesbootstrap 4 screen breakpointsbootstrap media queries for mobile devices different breakpointsbootsrap screen responsive sizesmedia query for all devices bootstrap 4bootstrap height screen sizebootstrap grid has how many columnsbootstrap activate classes on breakpointwidths bootstrapbootstrap structure htmlcss breakpointsscreen size html responsive bootstrapbootstrap screen breakpointsbootsrap ms sizecss breakpoints examplebootstrap grid optionsbootstrap screen sizes checkmd and sm in bootstrapbootstrap reponsive sizingscss breakpoints detailscss media queries all mobile devices bootstrabootstrap width screen sizeclass rowrow column in divbootstrap change xldiv class rowbootstrap breakpoint 40mediabootstrap 4 width on large screenbootstrap 4 media queries for all deviceshow to use breakpoit object cssbootstrap 4 small screen widthbreakpoint in bootstrap 4website media query standard breakpointsbootstrap size classesbootstrap media query breakpointsbootstrap md breakpointbootstrap col screen sizesmedia breakpoint uprow column bootstrapmedia query in bootstrap 4medium screen width bootstrapbootstrap mobile responsive media queriesmedia query size bootstap4bootstrap standard screen sizesbootstrap where are media sizes setmedia query break pointsbootstrap different screen sizesxl breakpoint bootstrapbootstrap 4 5 screen sizesbreaking points bootstrapbootstrap container for only small screenscheck screen size bootstrapw3zschools bootstrapp columnsmedia query bootstrap iphone 8bootstrap grid propertymedia query screen size breakpointswidth based on screen size bootstrapbootstrap css 40mediabootstrap row divsm pixels screen size bootstrapmedia breakpoint up bootstrapsmaller width for large screen bootstrapbootstrap mobile screen sizemedia breakpoints cssbootstrap grid w3 responsivebootstrap media max with 767bootstrap 4 mobile screen sizegrid in bootstrapbootstrap gridbreakpoint point bootstrap media queriessmall screen size bootstrapdisplay sizes bootstrap mediabootstrap media quertymax width bootstrap mdrow and column in bootstrapresponsive media query get bootstrapcontainer div bootstrapclasses for grid system in bootstrapbootstrap screen sizes to withd manually chan ge in classbootstrap5 media querydifferent width for different screens bootstrapbootstrap resolutionsthe bootstrap grid system is based on how many columns 3fscreen 3e768 in bootstrapbootstarp screen sizebootstrap screen sm bootstrap screen sizes sm mdbootstrap 4 media query breakpointsresponsive sizes for mobile bootstraphow to use media query on template using bootstrap 4div class 3dcontainer bootstrapscreen sizes bootstrap 5bootstrap screen sizewidth on large screen and small screen in bootstrapchange width small bootstrapbootstrap 4 media queries classclass 3d 22row 22what size has small device in bootstrapcolumn grid bs onlinebootstrap 4 media query breakpointboostrap screen sizesbootstrap design rules 3cdiv class 3d 22row 22 3ebootstrap if on mobile full widthbootstrap 4 width class for devicebootstrap sreen sizebootstrap width breakpointsmedia queries multiple breakpointsbootstrap screen ratiolg and md in bootstrapw3c bootstrap gridbootstrap media queries breakpointsbootstrap media query for mobilemd bootstrap media querybootstrap all media screen sizesmedia query size bootstrapmobile row grid div layout cssbootstrap classes for divresponsive css breakpointswhat breakpoint to use for media querybest media query breakpoints bootstrapmedia query breakpoints min and maxstandard column widths bootstrapbootstrap div classesbootstrap 4 40media responsive sizes valuesresponsive columns bootstrapbootstrap display screen sizehow to responive bootstrap widthbootstrap media query for all devicesbootstrap show at large screen sizephone screen breakpointsbootstrap sm devicescol width html bootstrapbootstrap grid in htmlxs sm md lg sizeswidth for smaller screen bootsrapbootstrap 4 media query sizesbootstrap page sizebootstrap media rulesbootstrap css breakpointsbootstrap media queried sizedmedias queries bootstrap 4common breakpoints media queriesbootstrap for different screen sizesbootstrap media queries 4 60areas below so that the width of the columns are displayed like shown above equal for laptop screens htmlboostrap limit widt size to sm 4bootstrap rows and columnsbootstrap column class for large columnbootstrao mid screen sizebootstrap container and rowbootstrap class media queryrow fluid bootstrapbootstrap all screen sizesbootstrap media responsive breakpointsbootstrap css screen sizesbootstrap screen width breakpointsdevice size in bootstrapbootstrap 4 default mediaqueryuse breakpoint inside css media qerybootstrap meduim responsivebootstrap row fluiddevice width in bootstrapcss media breakpointswhich is best media queries for bootstrapmedia bootstrapbootstrap check screen sizescreen size in bootstrap 4how to create column in html using bootstrapbootstrap 5 screen sizebootstrap responsive breakpointsbootstrap grid layouthow to adjust page according to screen size using bootstrapget screen sizes in bootstrapvueresponsive media queries breakpointsmedia query in bootstrapw3 bottstrap grid marginsbootstrap 4 width for devicemedia query bootstrap 4 5what is class row in bootstrapuse of media query in bootstrapbootstrap 4 5 media queriescss media query bootstrap 4bootstrap how to fit different screen sizesbootstrap grid system w3schoolsgeneral html media breakpointsbootstrap breakpoints devicesbootstrap layout tutorialset bootstrap grid to 1200pxbootstrap 4 between media queriesbootstrap max width lgscss media query bootstrap medium upbootstrap screen sizes mobile bootstrap media query breakpointbootstrap screen widths 40media screen sizes bootstrapscreen size in bootstrapbootstrap media queries sizesbootstrap media queriesbootstrap 4 size breakpointsbootstrap columnsrows and columns and bootstrapmd breakpoint bootstrapbootstrap 4 6 media queryrow class cssbreakpoint bootstrapw3 bootstrap columnsbreaking points cssw 75 small screen bootstrapbootstrap size of screenbootstrap sizes screengrid tag in bootstrapbootstrap 4 default media querybootstrap dimensions classesbootstrap class sizeswidth bootstrpoostrapgrid systembootstrap xs screen sizebootstrap sm screens media querysmall device screen size bootstrapbootstrap include media queries to mobilesresponsive design media query breakpointsmedia query responsive breakpointsmedia query bootstrap 4 csssizes bootstrapbootstrap grid sizesbootstrap responsive widthscss media query mobile bootstrapbootstrap 4 5 media query apply class examplemedia query bootstrap responsivecolumn arrangement in bootstrap 40media css bootstrap 4how to add bootstrap classes to only small screen sizesbootsstrap screen sizediv class row and column in htmlbootstrap mobile media querybootstrap medium screen sizehow media query works in bootstrapscreen sizes bootstarapbootstrap responsive widthcolumns and rows in bootstrapbootstrap screen sizes in pixelsbootstrap width of columnbootstrap 4 5 responsive media queriesbootstrap 4 mobiletab and tablet is not breaking point bootstrapbootstrap small screenmeasuring screen size in bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 breakpoints cssbootstrap window sizesbootstrap screen sizingbootstrap breakpoints sizesbootstrap 4 responsive sizeswidth bootstrap responsivebootstrap div tutorialmedia breakpointscss how to device breakpointshtml col sizesbootstrap md media querybootstrap media queries for large devicesbootstrap 4 size for mobileis bootstrap responsive for mobilebootstrap 4 if device sizesbootstrap different width in small screensizebootstrap 3 screen sizesbootstrap screen size media queryresponsive size bootstrapbootstrap 2c column sizesbootstrap small screen media querybootstrap desiktopwhich size bootstrap is phonebootstrap mobile first pixelboot strap gridxs size in bootstrap 4 media querymedia query bootstrap css breakpointbootstrap lg widthbootstrap screen sizes xxlbest media breakpointsmedia query in css bootstrapmobile bootstrap mediabootstrap landscape media querybootstrap 4 media breakpoint up 28md 29screen size medium bootstrap classcolumn rule bootstrapmedia query small mobile bootstrapbreakpoints in bootstrap 4bootstrap 12 column grid sizebootstrap media breakpointsbootstrap responsive on small screenresponsive media bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 breakpoicode to divide the page in 12 colomsbootstrap breakpointsstandard bootstrap screen sizes for media queries 40media breakpointshow do bootstrap columns workwhat is the width of bootstrap containercss breakpoints media queriesboostrap sizes screenmedia query bootstrap mobilehow to understand bootstrap grid systemresponsive width bootstrapbootstrap 4 scss media querygrid system in model bootstrapbootstrap screen size classeshow to make bs col responsivehow to add media query in css bootstrap 4width with bootstrapdiv tag bootstrapbootsrap responsive sizedtext mixin for small screen size bootstrapsmall screen bootstrapscreen size bootstrapbootstrap two breakpointsusing bootstrap grid systembootstrap mobile resolutionnormal mobile breakpoint cssproper breakpoints for repsonsiveness in media querybootstrap device widthdifferent screen size for bootstrapcolumn and row in bootstrapbootstrap grid for mobilebootstrap rows and columns explainedrow class bootstrap codehow to use bootstrap breakpoint in css media querybootstrap extra large screen sizemedia query breakpoints css tricksbootstrap breakpoint for mobilebootstrap breaking pointsbootstrap grid tutorialbootstrap row classcss define media query breakpointsbootstrap display sizescss mobile breakpointsbootstrap different width on different screen sizesbootstrap edevices sizesmedia queries for bootstrap 4common screen resolution bootstrapcss media queries breakpoints 2020bootstrap 4 mobile media sizecss class row colbootstrap best screen resolutionwidth breakpoints bootstrapbootrstrap screen sizesre order bootstrap grid rowsbootstrap media querrybrake point px in bootstrapbootstrap rulesbootstrap 3 col lg measuresbootstrap break on mobilecss screen size breakpointsbootstrap ipad breakpointbootstrap division classesbootstrap 4 768pxbootstrap breaksbootstrap sizing breakpointscommon media query breakpointsbreakpoint for small cssgrid system in bootstrapsection and row in bootstrapscreen phone size bootstrapbootstrap media responsivebootstrap media queries cssscreen size classes in bootstrap 3windows sizes bootstrapmedia breakpoints bootstrapdiv container in bootstrapbootstrap lg md sm xsbootstrap 4 media query javascriptfirst in small screen bootstrapbootstrap column grid widthmedia query breakpointbootstrap width class breakpointsbootstrap media query for landscape mobilerow container html css breakpointboodstrap html responsive sizesbootstrap layout sizesbootstrap css screen sizebootstrap md sm xs sizesbootstap all size screens classescol 12 htmlbootstrap 4 responsive media queriesbootstarp media querybootstrap css containerscreen sizes for responsive design bootstrapcol tag bootstrapbootstrap 4 media breakpointsscreen size in bootstrap 5different width for different devices bootstrpbootstrap 4 5 media query example12 column popup bootstrapbootstrap screen media sizesbootstrap set width of large screenwidth full small screen in bootstrapscreen sizes in bootstrap 4responsive elements using bootstrapsmall screen full width bootstrapbootstrap4 breakpointscss media query breakpointscreate responsive box in bootstrapbootstarp resolutionbootstrap 4 mobile media querybootsrap screen sizesbootstrap sizebootstrap widthsbootstrap grid rowbootstrap layout rowsbootstrap responsive mobile widthbootstrap 3 xs media query pixelscss make bootstrap size of screenbootstrap display grid classbootstrap grid system explainedusing media breakpoints in bootstrapbootstrap size screenmedia query bootstrap 5boostrap breakpoint sizescol grid bsresponsive sizes bootstrapset a property for all screen sizes bootstrapbootstrap 4 media queries add classscreen width bootstrap 4bootstrap large screen sizecss break pointsbootstrap 4 media queries for mobilescreen sizes small devices bootstrapwidth breakpoints cssbreakpoint of bootstrap 3 40media queries in bootstraphow to set media query in bootstrapscreen size bootstrapbootstrap media querybootstrap extra small screen sizebootstrap class for smaller screensscreen size bootstrap 5bootstrap responsive resolutions