border gradient css

Solutions on MaxInterview for border gradient css by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "border gradient css"
21 Jul 2018
1  box-sizing: content-box;
2  border-width: 8px;
3  border-style: solid;
4  border-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, #260B3C, #a053df);
5  border-image-slice: 1;
03 Oct 2016
1.rounded-corners-gradient-borders {
2  width: 300px;
3  height: 80px;
4  border: double 4px transparent;
5  border-radius: 80px;
6  background-image: linear-gradient(white, white), radial-gradient(circle at top left, #f00,#3020ff);
7  background-origin: border-box;
8  background-clip: content-box, border-box;
21 May 2019
3  width: 300px;
4  height: 80px;
5  border: double 5px transparent;
6  border-radius: 30px;
7  background-image: linear-gradient(white, white),         /*here must be*/
8                    linear-gradient(to right, green, gold);    /*both gradients*/
9  background-origin: border-box;
10  background-clip: content-box, border-box;
18 Nov 2017
1div-border-and-content-background {
2  border-top: double 5px transparent;
4  /* first gradient is for card background, second for border background */
5  background-image: linear-gradient(white,white), linear-gradient(to right, grey, black);
6  background-clip: padding-box, border-box;
7  background-origin: border-box;
8  }
12 May 2017
1@import url('//');
3html {
4    /* just for showing that background doesn't need to be solid */
5    background: linear-gradient(to right, #DDD 0%, #FFF 50%, #DDD 100%);
6    padding: 10px;
9.grounded-radiants {
10    position: relative;
11    border: 4px solid transparent;
12    border-radius: 16px;
13    background: linear-gradient(orange, violet);
14    background-clip: padding-box;
15    padding: 10px;
16    /* just to show box-shadow still works fine */
17    box-shadow: 0 3px 9px black, inset 0 0 9px white;
20.grounded-radiants::after {
21    position: absolute;
22    top: -4px; bottom: -4px;
23    left: -4px; right: -4px;
24    background: linear-gradient(red, blue);
25    content: '';
26    z-index: -1;
27    border-radius: 16px;
29<p class="grounded-radiants">
30    Some text is here.<br/>
31    There's even a line break!<br/>
32    so cool.
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we give linear gradient to the border csshow to make border have gradientgradient as border csscss border gredianthow to apply linear gradient in a border in cssborder radius on gradient border csslinear gradient border divborder bottom linear gradient css linear gradient for border csscss border linear gradientcolor gradient for bordercss border as gradientcss corner gradientapply linear gradient to borderborder linear gradient css generatorcss border right set gradientadding gradient to border csshtml css border color gradientgradient cborder csscan you linear gradient a border in cssmaek border a gradientcss border gradient tophow can make border linear gradientborder color gradient 3schoolstable gradient border cssborder radius with background gradientborder 2px rounded linear gradientborder solid gradient csshow to give linear gradient to border in cssround border linear gradienthow to change border color to border gradientgradient for borderadding linear gradinet to bordercss 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csslinear gradient to bordersgradient border color in circle cssadd leniar gradient borderborder image css gradientset linear gradient to borderborder with linear gradientcss rounded border color gradientcss gradient vorderput a linear gradient borderset color gradient for border htmlgradient for div border csslinear gradient color borderhow to set gradient border in cssgradient bordercss gradient border colorhow to apply gradients to a div border cssborder color gradient generatorhow to create a border of linear gradient in cssborder gradient and backgroundcss border graddientborder radius gradientradial gradient border csscss gradient strokegradient as border colorgive border color in linear gradientcss border colour gradientset border color gradientlienar gradient on borderborder gradient css3gradient border color border radiusmake a border with linear gradientadd gradient border css on hoverborder image source with radiuscss border color gardientbackground color with rounded and 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csshow to give gradient for borderborder with css gradientcss circle gradient border colorsborder with gradient and radiusadd linear gradient to bordercss border gradient up to downborder gradient color propertyhow to create a gradient border with cssgradient in border rounded cssbackground linear gradient border styleborder con gradientegradient border bottom cssuse gradient in borderbackground gradient css borderdotted border with gradient csscss gradient boarderborder image radiusborder image repeating linear gradient bootstraphtml use gradient as borderborder graadient csscss bg gradientradial gradient border colorhow to add a gradient at borders of an image htmlcss tricks border image gradientcan you use linear gradient for a bordercss rounded corners with gradient bordercss rounded gradient bordercss radius color gradientradius linear borderhow to add border linear gradient color in csslinear gradient to border in cssgradient border bottom htmllinear gradient background borderset gradient color to bordercss border color gradient border color linear gradierntcss linear gradient border topmake a border have a gradient cssbootstrap border gradienthow to make border color a gradientdiv border width effects gradientcss gradient outlineadd linear gradient to border cssfielset border gradientborder with gradient roundedhow to give linear gradient to borderborder line gradient csscss background linear gradient with border radiuslinear gradient broder cssbg gradient csshow to do linear gradient border cssgradient circle border cssgradient rounded border cssborder gradient cssborder linear gradient css boxlinear gradient circle bordercsss gradient brdergradient border around image cssborder linear grandite csshow to use gradient in borederlinear gradient for border around divhow to apply gradient color to border color in csshow to make a border radius gradient in csshow to give linear gradient to border color in csslinear borderhow to line gradient of borderhow to create linear gradient borderborderradient for borderlinear gradient to borders and border radiusgradient border radius cssgradient border bottom divider cssgradient color on border with css gradient left bordergradient border radiushow to add gradient border in cssis it possible to add a linear gradient color to a border cssapply linear gradient to border cssborder bottom gradient csscss background gradient radiusborder liner gradient rgbcss gradient create border at bottom of the divcss border with a gradiborder color with linear gradientborder bottom gradient cssgradient to border csshow to clip gradient to borderlinear gradient to borderhow to apply gradient in border cssdiv border color gradientcss linear gradient with border radiusput border color as gradientbackground gradient css sharp radiushow to aply gradient to a border csslinear gradient for bordersborder color gradientcss gradient border with radius transparentgradient in borderlinear gradient circleborder radius with color linear gradientleft border gradient cssis gradient border possible in cssborder bottom gradient color cssgradient round border csshtml css border colour gradientborder gradient css bootstraphow to make roatting linear gradient borderlinear gradient border coloegiving border gradientcss border liner gradientlinear gradient to border and border radiushow to get gradient border csshow to put a border as a gradientlinear gradient in bordercan you use repeating linear gradient on border colorhow to use gradient border in csscss rounded border with gradienthow to give gradient to border cssrounded border cssgradient borders cssradius border gradient csshow to add radius in linear gradient in csscan you pass a gradient to css borderlinear gradient css with borderborder gradient csshow to add a gradient to a border in csshow to add a gradient to a border cssadd gradient border csscss gradient borderscan a border have a liner gradient coloruse gradient border colorstroke gradient css in and background imagecss major border gradintcircular border gradient in csshow to use gradient color in div borderhow to use linear gradient border color csscss border image gradient radiusgradient border radious csscss gradient color bordercss border gradientshtml gradient backgroundborder gradient css radiusborder gradiant in csscss border radial gradientgradient border cscss border color gradientgradient on borders csscard border gradienthow to add gradient color to border css border radius for border imageborder image radius csscircular border gradient colorlinear gradiant o borderinverd gradient circle border cssborder css color linear gradienthow to give gradient color to border in cssborder gradient css