c 2b 2b cheat sheat

Solutions on MaxInterview for c 2b 2b cheat sheat by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "c 2b 2b cheat sheat"
17 Jan 2017
1#include <future>         // Include future
2function<int(int)> fib =  // Create lambda function
3  [&](int i){
4    if (i <= 1){
5      return 1;
6    }
7    return fib(i-1) 
8         + fib(i-2);
9  };
10future<int> fut =         // result of async function
11  async(launch::async, fib, 4); // start async function in other thread
12// do some other work 
13cout << fut.get();        // get result of async function. Wait if needed.
11 Mar 2019
1int x;                      // Declare x to be an integer (value undefined)
2int x=255;                  // Declare and initialize x to 255
3short s; long l;            // Usually 16 or 32 bit integer (int may be either)
4char c='a';                 // Usually 8 bit character
5unsigned char u=255;
6signed char s=-1;           // char might be either
7unsigned long x =
8  0xffffffffL;              // short, int, long are signed
9float f; double d;          // Single or double precision real (never unsigned)
10bool b=true;                // true or false, may also use int (1 or 0)