c lang placeholders

Solutions on MaxInterview for c lang placeholders by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "c lang placeholders"
17 Jun 2018
1Most common placeholders used in C as follows.
4%c - a character
5%s - a string
6%d - a decimal integer
7%o - an octal integer
8%x - a hexadecimal integer
9%p - an address (pointer)
10%f - for floats
11%e - a floating point number in scientific notation
12%E- a floating point number in scientific notation
13%%- The % symbol
14Filed width and precision
15%06d would print 456 like ;- 000456).
16Escape Sequences.
17more often used /t, /n
18Large numbers
19Long long int - lld
20Long float ——lt