c ternary operator

Solutions on MaxInterview for c ternary operator by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "c ternary operator"
23 Nov 2016
1condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false
18 Jun 2019
1int a = 10, b = 20, c;
3c = (a < b) ? a : b;
5printf("%d", c);
29 Mar 2020
1 if ($scope.SearchSalesOrderAndCompanyName !== undefined && $scope.SearchSalesOrderAndCompanyName != null ) {
2            SearchCriteria += " AND [SalesOrderNo] LIKE '%" + $scope.SearchSalesOrderAndCompanyName + "%' OR ([SO].[CompanyNameOnBill] LIKE '%" + $scope.SearchSalesOrderAndCompanyName + "%')";
3        }
4        if ($scope.FromDate !== undefined && $scope.FromDate !=null) {
5            SearchCriteria += " AND [SO].[SalesOrderDate] LIKE '%" + $scope.FromDate + "%'";
6        }
06 May 2017
1c = (a < b) ? a : b;
04 Mar 2017
1Condition ?  expression-if-true ;  expression-if-false
3//Here, '?' and ':' are Ternary Operators
queries leading to this page
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