can i get mac id of laptop with php

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showing results for - "can i get mac id of laptop with php"
31 Jan 2021
1function getMacLinux() {
2  exec('netstat -ie', $result);
3   if(is_array($result)) {
4    $iface = array();
5    foreach($result as $key => $line) {
6      if($key > 0) {
7        $tmp = str_replace(" ", "", substr($line, 0, 10));
8        if($tmp <> "") {
9          $macpos = strpos($line, "HWaddr");
10          if($macpos !== false) {
11            $iface[] = array('iface' => $tmp, 'mac' => strtolower(substr($line, $macpos+7, 17)));
12          }
13        }
14      }
15    }
16    return $iface[0]['mac'];
17  } else {
18    return "notfound";
19  }