showing results for - "can you return 2 values in javascript object"
17 Oct 2017
1function friends(){
2	var names = {
3      closeCircle: ['bebo','eli','matthew'],
4      outerCircle:['vierie','nate','james','george'],
5    };
6  	return [names.closeCircle[0], names.closeCircle[2]]
7  //returns bebo and matthew
23 Oct 2019
5     function getNames() {
6    // get names from the database or API
7    let firstName = 'John',
8        lastName = 'Doe';
10    // return values
11    return {
12        firstName,
13        lastName
14    };
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you can write multiple return statement inside a function in javascriptreturn 2 functions jsget all values from multiple objectreturn two key value from array of objects javascripthow to return multiple values in a function jsjavascript returning a list of two valuescan we return two values from a function in javascriptjavascript can a function return 2 valuesmultiple return values javascriptget two value from multiple array javascriptjs es6 return 2 valuesreturn multiple elements in jscan javascript function return different typesjavascript return multiple values from a functionjavascript return 2 valueshow to return both values in an array in javascriptmultiple return in javascriptjavascript return multiple linesjavascript method returns multiple arrayshow to return 2 values from a function javascriptjavascript multiple return functionget two values from an arrayjavascript can i return two things at oncehow to assign returned objects to different varaiables in jscan we have more than 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return multiple valuesreturn two seperate value javascriptjavascript multiple return statementsreturn the multiple values from the javascriptsreturn multiple values from function in javascriptreturn 2 values js to objectjavascriptreturn two elementjavascript return 2 variablesyou can write multiple return statement inside the same function in javascriptfunction returning two values in javascriptreturn two values in js functionhow to return two seperate integers in javascriptjs function return multiple valuesreturn multiple values javaascript fucntionreturn multiple variables in jsreturn two values from a function javascriptreturn multiple values javascript function return two values from a function jsjs return more arrayhtml get multiple value in arrayreturn 2 value jstwo parameter returning of one object javascriptjs return more than one numberje methor return multiple valueshow to return 3 results jsreturn multiple things javascriptjavascript return multiple values from arrayhow to 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javascriptjavascript object with multiple valuesreturn multiple obj jsjs return different value on condition return 2 parameters javascriptfunction javascript return multiple values with propertiesreturn multiple values in javascriptreturn 2 variables at once jsnode return 2 valuesnode return 3 parametersreturn multiple value in jsjs function return 2 valuestypescript return multiple class callsreturn 2 values from javascript functionjavascript several return in a functionhow to return multiple data from function into one variablehow to make a variable take multiple values in an array javascriptjs return more than a valuevalue declare object pass two value node jssfunction returns multiple values in array javascript return two values in function jsfunction that returns multiple values jshow t return multiple variable from a function in react jsnode js how to return multiple valueshow to return multiple function from single js using es6how to return multiple values from a function in node jshow do i return multiple values in jsreturn multiple values object array javascriptget two values from return function javascriptjs value in multiple arrayshow do i return two single numbers into an js array 3fjs return multiples of numberjs return multiple valuesangular return multiple arrays freom functionjavascript return two variables from functionnode js call 28 29 return multiple valuesis it possible to return multiple values from a function in javascripthoq to return 2 values in jshow to write a function to return 2 values in jsreturning multiple values jsget value from multiple values object in javascriptarray multiple variables jshow to get the multiple values from array values javascripthow to write function x in javascript to return 2 on xnode js call return multiple valuescan we return 2 values in javascrpitreturn two values jshow can i add multiple return values together jsjavascript how to return more than one element from an arrayhow to get the multiple values from array values 28 29 javascripthow to return the multiple values from the javascriptsreturning multiple values in javascriptjavascript how to return multiple valuesreturn two variables javascript with paramsjavascript get 2 values 9 c2 b2javascript assign multiple variables from functionjavascript get return mutliple valuesreturn multiple objects in javascriptcan i return 2 values from a function in jshow to return two values from javascript functioncan you have multiple returns in a function javascriptreturn multiple values javascript es6return 2 values from a function in javascriptcan you return 2 values in javascriptjs function to return multiple variablesreturn 2 values with function nodejsreturning multiple values in object javascripthow to return multiple values javasciprthow to return multiple variables in javascripthow to return two value in jsfunction javascript return multiple valuestypescript return multiple valuesneed function to return two values in javascripttwo return values in es6javascript ok to use objects to retun muliple valueshow to return two values javascripthow i input multiple value in array from other functions in javascriptmap to return two valuescan you return 2 values in javascript object