cannot jump from switch statement to this case label c 2b 2b

Solutions on MaxInterview for cannot jump from switch statement to this case label c 2b 2b by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "cannot jump from switch statement to this case label c 2b 2b"
13 Aug 2019
1put everything in the case x: under {} brackets
2metti tutto quello nel case x: sotto le parentesi {}
22 Sep 2020
1switch (choice)
3    case 1: get_two_numbers(x, y);
4            //* vv here vv *
5            int sum = add(x, y);
6            //* ^^ here ^^ */
7            cout << x << " + " << y << " = " <<  sum << endl;
8            break;
9    case 2: get_two_numbers(x, y);
10            //* vv here vv */
11            int diff = subtract(x, y);
12            //* ^^ here ^^ */
13            cout << x << " - " << y << " = " <<  diff << endl;
14            break;
15    default:;
09 Jun 2017
1switch(foo) {
2  case 1:
3    int i = 42; // i exists all the way to the end of the switch
4    dostuff(i);
5    break;
6  case 2:
7    dostuff(i*2); // i is *also* in scope here, but is not initialized!
queries leading to this page
error 3a jump to case labelc 2b 2b switch error 3a jump to case labelc 2b 2b switch jump to case labeljump to case label errorerror jump to case label c 2b 2bjump to case label fpermissivejump to case label 5b fpermissive 5derror jump to case label cppjump to case label c 2b 2bc 2b 2b jump to case label fpermissivec 2b 2b error jump to labelswitch jump to case label c 2b 2berror switch jump to case label error 3a jump to case label error 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissive 5d case 2 3a 5eump to case labeljump to case label fpermissive c 2b 2bc 2b 2b jump to labelc 2b 2b switch error jump to case labelerror 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissive 5d 110 3a12 3a note 3a crosses initialization of 27int length 27error jump to case labeljump to case label c 2b 2b switchc 2b 2b jump to case labelerror jump to label e2 80 98exit e2 80 99 5b fpermissive 5derror 3a jump to case label 91 7c case 2 3a 7c 5ejump to case labeljump to default in c 2b 2b errorerror 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissihow to solve jump to case labelerror 3a jump to case label c 2b 2bcannot jump from switch statement to this case label c 2b 2bjump to case label fpermissive in cswitch statement and array c 23what is jump to case labeljump to case label error c 2b 2bc 2b 2b jump to case label fpermissivec 2b 2b switch cannot jump from switch statement to this case labeljump to case label fpermissive arduinocannot jump from switch statement to this case labelerror 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissive 5dclang cannot jump from switch statement to this case labelc 2b 2b error jump to case labelrror 3a jump to case labeljump to case label fpermissive errorc 2b 2b error jump to case labe c3 b1error 3a jump to case label switchjump to case label crosses initialization c 2b 2bc 2b 2b error 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissive 5derror 3a jump to case label 5b fpermissive 5d 7cc 2b 2b jump to case label errorjump to case label cppswitch statement c 2b 2b error jump to case labelcannot jump from switch statement to this case label c 2b 2b