capitalize in javascript

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showing results for - "capitalize in javascript"
09 Jan 2019
1//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
2function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
3    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5//capitalize all words of a string. 
6function capitalizeWords(string) {
7    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
29 Jul 2016
1function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
2  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5console.log(capitalizeFirstLetter('foo bar bag')); // Foo
24 Nov 2018
1const lower = 'this is an entirely lowercase string';
2const upper = lower.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lower.substring(1);
18 Mar 2018
1const name = 'flavio'
2const nameCapitalized = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)
07 Apr 2019
1With performance metrics...
3// 10,889,187 operations/sec
4function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
5    return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
8// 10,875,535 operations/sec
9function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
10    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
13// 4,632,536 operations/sec
14function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
15    return string.replace(/^./, string[0].toUpperCase());
18// 1,977,828 operations/sec
19String.prototype.capitalizeFirstLetter = function() {
20    return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
25 Aug 2018
1const toCapitalCase = (string) => {
2    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
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to uppercase javascript first letter arrayjs capitalize first characterall capital case in javascriptall capitalcases in javascriptto capitalise a word in js capitalize javascrioptstring capitalze jsselect a word and capitilize its first letter javascriptjavascript make first letter of each word uppercasejs capitalize first letter of every wordjavascrip capitalizejavascript method to capitalize first letternextjs capitalize first lettermethod to capitalize a string in javascriptjs capitalize stringjs capitalze first letter of compound nameshow to mkae fisrt letter of each inputted word capitalized javascriptcapitalize first letter of a word in es6convert string to capital jsjavascript capitalize only first letter of each wordcaptalize jshow to upper case first letter in each word javascripthow to change string to uppercase in javascriptcapital javascripttouppercase with javascripthow uppercase word in jscapitalize javascritpjs set first char of string capitaltypescript capitalize first 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javascript1st letter capital in jsjs string prototype capitalizehow to validate first letter capital in javascripthow to capitalize in jsfirst capital javascripthow to make only the first letter capital in jscapitalize typing javascriptfirst latter upp case jshow to make all first letter capital in jscapital first letterall words first letter capital jsuppercase the first letter namehow to capitalize letters in javascriptgive capital in uppercase jsreplace first letter with capital javascriptcapitalize first letter of string typescriptcapitalize first letter of each word in word javascriptmake capital all javascripthow to make first character uppercase in javascripthow to capitalize text in jscapitalise first letter jsto capital jscapitalize middle letter of string javascriptjavascript capitaliz3euse to uppercase javascriptcapitalize first letter to each word javascriptjs vanilla first letter uppercasejavascript 27 27 3b 2f 2f capitalize first letter of each wordhow do i write first character inj uppercase in javascripthow to capitalize first letter of text in jshow to do uppercars first letter in javascriptjavascript capfirst letter capitar jswrite first letter at uppercase javascripthow to make the first word in a string capitalize javascriptinbuilt function capitalise in javascriptfind words in string js and make them uppercasewhen do you use capital letters in javascriptjs first letter uppercase methodcapitalize the first latter of work in javascriptupper function jsupercase first javacsripttext into first letter of every word caps jsjavascript inbuilt function to uppercase first character of stringjs captial first lettermake fissrt letter capital of the stringstring capitalize javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter in arraycapatilised in jsjs capitalisehow to uppercase only first letter of a string in jscapitalize the first letter jsmethod javascript capitalizefirst lettterjs capitalize first letterupperacase first letter jsjs capitalizedoes uppercase 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char lowercasefirst upper case letter jscapitalize word javascriptfirst letter touppercasereplace first character in string javascript with uppercasejs set first letter to uppercaseconvert text into capitalize in js capitalize first letter javascirptcapitalize letters jsjavascript make first letter capsextjs capitalize first lettercapitalize the words in the text in javascripthow to make it a capital letter in javascriptjavascript function that returns a capitalised valuefirst letter capitalhow to change a character to uppercase in a string in javascriptjavascript first letter to upper casecapitalize strign javascript 5cto capital javascriptjs capitalize all words of a stringonly uppercase first latereach first letter in upper case using javascripttranform string to capitalize in viewjavascript string uppercase first characterhow to make first index upercasew3 javascript capitalizejavascript capitalize first letter of stringuppercase string in jses6 first letter uppercasechar to upper 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transform capitalize javascript 22function capitalizevowels 22 javascriptfirst letter capcital in javascriptcapital a string first letter javascriptjs how put a word uppercasecapitalise work javascriptonly first letter capital jsjavascript camel case first letter uppercasehow to capitalize ther first word of satring js tofirst character upper case in jsconvert to lowercase with first letter capitalized rest in javascriptto uppercase first letter of input javascriptjavascript string first char lowercasecapitalice jsupper case firs letter stringjavascript capitalize javascriptto firstletter uppercasemake first letter of first word uppercase javascriptcapitalize first letter in string using splice javascripttwo word capital in jsjavascript capitize first lettercapitalize letter jsjavascript set all first letters to uppercasejs capitalizedset first letter uppercase javascripthow to capitalize the first letter in an array javascripthow to display first letter of name in javascriptconvert first letter top uppercasehow to capitalize the first letter in every word javascripthow to make a string capitalized in javascriptcapitalize all words in a string javascripthow to capitalize the first letter in jscapitalize first let of word javascriptfirst later capital in jsjavascript change first letter to lowercasehow to capitalize in javascriptjs capitalize functionhow to make the first letter of string uppercaseclass javascript caps first lettertouppercase 28 29 only first letterjavascript capitalize first letter of each element in arrayconvert string to capital case javascriptjs capatalize first letterjavascript uppercase firshow to make first letter big jstouppercase 28 29 first lettertocapital letter jsuppercase first javascriptjs first letter upercasehow to capitalize the first letter of a sentence in jsfirst letter in capital in jsfirst character upper casehow to convert all uppercase to first letter upercasehow to capitalise first letter of word node jsfirt lette uppercase jsdisplay with first letter capital jscapitalise first letter of string jsjs upper case first letterhow to convert a variable to uppercase in javascript for first letterhow to capitalize a text in javascriptto uppercase first letter javascriptwhat capitalisation does js usejs tocapitalizejavascript uncaptilizehow to change the first letter to uppercase in javascriptfirst letter capitalized javascript htmlcapitalize the first letter in jscapitalize first letter of a first word in a paragraph in jshow to convert first letter in uppercase in javascriptjavascript every first letter uppercasecapitalize first alphabet of word javascriptjs set first letter string uppercasehow to capitalize the words in jscapitalizing first letter of every word jsconvert first letter to uppercase in typescript without using touppercasehow to convert string to first letter capital in javascriptjavascript how to alternate text capitalisationhow to automatically uppercase in node js first letter if not js 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convert capital to small in jsjavascript lowercase first char iuppercasehow capitalize in js mdn capitalize first letter capitalize javascriptfirst capitale letter jshow to capitalize each word in javascriptmake first letter upper jsjs capitalize first letter inbuilt functionhow ti uppercase letter in jsjavascript capitalize functionupercade first javascripcapital case in javascriptmake first letter uppercase in javascriptjavascript change first letter of word to uppercasecapitalize all first letter of a long string javascriptjavascript function to capitalize first letter of each word in a stringmake first character to uppercase in string in jscapitalisation in jshow to uppercase a word in javascritfunction capitalize javascriptjavascript how to make the first letter of each word in a string capitalizedcapatlize in jscan varaible have first upper case lettter in javascriptcapitalize first letter stringtypescript uppercase one ofjavascript text to capitalize 1st lettercaptalize first 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letter javascriptif we want first letter capital ans others are small what we use in jsfirst capital letterstart with uppercase javascriptjavascript to capital casetext capitalize javascriptjavascript capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence stringstring function to capitalize first letterfirst letter to upper case string jshow to capitalize all letters in javascriptcapitalzize jsjs capitalise first letter of each wordjavascript ucfirst equivalentuppercase first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize wordkcapitalize first leter of every word jsmake first letter uppercase javascriptjs function set first letter of key lowercasehow to do capital letter jsjavascript capitalizehow to return upper case letter in jscapitalize every word in a sentence javascripthow to select the first letter in javascriptjs to capitaliucfirst jscapitalize a letter in javascripthow to make text uppercase in the first letter javascriptcapitaliza text in javascriptjs capital textjs first letter uppercase 5cturn all caps to only first letter cap jscapitalize css jsstring first alphabet javascriptfirst letterin in array to capitalize jsfirst char uppercase jshow to change first letter of a word in a string to capital javascriptmake string to lowercase with first capitalizedjavascript capitalize first letter uppercase restjavascript set string first character lowercasejs capitalizetouppercase fist letter javascriptmake each element of array with first letter capital in javascript 6js write first letter uppercasejavascript string get first letter to capitaljavascript string format first uppercasefirst letter capital jsmake text first letter capital javascriptmove all capital letter to front in js capitalize javascript 5cjs capitalizwjs first char in string uppercapitalize all words in a string function javascriptcapitalize the first letter of a stringjs word first letter uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter phrasejavascript capitalize all stringhow to capitalize letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize one letterhow to change first letter to capital in javascriptconvert small letter to capital in jshow to capitalize and lowercase javascriptupper case and lower case character javascriptall letter capitalize and uppercase with javascripthow to capliazed first letter jscapitalize all words in string js using mapjs set first char of string capitalizehow to capitalize entire word in javascripthow to upper case first letterjavascript code to capitalize first letter of all word in a sentencecapitalize each starting word javascriptfirst char to uppercase jsjavascript regex capitalize first letter of each wordhow to make first later capital in jscapitalize first letter name javascriptcapitalize each word in jsjs firs leter capitalizehow to return word with first letter capitalize in jslower case all words and capitalize first letter all words javascriptjavascript turn every word first letter to capital lettercapitalize each first letter javascripthow to change lowercase to uppercase in jsjs how to capitalize first letterone letter capitalize jsset all words in string to lowercase with upper case first letter jsreplace in js and capitalizecapitalise text nodehow to con 3dvert all tet to upper case in jsjs function to upper case first letterjavascript string capitalizeturn first letter uppercasejavascript string change first character to uppercasehow to make first sentence capital jscapialize first letter in string jsput first letter capital jsjavascript capitalize wordjhow to change a string to upper case in jsall text only first letter capital the rest small jshow to make the frist letter uppercaseuppercase js first lettermake the first letter uppercase in javascriptjs change 1st letter to uppercase 28 29how to capital in js purefirst capital in jsjavascript uppercase first wordjavascript set only first letter uppercasejs transform first letter to lowercasecapitalize each word in string javascriptjavascript uppercase first letterfirst uppercase letter in a string jqueryhow to make the first letter of a string uppercase in htmlcheck capitalize letter in a string javascriptjavascript make string to capitalizehow to sort by name for first letter capital javascirptstring touppercase jscapitalize first letter javascript each wordstring charat to uppercase jscapitalize first letterget the capital letter in javascriptfirst letter upper case texthow to convert a first character of every string into capital in jsjavascript capitaljavascript make letter uppercasemake beginning of word capital letter javascriptcapitalize sring jsjavascript touppercase of first letteruppercase convert in jsuse javascript to convert letter uppercasejavascript capitalize a letter of stringget capital letters javascriptwrite a javasccriipt function that coverts the first letter to uppercase using methods name should have first letters capitalized java scripthow to make first character return uppercase and the rest lowercase jquerytypescript initial capitalizejavascript string uppercase only first letter of each wordmake the first sentence uppercase javascriptjs format text capital first lettercapitalize text and put together jshow to return a sentences wiith first letter of each word capitalized javascriptjs to sentence caseuppercase in word javascripttypescript first letter uppercase other lowercasehow to capitalize first letter of each word jscapitalized first letter javascriptjavascript uppercase to capitalizejs first to upperjavascript capitalize first letter w3cuppercase first letter typescriptcapitalize word in javascriptmethod to capitalize the first letter of stringever first letter uppercase jswhy there is no capitalize in javascripthow to only capitalize the first letter in a java script of a stringhow to decaptilize in jsjavascript capitaliez wordshow to capitalize all first letter in string jsstring uppercase javascripthow to uppercase the first character of a string in javascriptfirst letter capatalize jsuppercase the first characterjs full name first letter capitalhow to lowercase the first letter of word in javascripthow to captilize first letter of word jsstring capitalize jsjavascript firts letter upperconvert first letter of string to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize the first letter of strings in js arrayjavascript each word first letter lowercasetypescript get first letter and make to capitalisedjavascript capitalise first letterjs string capital sjavascript capitalize only the first letter of a stringjs string first character uppercaseonly first letter capital in jshow to convert the string first letter to upper case in javascriptyjs capitalize charmake first word of a letter uppercase javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter javascriptto caps jsjavascript capitalize the first letter of each wordconvert all 1st letter of word to uppercase in javascriptlowercase with first letter capital jshow to make the first char capitalize in jscapitaliza in jsjavascript separate 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letter of input text is uppercase or lowercase javascriptfunction to capitalize first letter in javascript with initialshow to capitalise all string jscapitalive first letter of a sentence jshow to check if the first character of a string is uppercase javascriptjs change first letter to uppercasehow to make first letter to capital case in jshow to set first letter in string to upper case and return the whole string js make first letter in string uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalizjavascript replace first letter uppercaseupdatecase first letter javascriptfirst letter tuuppercasejavascript how to convert all uppercase to lowercase in word but keep first letter uppercasesubstring the first word that starts with upper letter javascriptjavascript uppercase first letter of all wordsjs start work with upper casemake a string 27s first character uppercasecapitalize each word in a string jscapitalize all letters in a string jshow to make first letter uppercase in javascriptchange case of letter in string javascripta function that capitalize string in javascriptjs get all uppercase words until first lower case wordhow to automatically cap the first letter of input in javascriptuppercase first letter of each element of an array in javascripthow to make 1st letter capital in vuejavascript string method to convert string to first letter uppercasefirst letter capital function jsjs capitlize first lettercapitalize 2b javascriptjs uppercase first letter of word1st letter capital method in jsjs method for capital each wordcapitalize inital letter stringsentence capitalization jslowercase first letter jscapitalize case jshow to check if first letter is uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize first character in stringfunction make a string 27s first character to uppercase tocapitalize jsjavascript set all string to upper casemake char capital javascriptjs capitalize keyscapitalize first letter javascript methodcapitalize word method javascriptjavascript to capital letterscapital first letter function jacvascript mdnjavascript capitalize first cahrcapital first letter javascritjavascript word capitalizejavascript capitalize all lettercapitalize text using javascriptjavascript convert to capitaljavascript string methods capitalize first letterhow to make new string to uppercase in javascriptjaavscript upper to sentence casetouppercase 28 29 first letter capitaljavascript auto capitalizeone upper case javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of a stringjavascript de capitalizewrite a javasccriipt function that coverts the first letter to uppercasecapitalize a letter in jsjs check capital letterjs capitelize the first lettercapital first letter using jshow to uppercase first letter in string in javascriptjs lowercase first characterjavascript uppercase first lettertall characters to capital in jsfirst letter upper javascriptcapitalize string js methodcapitalize sentence javascriptjavascript fast way to capitalizefunction takes a string and 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to capitalize first letter for in loop javascriptfirst character to upper case java scriptjs to lowercase with capitaljavascript set the first letter of string uppercasejavascript capitalize wordlhow to convert first letter to upperc case jsmake the first letter capitaljs first character to uppercasereturn a string with only first word capital javascript capitilize first letterhow to convert first letter of a string to uppercase in javascriptstring to lower ucfirst get name first letter capitalcapitalzie one char javbascriptjavascript capsizecapitalize a text in jscapitalize only first letter jsmake first letter of word capital jscapitalize first word in string javascriptjavascript capitalize wordsojavascript text capitalize style for first character in stringcapitalize all text javascriptif first letter equals uppercase jscapitalize first letter of string in javascriptcapitalize first letter of words in string javascript with or without dashesjavascript how to make character 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javascriptcapitalize a string in javascript htmljavascript capitalize first letter of every word in a stringjs first index to lowercasewrite a function that accepts a string the function should 2f 2f capitalize the first letter of each word in the string then 2f 2f return the capitalized string js make first character uppercasefirst letter with capital jsfirst letter capital function in jshow to capitalize first letter in javascript 5cjavascript is capitalizedignore caps in jsconvert first character of string to uppercase in javascripthow to make all letters capital in js 3f js capitalize a wordjavascript uppercase first letter es6js capitalize words in stringcapitalize first letter with hypehn javascriptconvert small letters to capital letters in javascripthow to convert string to capital letter in javascriptcapatalize string jscapitalize text in jsfirst letter uppercase in jscapitalization functions jscapitalize words in javascriptjs make string capitalcapitalized in jscapitalize the first letter input javascripthow to uppercase the first letter of a string in javascripthow to upper case only one letterwhy ucase in reactjsmake first letter capital in a string and the rest to uppercase in javascript filter 28 29javascript first letter uppercase functionconvert to capital letters javascriptjavascript uppercase wordscapitalize first letter javascript regexcapitalize from jscapitalizing the first of a word javascriptjavascript capitalize wordthow to capitalize first letter in word in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter arrayuppercase character in jscapitalize name javascriptjavascript capitalise first wordjs how to make first letter capitalfirst word uppercase javascript functionhow to capitalize first letter in a variable in jscreate and all caps string javascriptuppercase first letter of each word javascriptconvert first letter of every word string to uppercase jsinput first letter capitalize jshow to uppercase first letter of stringjavascript capitalize first letter of word and lowercase resttouppercase javascript first letter of stringcapitalize first word only in string javascripthow to set all to uppercase javascriptcapitalize function in jsfirst letter of each word capitalized in j sjavascript extract capital letterscapitalize the first letter javascriptcapitalize first letter of each word in javascript with for loopuppercase a string in jsuppercase first letter of word javascriptfirst char to uppercapitalize a word javascriptwhy javascript doesn 27t capitalizeall characters capitals jshow to make every first letter capital in javascriptis there a capitalizemethod in jsjs uppercase substringjavascrpt capitalize stringfirst letter of the name should be a capital letter validation in javascriptconvert to upper letter javascriptjs string to capitalizejavascript make the first word capitaluppercase the first character jscapitalize function built in javascriptfirst letter string uppercase javascriptcapitalize for nstrings in javascriptjs capitalize letterjs make first letter capital of stringcapitaliza first leter sentence javascriptmake string start with capital javascriptjavascript to upper caaseput first letter to capital javascriptcapitalize string javascriptfisrt upper case jsucfirst 28 29 jsinicial capital convert string into javascripthow to convert a string in capitalizejs change the first letter to uppercasejavacscript capitalizehow to capitilize the first letter in javascriptcapitalize on first letter of uppercase stringwrite javascript function6 09that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case word uppercase javascripthow to make first letter uppercase jscapitalise first letter of elementjs function to capitalize textuppercase first jsjavascript convert first letter of string to uppercasehow to change first letter capital in jscapitalize a string in node jssentence case jsjavascript first letter uppercase es6lowercase with first letter capital javascriptcapitalize first word jsjs first letter capitalizedfirst letter caps in jshow to set first letter capital in javascriptconvert the first lettter to uppercase in javascript capitalize all letters in words jsvascripthow to make capital letter in front for two words using javascriptcapitalize letter javascriptcapitalize all words in string javascriptjs decapitulizefunction uppercase first letter javascriptcapital every first letter of a word jsjavascript first letter is uppercasejs how to make the first letter of a string capitalto capital in jsjs how to make capital casejavascript method to capitalize first letter of stringhow to capitalize first letters in a string jsfirst letter big javascriptjavascript string first latter capitalhow to make first letter of word capital in javascriptuppper case first letterupper case first later jsfirst letter in uppercase in javascriptturn first letter of an array element to uppercase in javascriptreplace first letter to capital letter jsuppercase just first letter jswrite a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casejs capatilze the first letterfirst latter to uppercasejs convert capital string to capitalize string capitalize the first letter nodejshow to make first word capital of each sentence in a paragraph javascripthow i capitalise in jscapitalize text in javascriptcapitalize a word in jsbuild in js function to capitalize first lettercapitalizeword javascriptjavascript upercasecapitalzie function javascriptfirst letter upper casecapitalize first letter of word jsjavascript code to convert uppercase to capitalizejavascript function to make first letter capitaljs check capitalreutrn a the first letter of a string in uppercase jscapytalize method jsword first character uppercase in js caps word first letter in javascripttolowercase for first letter only javascriptletter to uppercase javascriptcapitalize jssto uppercase javascript only first letterchange the first alfabet caps jsfunction tu uppercase first letterfunction to capitalize string javascript split string capital letter capital first letter jscapitalize all string javascriptstring first letter uppercase javascriptfirst letter to lowercase javascriptjavascript is capitalfunction for capital letter of string in jsmake first letter caps jsjavascript first letter smallcapitalize in javscriptjavascript string method capitalizetouppercase first letter javascriptregex first capital letterjavascript capitalise lettercapitilize a letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize wordpjavascript uppercase w3javascript first letter to uppercasehow to capitalize the first letter of a word in javascripttouppercase javascript first letterjs capitalize first letter of a stringmake first letter to lower case javascriptcharat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 js uppercase first letter rest in lowercaseupper case to first letterchange uppercase to capitalize javascriptmake first letter of each element capitalmakefirstlettercapitalizeddefault first letter uppercase javascriptjavascript string is capitalizedjs first letter uppercasecapatilise string in jshow to convert first letter of a string to uppercsejavascript string first letter of array uppercasereturn first letter of string javascript in uppercaseconvert first letter to uppercase using javascriptfirst letter of words uppercase javascriptstring start capital letter in javascripthow to capitalize all letters in jshow to do capital letters js first letter array javascript uppercaseucase first leeter in jsto capitalize jshow to keep only the first letter in javascriptjavascript string make first letter uppercasejavascript string starts with uppercasefirst letter caps jscapital first letter javascript of a word how to first letter capital in jsfirst letter to uppercase jsjs caps first letter of stringhow to convert first letter in word to uppercase in node jsconvert first later to capital in string in jsjavascript upper first letterjavascript make the first letter only capitaljs check first letter uppercasecapitalize first litter javascripthow to convert uppercase to capitalize in javascriptjavascript first character of string uppercaseuppercase function in jsuppercase a character in jsuppercase every first letter javascripthow to capital in js pure first letter of wordmake first letter capshow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in javascrioptinbuilt function to capitalize the text in javascriptcapitalize every first letter in sentence jscapitalize the first letter in a stringhow to make first letter capital and other small in javascriptfunction to captalize words jscapital letter in nodename in javascripthow to convert just first letter in uppercase in javascripthow to make the first letter big in javacriptjavascript change to capitalshow to make first letter of string uppercase in jsjs capital letterhow to capitalize only first letter of a string javasciptjavascript 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javascriptformat capital case strings javascriptcapitalize string in jsevery first letter capitalize in text using javascriptcapitalize first letter of each word in a string jsjavascript capitalize 3rd letterjs format fullname capitalize first letterset first letter to uppercase javascriptfirst word capital in jsjavascript first uppercasetransform a letter into capital in jshow to chenge only first letter in uppercasetypescript make first letter capitaljavascript get first symbol end uppercasecaplital first letter jsfirst letter capitalized javascriptsimple way to make first letter capital in javascript 5con first letter uppercasereturn first capitalize first letterfunction camel 28string 29 7b return string charat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 2b string slice 281 29 3b 7dtocapitalize 28 29 javascriptupercase jsjavascript capitalize first letter of a sentence of a stringcapitilize the first letter in each word in a string javascriptfirst upper case jsw3schools javascript 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letter of every word javascriptuppercase first letter each word javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase sentencejs capitalize the first letter of a string when string is capitalizedjavascript first letter capitalizejavascript function to uppercase first lettercapital first name in javascriptcapitalize first letter in a string javascripthow to find and replace capital letters in word in jsuppercase for first letter of all word jscapital letters uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize first charachteronly show the first letter of word in javascript capitalize from string 22capitalize sentence 22 jsjavascript only capitalize first letterupppercae first letter jscapitalize js stringhow to capitalize first letter in word in jsfirst letter to upper casehow to convert first letter of each word capital in string javascriptfirst letter capital case javascriptjs converst string to uppercaseconvert a string to uppercase in jsuncapitalise first letter javascriptevery first letter capital in 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javascriptjavascript function with firct letter caputal1st letter in caps in jscapitalise first letter in word javascriptshould functions be capitalized jscapitalize the first letter of every word in an array jsjs capitlaize first letterjavascript code to capitalizecapitalize every first letter javascriptjavascript capitalizetolowercase 28 29 tocapitalize javascriptjavascirpt toupper first leterwhy does javacript have a small letter then a capital in the middelsnake case to capital case jscapital letters words javascriptreturn every capital word in string javascriptto uppercase only first letter jsjavascript function return string in capitalizein js 2c the first letter of the text is capitalizedjs capitalize touppercase charatconvert to uppercase in string javascriptfrom uppercase to first letter big jstext capitalization in javascriptjavascript capitalize a wordjs make capital casecapitalize first char javascript capitalize 28 29 javascriptfirst letter capital letter jsjavascript make 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first letter in string to captalize jsjavascript capitalize each word in stringhow to check the first character in upper case in jscapitalize first letter of each word in string javascriptcapitalized string javascriptconvert small letter to capital and capital letter to small jsjavascript regex capitalize first letterjavascript capitalize first letter of each sentenceto become the first letter in uppercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter of paragraph jsjs create element with capitalextract the words javascript capitalizefunction return first letter capitalizedcapitalize a capitalizewords in jsfirst letter capital remaining small in javascriptjavascript make specific character in string uppercasefirst word of each word capital jsusing forms make the first letter of each word in a string capital html javascripthow to convert typeof in capitalcase in nodejsjs find first uppercase lettercapitalize the first caracter jsmake the first letter oin a string capitallised jshow to make letter capital in jsjs capitalize first letter es6capitalize javascirptcapitalize first letter first word javascriptjavascript char to uppercasejs check if 1st letter is capitalcapitalize first letter jquerycapitalize all words in string using javascript 5chow to capitalize a string in javascriptcapital letter variables jsjs string capitalizejs capitilize first letter of each wordset all letter to uppercase jshow to return a sentences with first letter of each word capitalized javascriptcapital letters method javascriptcapitalize using js change the first letter of each word to uppercase in the string jscapitlize first letter in javascriptjavascript set first letter lowercasejavascript capitalize wordsqjavascript return first letter capitalhow to add first character to uppercase in javascriptcapitalise string jshow to make the first letter to uppercase in a from a input javascriptonly first letter uppercase javascriptcapitalize built in function javascriptcapital javascript functionhow to make small letters into capital letters and capital into small letters jscapitalize in javascript htmlto capital in javascriptcapitalize first letter in array of strings javascriptcapitalize first letter array javascriptjs function to make 1st letter capitalcapitalize every letter of first word in jsconvert first character to uppercase javascriptcharacter to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize first letter in string jshow to change letter of word to capital in javascriptstring first letter capitalizeonly first letter capital in javascript2 write a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case change the first letter to capital javascripthow to capitlize for letter in word jsuppercase javascriptcapitalize first letter of a string in javascript in functionjavascript to capitalize wordscapitalize only first letterjs capitalize firstsentence converter into capitalization javascriptuppercase string jsfirst letter with capitaljavascript program to convert the first letter of a string into uppercasechange string to caps javascriptfirst word capital jsjavascript convert string to capitalize the first letterjavascript capitalzie first lettercapitalize more in jsjavascript string first letter uppercase other lowercasejavascript first lerr capitiliseup case first letter javascrptcapitalise first letter of the word javascriptstring starts with capital letter in javascriptfirst letter uppercase javascriptjavascript string capitalized first letterhow to do first letter capital in jsuppercase the first letter of a string using javascript 2fjs to upper casehow to take input and convert all first letters to capital letter in javascriptstring capitalize javascriptcaptalize first letter in stringjs check if the first letter uppercasefirst letter capital in node jsjavscript capitalizeuppercase to capitalize jsconvert all string character to uppercase jsjs check capital letter and small 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to sentence casecapitalize first letter of each word using javascriptjavascript only the first letter capitilizecapitalize each word in a sentence javascriptjavascript convert string to capitalizestring touppercase javascriptauto capitalize first letter javascriptjs first letter to capstake string and capitalize in javascriptjavascript capitalizewordreplace capital letters javascriptconvert letter to uppercase javascriptjs uppercase first latterjs first word letter uppercasestreing to upper case jscapitalise in javascrtiptjavascript string first capslowercase with first letter capitaljs capitalize first letter of each word in stringcapitalize entire string jsjsname in uppercase jsuppercase first in jsjs uppercasein a string uppercase the 1st letter of the wordcapitalize first javascriptconvert first letter to uppercase javascript without libraryjavascript function that takes a string and transforms it to upper case only for the first letter 2c and in lowercase for the rest of the stringuppercase first letter javascript mdnchange word of string to uppercase javascriptjs function to capitalize first letterstring first letter lowercase jshow to make first letter capital from a string in jshow to capitalize the first letter in javascripthow to mkae fisrt letter of each inputted word capitalized javascript user entershow to capitalize beginning of every word javascriptjavascript first letter uppercasehow to write capitalize letter in javascriptset first letter upperjavascript capitalize first word in a sentencehow to capitlize first letter of string javascriptconvert first letter to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize the first letter of each string in an array javascripttouppercase 28 29 is capitalize the whole stringhow to capitalize the first letter in string javjs see if first letter of string is capitalhow to create a function that takes a string as an argument and converts the first character of each word to uppercase in javascriptstring charat first letter 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first letter jstotal capital letters in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of each word in a string using javascriptfirst letter uppercaseto capitalize case javascriptcapitalized function javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in javascriptjavascript caps first letterjavascript convert number to capital letterjs string first caractere uppercasejavascript first letter uppercase rest lowercaseuppercase the first letter of array jsjs uc firstjavascript first sentense uppercaseuppercase firstword to uppercase javascripthow to uppercase first letter str in jsuppercase one letter javascriptjs capitalize first letter in arrayhow to change string to upper in javascriptmake first letter of each word capital in jsmaking the first letter in capitalconvert to uppercase jsmake first letter uppercase of arrayhow to capitalzie a string in jsset all letters to capital javascriptcapitalized string javascript sentencemake the string 27s first character uppercase find first uppercase letter string javascriptconvert first letter capital in a frase javascriptdetect a capital letter jsjavascript make first char uppercasejavascript capitalize wordsucapitalize character javascripttouppercase just the first letterhow to make 1st letter uppercase in javascriptjs uppercase wordsjavascript make first letter uppercase rest lowercasecapitalize second letter jsjavascript capitalize all in stringmake first letter capital vuehow turn all of the first letter of array of string to uppercase javascriptjavascript string first character to uppercasehow to capitalize first letter in word javascriptjs uppercase first letters from arrayhow to convert into uppercase letters in js 28 write build in method 29capitalize first lettterjavascript how to add capital letter to stringstring javascript force first letter to uppercasecapitalize first letter in sentence javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each word regexconvert upper case in jsjs capitalize first letter 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casejas capitalicejs string to capital casejavascript text capitalizer style for first character in stringcapitalise the first letter of a string jshow to capitalize first letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize mehtod 3fmake first word uppercase in javascriptcapitalize string jvascriptjavascript string uppercase only first wordcapitalize text with jshow to make a string all uppercase in javascriptfirst capital letter javascriptmake all first characters uppercase jsjs str capitalizejavascript first character to uppercasehow to create a function that capitalize a name jsjavascript format string uppercase each first lettermake a word first letter capitalized jscapitalize a text javascriptconvert capital letters to small letters jscapitalise 28 29 jscapitalize first letter in string js js function capital letterfirst character of string to uppercase javascriptuppercase letter jsjs first two letter uppercasejs turn in to capitalizehow to make first letter of string upcasefirst letter in capitalcapitalise each word javascriptcapitalize function javascriptjavascript convert to uppercasehow to capitalise i jscapitalise first letter of first word jshow to capitalize first letter of each word in javascriptjavascrcript create first word of sentence upperjavascript set first character to uppercaseuppercase first char javascriptmake string capital jsupper case letter convert in javascriptjavascript uppercase first character of each wordcapitalize each word to uppercase in using jsuppercase all letters javascriptcapital string javascriptconvert the first letter to uppercase javascriptcapitalize the first letter of a string in js how to capitalize every first letter of words in a string javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of every word in a string functioncapitalize a uppercase string javascriptcapitalize every word javascriptset word first character to uppercase javasriptupper case and lower case in javascripthtml force first character to be a specific 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