change list to int in python

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14 Jan 2021
1test_list = list(map(int,test_list))
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how to conver the list in to int 3f 3fconvert list element to integer pythonconvert list values to int pythonchange int in list to intconvert all values in list to integerpython convert list of ints to a stringconvert a list to integer in pythonturn 1 number list to int pythonhow to convert string elements in list to int in pythonpython list of numbers to one numberconvert list into int pythonlist to int pythonconvert list to integers pythonchange string list to int pythonall elements from list to int pythonchange list number to integerconvert all items in list to int pythnonconvert element of list to int pythonhow to convert from list to intin pythonchange string to list pythonconvert list elements to int pythonhow to convert an entire list to int in pythonhow to convert int 5b 5d to listpython convert list of numbers to integerpytahon how to make a list from inthow to convert list element to intall list to int pythonhow to convert list of string to list of int in pythonlist int to 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