showing results for - "checking if a character is an alphabet in js"
08 Jul 2017
1function isLetter(str) {
2  return str.length === 1 && str.match(/[a-z]/i);
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check letter are alphabet in javascripttext field accept only alphabets when focus on input field show error in javascriptregex for alphabets javascriptcheck if a string contains alphabets javascripthow to check if string is all letters javascriptget aplhabet character which not used in javascripthow to read the alphabets of a name in jschecking if a character is an alphabet in jscheck if all characters are alpha regex jscheck whether given character is alphabet or not javascrip 5btregex check only letters javascripthow to check given character is alphabet or number in javasscriptjavascript to validate alphabets javascript regex check alphabetregex to check if a value is alphabets in javascriptjava scirpt validation to check charactercheck alphabet in jscheck if character is not a letter javascripthow to check whether a string contains only alphabets in javascriptjs check letters in inputhow to check if an elements is a letter in jsregex validate inputs for a z a z javascripthow to 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