checking whether a value exists in an array javascript

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showing results for - "checking whether a value exists in an array javascript"
29 Apr 2018
1 var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange", "Papaya"];
3    // Check if a value exists in the fruits array
4    if(fruits.indexOf("Mango") !== -1){
5        alert("Value exists!")
6    } else{
7        alert("Value does not exists!")
8    }
27 Oct 2018
1const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango', 'guava'];
3function checkAvailability(arr, val) {
4  return arr.some(arrVal => val === arrVal);
7checkAvailability(fruits, 'kela');   // false
8checkAvailability(fruits, 'banana'); // true
23 Aug 2019
1private boolean ZitAlInArray(int value, List<Integer> list) {
2  return array.indexOf(value) > -1;
5private boolean zitAlInArray(int[] array, int index) {
6		for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
7			if (array[i] == array[index]) {
8				return true;
9			}
10		} 
11		return false;
12	}
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in an array jscheck if something exists in an array javascriptincludes method array javascriptjavascript exist on arraycheck if a string is present in an array jsfind if value exists in arrayhow to check value exists in array before pushing the value javascripthow to check if item exists in array javascriptif in array element jshow to check whether an element is present in an array in javascripthow to check whether value exist in array or not javascriptarray includescheck whether an element exists in array javascriptjavascript check if items exists in arraycheck if an element exist in array javascriptis exist in array in jsreturn the value if it exists in array javascriptif any element exists in array javascriptarray check value exitsarray function if element existscheck if an elemet is already in the array angularhow to check if a value in the array or not javascriptarray exist jscheck number in exit in array javascriptjs if item exists in arrayhow to check if set of value exists in 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exist in an arraycheck if item exists in list jsvalue exist in js array 5cjs value exist in arrayhow to identify if aen element exists in an array javascriptjavascript check don 27t exist in arrayhow to check if an array index value exists javascriptjavascript check if array index existscheck if string exists in arrayjavascript check integer in arrayjavascript test array undefined entry existshow to check for an item in an array in javascriptnot in array in javascriptbool if a value exists in an array javascriptjs check value not in arrayhow to check if value in array javascriptjs find value if existsjavascript array find an element existscheck if an element is present in an array javascriptcheck in array if value existcheck id exist or not in array javascripthow to check array value exist in javasripthow to check if an array holds a value jshow to check element present in array in javascriptcheck if element exists in array and returnlook if a id exists in array jscheck elemnet is exist in array or not find 28 29 in javascriptif x not in array javascripthow to check the array contains name or notif array contains value return truejavascript check number exist in arrayhow to check if a value exists in array javascriptarray existsvalue exists in array javascriptcheck if value not in list javascriptjavascript check if element already exists in arraynumber exists in array javascriptcheck if number exists in array javascriptarray method check if element exists in array javascriptfind if an element is inside of an arraycheck if element extist in array jsvalue not in array jscheck if array has certain value javascriptcheck if element exists array javascripthow to check if an item is present in an array in javascripthow to find out if value is present in array javascriptarray js check includescheck if element is already in array javascriptjs check if something is in arraychecking if an item exists in a javascript arraycheck if element in list is in another list javascriptfind if an element is present in a array jsif item exists in an array javascriptjavascript exist element in arrayhow to check array value is present or not in javascriptarray value exist checkcheck if a value is in array javascriptcheck if number exist in an arrayjs check if number exist in arryauhow to check whather the array element is exist or not in javascript using functionhow to check exists of value in array list javascriptcheck if element exists javascript arraycheck if item exist in array javascriptjs check if array existelement present in array jshow to find a integer value exist in array in jshow to check if item does not exist in an array javascriptelements exists in arrayincludes arrayhow to check element exist in array javascripthow to check if element present in array javascripthow to check if a number is present in array javascriptcheck if a list containes an item jscheck if number not in arraycheck array items if existhow to check if input matches a value i array nodejscheck if dom element already is in arrayjs array existhow to return true if value exist in the js listjavascript check if field exist in arrayhow to check a value available in javascriptcheck if item exists in array javascriptcheck if the array has already that value if jsif value exists in array return index javascriptjavascript value exists in arraycheck id exists in javascript array of arraycheck value is exist in array or not in javascriptincludes in arraycheck if value is already present in array of arrray javascriptjavascript array check if value existscheck array exists element jscheck if array item doesn 27t exists javascripthow to check if an item exist in a list in javascriptcheck if element exists in arrayjavascript check if index exists in arrayif not exist in array check if a value exist in a arrayjs check array existscheck if value exists in array of array javascriptcheck if not in array jsjavascript check if element exist in arrayif value present in a list javascriptcheck if value already exists in array javascript codeopenjavascript check if item in array existsif already available in array javascriptcheck if value not exists in array javascripthow to check item exist in array with javascriptin javascript how to check something is present in a array or nothow to check value is exist in array in javascriptcheck value from array in javascriptarray exists javascriptto check if element already exist in arrayjs check if index in array existsjavascript check if value exist in arrayhow to check if something is in an arraycheck whether element exists in array javascriptfunction to check for a value in an array javascriptreturn true if value exists in array javascriptfind if vlaue is in table jsaccess of array if exists javascriptcheck if the element exists in array javascriptjavascript check if item already exists in arraycheck if el exist after in arrayjs check element exists in arraycheck if entry exists in javascript arrayhow to check particular id is exist or not in array javascriptcheck if array element is string javascriptnode js if exist in arrayhow to check if a number exists in an array javascriptexists array method jscheck on array if value existhow to check particular element exist in array javascriptverify if a value is in array jsto check if element exists in array javascriptjs if value exist in arrrayjavascript exists in arrayif element exist in array javascriptcheck if values exists in arrayjavascript array within array existsjavascript check to see if element exists in arraycheck if array element exists jsarray contains valuehow to check element is not present in array with include in javascripthow to check if id of item exist array jscheck if value exists in string array javascriptif array does not contain javascriptcheck if array element exists javascriptcheck value exists or not in array javascriptcheck if the value exists in array javascriptjavascript in array value existsjavascript check if element is in arraycheck if an entry exists in array jsjavascript array find if value existsif an array exists return arrayhow to return true if array has valuehow to check which element doesn 27t exist in an arrayhow to check if value already exist in array in javascripthow to check some value exist in array in javascripthow to check if an array contains a value javascriptcheck to see if there is a value in array javascriptcheck an item present in array or not in jschecking if value exists in an arrayhow to check if a alue s present in an array using includeshow to check value exists in array in node jsfilter array check if it value exists javascriptcheck if element exist in array jshow to check if any number in array is not validcheck if value exists in array else add javascripthow to check if an element does not exist in array javascriptangular check if array has particular elementjavascript how to check if number already exists in arrayhow to check if array exists in javascriptif index in array does not exist javascriptcheck if element exists in one array in arrays javascriptif specific value does not present in array javascriptcheck exist in arrayfind an item from array if exist 2c javascriptcheck array index existhow to check if element is already present in an array javascriptjs check if index exists in arrayjavascript index exists in arrayjavascript arrat values if existcheck if the element is already in the array javascriptcheck if element is present in array javascriptcheck array value exists in javascript which has indexjs if value is exist to element in arrayhow to check whether element is present in array or notcheck if an item exists in an arrayhow to know if array contains a valuehow to check if particular list is present in array javascriptcheck if elemnt exists in array jshow to find if element is present in arrayjs arr checking if exist array by 21how to check if an element is present in the array javascripthow to check for a character in array javascripthow to check if an element is present in an array in jsexist or not exists in array javascripthow to check item exist into list in jshow to check if a value is present in an array javascripthow to check if array value start with in javascripthow to check if an array does not contain a value javascripthow to check if an item already exists in an array javascriptcheck row in array if value exists javascriptjs check if item exist in arrayhow to check if a value is not there in array in jshow to check if an item exists in an array javascripthow to check a value present in array in jswhat does javascript return if an item at array index x doesn 27t existcheck value present in array jsjs is exist in arrayjs check if elements not in arrayexist item array jscheck if element not in arrayif array exist jscheck if value exists in array javascript ex6array javascript check if value existscheck if a element is present in array javascripthow to check if an item exist in an arraycheck an element exists in array javascriptcheck if integer already in list jshow to check if element is present in arraylook if element exists in an array jshow to find if an element exists in an array in javascripthow to check if an array already contains a valuehow to check the variable value exists in array javascriptcheck value is present in array javascripthow to check if an element exist in javascript arraycheck if value exist in array javascriptcheck if element exist in array javascriptjs check array value existswrite a javascript function to find an array contains a specific elementarray exists false value jscheck if a number exists in array javascriptjavascript check if array element existscheck if array index exists jscheck value has in array or not jscheck if array includes specific key value javascriptcheck if item is already in array javascriptprint if value exists in array javascripthow to check if a number already exists in an array javascriptjavascript array element exists checkjs check if an array contains an itema value is exist in a set of array or notcheck if string doesn 27t exists in array jscheck if element exisitin array jshow to check a specific amount from an array in javascriptjavascript array how to check if an element existscheck if a value is available in an array javascriptjavascript check if array does not contains object with specific valuecheck if a value exist in array jssee if a value exists in an arrayhow to check that does it exist in array javascriptcheck if field of array have value jscheck if array has any values javascripthow to find if given element is present is array in jscheck if specific value exists in array javascriptcheck if an alement exists in an arrayvalue exists array javascriptif not exist then includes javascriptcheck if javascript index is contained in a arrayes6 check value exists in arrayarray exist itemjavascrpit includes arraycheck any value conrains in array javascriptcheck if a specific element exists in array javascriptcheck existence of element in array javascriptchecking if value exists in js arrayhow to check the value is exist or not in array in jsmake an array which checks if the item already exists in that arrayjavascript array contains valuecheck if value exist in array jshow to check if aa elel exist in aan array jsfind if a value exists in an array nodejshow to check if an element exists in array javascripthow to check that value exists in js arraycheck if value in array existsjavascript array exists elementchecking if a value exists in a javascript arrayfind if the element k is present in the array js if val 28 29 contains arraycheck if item already exists in array jshow do you check if a value exists in an array nodejshow to check if an element is a n array in javascripthow to check value exist in array in javascriptjs check if an array has a valuehow to check given value in array or not in javascripthow to check a index exist in an array jsif exists on array jscheck if a particular email already exists in an array javascripthow to check contents of an array in jsjs check if 22index exists in arraycheck exist value in array javascriptes6 check if array value existscheck any value exist in array javascript from other arrayhow to get true if a value exists in javascriptcheck if an array has a truejavascript check if integer exist in an arrayhow to check if a number exist in an arraycheck if it exists in arrayhow to check value exists in array or not in javascriptarray method for check if item exists javascriptcheck if some element is in array javascriptsee if item in list jshow to check if particular value has value in javascriptcheck if item is in array javascriptcheck if array element existsjavascript in array existjavascript includes arrayexist elemet in array javascriptcheck it exi in arrayhow to check array into list exiest or not in javascriptcheck value exist in array javascripthow to chech if an item exist in an arraycheck items exist in arraycheck if value exists in object array and get the index typescriptcheck whether value exists in array javascriptdetermine if number exists in array jshow to check whather the array element is exist or not in javascriptjavascript array check if one value is not in arrayif element exist in list javascriptcheck a value exists or not in an arraycheck if a value exist in array javascriptarray method in js to check if element existshow to check values in array javascriptcheck element exist in javascript arraycheck if a value exists in a list javascripthow to check if an element already exists in an array in javascriptjavascript program to check if element exists in arraycheck to see if a value exists in an array javascriptcheck entered value exists in array javascriptif person exists in array javascriptcheck if array index exists defined javascriptcheck if number exists in arrayhow to check if a certain value is inside an arraycheck if an element is present in an arry jsif array exist in node jsarray value exists jshow to check value is here in jscheck if the value is present in the array or not in jscheck exist in array javascriptjavascript check if value exists in arraydoes entry exist in array jscheck new value in array javascriptarray includes javascriptif array index exists javascriptjs check item exists in arrayjavascript array not exist if array existe check for value in javascript arrayjavascript in array existscheck if id exist in arraycheck if array contains member of object javascriptcheck if an array index exists javascriptmake new array if exists javascriptif array in array existcheck if a number exists in an array javascriptexist elemet in array javascript example includeshow to test if an element does not exist in array javascriptcheck value not exist in array javascriptjs if array index existshow to check if a ele exist in an arrayjavascript array list find the element exists or notjs check value in arrayjavascript if array element existsif exist in arrayfunction to check if element is present in arraycheck if a number exist in a list javascriptcheck if value present anywhere in array javascriptfind if a value exists in a array node jscheck if array value exists in filearray value existelement exists in array jsjavascript check if array index has valuejs check if item is in arraycheck if value exists in array check if element exists in javascript arrayhow to see if data matches array javascriptusing javascript to check if a value exists array es5check if a number exists on array jsjavascript method to see if item exists in arrayhow to check if any one value is something in an arraycheck if value exists in list javascripthow to see if a value exists in an arrayin array chech value exist or nothow to check if an item in an array is a number javascriptcheck if value is key or value array javascripthow to check if value exists in array javascripthow to check value is in array javascripthow to check if an array contains a valuecheck if value exists in array javascript and return the valuehow to check a variable is present in array in javascriptjavascript check if array has already valueverify if theres someting in arrayfind value exist or not in array node jscheck items of arraycheck if value present in array javascriptcheck if its a number exists in array javascriptjavascript check if element in index exist in arrayhow to determine if a number is not in an array javascripthow to check if an item is present in an array in jscheck if item exists in array javascript using findjs value of element in array in arrayjs check if item not in arrayhow to check if a particular element is present in an array in node jsjavascript find if element does not exists in arrayjavascript array element existsif a div already exists in array javascriptverify if element exists in array javascriptjavascript array index existsjs check for value in arraywrite a program to search if a number exists in an array javascriptcheck if array exists javascripthow to check if the value existi or not in an arrayjavascript how to check if value exists in arraycheck if an array exists javascript 21arraycheck if string exist in array nodejsjavascript check if existis in listcheck if var exist in array jscheck if item already in arrayjavascript if element exists in arrayhow to check if value exist in array in javascriptcheck item present in array javascripthow to check value present in array in javascripthow to check if an array exists in javascriptcheck if index exists in array jsjava script array check if value existscheck if array position exists javascriptjavascript find if value is in arrayhow to check value exists in array javascriptchecking whether a value exists in an array javascript