choose index from list python

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showing results for - "choose index from list python"
10 Jan 2017
1ahahfunny = ['ahah ', 'copy-', 'paste ', 'stack overflow', ' go ', 'brr']
2# The biggest index is 5. Reason why it isn't 6 is because according to the
3# computer index 0 = 1, 1 = 2, 2 = 3, etc... 
5print(ahahfunny[0]) # It should print 'ahah', being the first index of the list
7n = 0
9for i in range(len(ahahfunny)):
10	print(ahahfunny[n] + '\n')
11  	n += 1
13print(ahahfunny[0], ahahfunny[3], ahahfunny[4], ahahfunny[5])
15print("\nbrrr\tYou're welcome\tbrrr.")
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