class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5croute 27 not found

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showing results for - "class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5croute 27 not found"
07 May 2018
1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
16 Nov 2020
1use Illuminate\Routing\Route;
17 Sep 2016
1Because your controller is namespaced unless you specifically import the Auth namespace, PHP will assume it's under the namespace of the class, giving this error.
3To fix this, add use Auth; at the top of AdminHomeController file along with your other use statements or alternatively prefix all instances of Auth with backslash like this: \Auth to let PHP know to load it from the global namespace.
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error 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5ccontroller 27 not found in file 2fvar 2fwww 2fhtml 2ffl sport 2fbackend user 2fapp 2fhttp 2fcontrollers 2fauth 2fauthcontroller php on line 10class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cclient 27 not foundclass 27auth 27 not foundlaravel auth not foundclass 27app 5chelpers 5cauth 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 22 not foundclass 27app 5ccommonfunction 5cauth 27 not foundclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers not found 22 2cclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cuser 5c 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27modules 5corders 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not found 22error 3a class 27route 27 not found inerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5chttp 27 not foundclass 27app http middleware auth 27 not found in laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5crouteserviceprovider 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 22 not founderror 3a class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5croute 22 not found 7bmessage 3a 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not found 22 2c exception 3a 22error 22 2c e2 80 a6 7dclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cauth 27 not founderror class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cinput 27 not foundapp http controllers auth auth 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers auth controller 27 not found in laravellogincontroller not found in laravel 83laravel class auth not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cresponse 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cdeptstaff 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cappbasecontroller 27 not foundauth not found laravelundefined type 27auth 27 ifix class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cinput 22 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 27 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5crootcontrollers 5cinertia 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cinput 22 not foundclass 27modules 5c 5cauth 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cresponse 27 not foundlaravel class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5credirect 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ctime 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cadmin 5c 5cfile 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5cmiddleware 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cpassword 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cschoolstaff 5c 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cint student 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers auth 27 not found laravel 8class 27app http controllers auth 27 not foundapp http controllers auth 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers user 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmins 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cadmin 5c 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers auth mail 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5ccompany 27 not found 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cauth 27 not found 22 2cclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1a 5cuser 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 27 not foundauth not found in laravel balde in laravel 8class 27app 5ccontroller 5cadmin 5crouter 27 not foundlaravel auth not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cfile 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cmail 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5credirect 27 not foundclass 27apphttpcontrollersauth user 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5credirect 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cemployee 27 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cvalidator 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cmailcontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 27 not found barryvdhclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 5croute 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5credirect 27 not found laravekclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not found in laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cvalidationexception 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cdb 27 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cfile 27 not foundlaravel class 27app 5ctraits 5cauth 27 not foundlaravel 8 error class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccustomer 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capiauth 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontrollers 27 not founderror class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cclient 5cauth 22 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 27 not found http 3a 2f 2f127 0 0 1 3a8000 2fa1postclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5clog 27 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cversions 27 not found 22message 22 3a 22class 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cauth 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cauth 27 not foundlaravel 8 class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not foundlaravel route controller not foundclass 27app http controllers auth auth 27 not foundmessage 3a class 27my admincontroller 27 not foundauth not found in laravelessage 3a 22class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 22 not found 22 2c exception 3aclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cauth not foundlaravel class auth not foundcontroller or its method is not found 3a 5capp 5ccontrollers 5capi 3a 3auserclass app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cexception not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthadmin 5credirect 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers admin admin 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cindustry 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cmail 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers admin app 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers not found 7b 22userid 22 3a1 2c 22exception 22 3a 22 5bobject 5dundefined type 27auth 27 class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cusers 27 not founderror 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cauth 27 not found inerror class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cadmin 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cregister 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cview 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers auth auth 27 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5corderfire 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuserscontrollers 5credirect 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cconfig 27 not found class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 22 not foundundefined index 3a auth typeclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5credirect 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cuser 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5croute 27 not foundclass auth not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ccategory 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cstr 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 27 not foundauth 27 not found 22 laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cconfig 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cdashboard 5croute 27 not founduncaught error 3a class 22app 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 22 not foundundefined type authclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 5cartisan 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not found laravel 8inertia undefined type 27auth 27 class 27app http controllers user 27 not found laravel 7ubiquity uncaught error 3a class controllers 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller not found iclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cexception 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cuser 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cdb 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cdb 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ccontroller 27 not foundproduction error 3a class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cusercontroller 27 not foundapp http controllers auth not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cauth 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cstr 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cv1 5cuser 27 not found on route llist laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cbasefunctionscontrollers 5cbooks 5croute 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ctag 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cartisan 27 not foundubiquity uncaught error 3a class 22controllers 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 22 not found i class 22app 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cpost not found 7b 22userid 22 3a1 2c 22exception 22 3a 22 5bobject 5dclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ccontroller 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cresponse 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cfile 27 not foundclass 26quot 3bapphttpcontrollersauthuser 26quot 3b not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5chomecontroller 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cvendor 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cadmin 5c 5cwebhookcall 27 not found 22 2cclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cconfig 27 not foundlaravel class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cinput 27 not foundundefined type 27auth 27class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ccontroller 22 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 5croute 27 not foundclass 27app http controllers auth auth 27 not found laravel 7symfony 5ccomponent 5cdebug 5cexception 5cfatalthrowableerror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not foundapp http controllers auth 27 not found laravelclass 27app 5ccontroller 5crouter 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthcontroller 5cauth 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cexception 22 not found class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmincontrollers 5cdb 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5curl 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capp 5cmodels 5cuser 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5croute 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cconfig 27 not foundphp fatal error 3a uncaught error 3a class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 22 not found in c 3a 5cusers 5clschouten 5cdocuments 5cworkspace 5ccrud userapp 5capp 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cregisteredusercontroller php 3a14 stack trace 3ainterface 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauthenticatable 27 not foundclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5capi 5c 5cauth 5c 22 not found 22class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5clog 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5chttp 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 27 not found laravel 8error class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cuser 22 not found laravel 8class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cuser 5cauth 5cpassword 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 5cmail 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cmail 27 not found class 27app http controllers admin config 27 not founduncaught error 3a class 22app 5ccontrollers 5cauth controller 22 not foundclass 27auth 27 not found laravelclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 5cauth 27 not found laravel 7class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5capi 5cauth 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cgetid3 27 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5cauth 22 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5clog 27 not founderror class 27app 5chttp 5cmiddleware 5cauth 27 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cuser 27 not found 22 in laravelclass 5c 22app 5c 5chttp 5c 5ccontrollers 5c 5cauth 5c 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cauth 27 not found 28500 internal server error 29class 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5clang 22 not foundclass 22app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5ccontroller 22 not foundclass 27app 5chttp 5ccontrollers 5cadmin 5croute 27 not found