showing results for - "component vs container react"
17 Jan 2016
1Component which is responsible for fetching data and 
2displaying is called smart or container components. 
3Data can be come from redux, any network call or third party subscription.
5Dumb/presentational components are those which are responsible for 
6presenting view based on props received.
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component container reactpresentational and container componentspresentational components reactreact container vs divcontainer vs component reactreact component vs containercontainer components vs presentational componentscomponent vs container react examplecontainer vs component in reactcontainers vs componentscomponent vs containers in reactwhat are containers in reactwhy sepration of container and presentational components is not used anynorecomponent vs container reactpresentational vs container componentsshould presentational components have access to statecontainer presentational componentscontainer reactcomponents vs containers in reactwhat is presentational components in reactseparate container and presentational componentswhat 27s the difference between component and comtainer reactcontainer and item differences react jsreact components vs containerswhich of the following is not a good reason for having presentational and container logic separatereact presentational component vs container componentcomponents vs containerswhat 27s the difference between component and comtainerreact js container vs componentwhat is main container in reactreact container component vspresentation component react syntawhat is container in reactdifference between containers vs components in reacthow many container and component in reactcpomponet vs container reactpresentation components reactdifference between components and containers in reactpresentation component vs container componentwhat does presentational ui component meanwill writing container presentational component take more spacepresentational container componentsreact container vs presentational componentsreact presentation componentwhat is containers in reactreact container componentstateless components also called as container componentscomparison between react js component and presentation componentcontainer vs presentational components reactcontainers vs components reactcontainer component reactpresentational componentswhat 27s the difference between component and container reactcontainer components statelesscomponents vs containers reactreact difference container componentdiff between container vs view in react mediumdifference between presentational component and functional componentreact containers vs componentsreact component vs viewdisplay components and container components in reactcontainer vs components in reactreact container vs componentcomponent vs container react