computation failed in 60stat flow 28 29 60 3a

Solutions on MaxInterview for computation failed in 60stat flow 28 29 60 3a by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "computation failed in 60stat flow 28 29 60 3a"
27 Aug 2017
2           aes(x = month, 
3               stratum = Job, 
4               alluvium = Employee,
5               y = freq,
6               fill = Job, 
7               label = Job)) +
8        scale_x_discrete(expand = c(.1, .1)) +
9        geom_flow(stat = "alluvium", 
10                  lode.guidance = "frontback",
11                  color = "darkgray") +
12        geom_stratum(alpha = .5) +
13        geom_text(stat = "stratum", size = 3) +
14        theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
15        ggtitle("Project month responses at three points in time")
27 Oct 2018
1    df_data_Aluv <- data %>%
2        filter(PostDate >= "2019-08-01" & PostDate <= "2019-10-30") %>%
3        select(date = PostDate, Employee, Job, Hours) %>%
4        group_by(Job, month = as.character(floor_date(date, "month")), Employee) %>%
5        summarize(freq = n_distinct(Employee), Hours = sum(Hours)) %>%
6        mutate(empmon = paste(Employee, " -- ", month)) %>%
7        group_by(empmon) %>%
8        filter(Hours == max(Hours)) %>%
9        distinct(empmon, .keep_all = TRUE)  
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