connect servo to arduino

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20 Mar 2019
1// Include the Servo library #include <Servo.h> 
2// Declare the Servo pin 
3int servoPin = 3; 
4// Create a servo object 
5Servo Servo1; 
6void setup() { 
7   // We need to attach the servo to the used pin number 
8   Servo1.attach(servoPin); 
10void loop(){ 
11   // Make servo go to 0 degrees 
12   Servo1.write(0); 
13   delay(1000); 
14   // Make servo go to 90 degrees 
15   Servo1.write(90); 
16   delay(1000); 
17   // Make servo go to 180 degrees 
18   Servo1.write(180); 
19   delay(1000); 
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