showing results for - "create a customer in stripe node js"
11 Jun 2016
1const stripe = require('stripe')('api_key');
3stripe.customers.create({ email: 'email_address' }, (error, customer) => {
4	if (error) {
5      console.error(error);
6    } else {
7      console.log(customer);
8    }
09 Aug 2016
1var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_FceQdct2QZpFfQZC4Wx9hGeo00ghaTeqAc');
4  {
5    customer: 'cus_HKZRMeUnGPOb66',
6    items: [{price: 'gold'}],
7  },
8  function(err, subscription) {
9    // asynchronously called
10  }
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