create array in php

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showing results for - "create array in php"
22 Oct 2016
1$array = array(
2    "foo" => "bar",
3    "bar" => "foo",
06 Sep 2017
3$array array(
4    "foo" => "bar",
5    "bar" => "foo",
8// as of PHP 5.4
9$array = [
10    "foo" => "bar",
11    "bar" => "foo",
22 Apr 2018
4    #array is a variable that holds multiple values
5    /*
6    Three types of arrays
7        - Indexed
8        - associative
9        - Multi-dimensional
10    */
11    // Indexed array is the most common and easiest
12    $people = array('Kevin', 'Jeremy ', 'Sara');
13    $ids = array(23, 55, 12);
14    $cars = ['Honda', ' Toyota', 'Ford'];  // also an array
15    //add to an array
16    $cars[3] = ' Audi';
17    // you can use empty brackets and it will be added to the last one
18    $cars[] = ' Chevy';
20    echo $people[1];
21    echo $ids[1];
22    echo $cars[1];    
23    echo $cars[3];
24    echo $cars[4];
25    echo count($cars);
26    //you can also print the entire array
27    print_r($cars);
28    //to look at data type
29    echo var_dump($cars);
31    //Associative Arrays key pairs
32    $people1 = array('Kevin' => 35, 'Jeremy' => 23, 'Sara' => 19);
33    $ids1 = array(23 => 'Kevin', 55 => 'Jeremy', 12 => 'Sara');
34    echo $people1['Kevin'];
35    echo $ids1[23];
36    //add to these types of arrays
37    $people1['Jill'] = 44;
38    echo $people1['Jill'];
39    print_r($people1);
40    var_dump($people1);
42    //Multi-Dimensional Arrays aka an array within an array
44    $cars2 = array(
45        array('Honda',20,10),
46        array('Toyota',30,20),
47        array('Ford',23,12)
48    );
50    echo $cars2[1][0];
20 Jun 2019
1$array = array(
2    "foo" => "bar",
3    "bar" => "foo",
23 Aug 2018
1$my_array = array();
15 Nov 2017
2$array = array(
3    "foo" => "bar",
4    "bar" => "foo",
7// as of PHP 5.4
8$array = [
9    "foo" => "bar",
10    "bar" => "foo",
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