create dropdown in excel using python

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showing results for - "create dropdown in excel using python"
14 Feb 2018
1# Using Data-Validation 
2# An example using openpyxl with DataValiation
3# more on docs -
4from openpyxl import Workbook
5from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation
7wb = Workbook()
9ws = wb.create_sheet('New Sheet')
11for number in range(1,100): #Generates 99 "ip" address in the Column A;
12    ws['A{}'.format(number)].value= "192.168.1.{}".format(number)
14data_val = DataValidation(type="list",formula1='=$A:$A') #You can change =$A:$A with a smaller range like =A1:A9
17data_val.add(ws["B1"]) #If you go to the cell B1 you will find a drop down list with all the values from the column A
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