create loop c 2b 2b

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showing results for - "create loop c 2b 2b"
12 May 2018
1for (int i; i < 10; i++)
3  cout << i << "\n";
07 Jan 2019
1// There are 2 loops in ++ :
3while(1==1){  }
4//    |  |   | 
5//     |   What happens while condition is true
6//     |    
7//    the condition
10//for loop
12for (int i; i < 10; i++){    }
13//   |___|  |___|   |_|  |__|
14//     |      |      |     | 
15//     |      |      |     what happens when conditons is true
16//     |      |     what happens each time loop is reapeted
17//     |      The condition in wich the loop is true
18//     a variable declaratoin
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