showing results for - "creating components in react"
10 Jan 2018
1class MyComponent extends React.Component{
2    constructor(props){
3        super(props);
4    };
5    render(){
6        return(
7            <div>
8              <h1>
9              	My First React Component!
10              </h1>
11            </div>
12        );
13    }
02 Jan 2019
1class Car extends React.Component {
2  render() {
3    return <h2>Hi, I am a Car!</h2>;
4  }
19 Jan 2019
1// This is a fancy react component, For Demo purposes
2const SiteIntroduction = () => {
3  return (
4    <React.Fragment>
5      <section>
6        <header>
7          <h1>Component Header </h1>
8        </header>
10        <main>
11          <p>
12            This is a paragraph for my Entire Component that i am using in the
13            application
14          </p>
15        </main>
17        <footer>
18          <p>This is the Entire Footer for The React Component Application</p>
19        </footer>
20      </section>
21    </React.Fragment>
22  );
25ReactDOM.render(<SiteIntroduction />, document.getElementById("root"));
13 May 2018
1function Comment(props) {
2  return (
3    <div className="Comment">
4      <div className="UserInfo">
5        <img className="Avatar"
6          src={}
7          alt={}
8        />
9        <div className="UserInfo-name">
10          {}
11        </div>
12      </div>
13      <div className="Comment-text">
14        {props.text}
15      </div>
16      <div className="Comment-date">
17        {formatDate(}
18      </div>
19    </div>
20  );
queries leading to this page
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with propsnew component reactcomponents for reactreactjs componentsmaking a react componentreact functional compcreate react component using hygenreact native component start custo startadd a div with react with functional to componentfunction in functional componrnt in reactcreate a components in react nativeintroduce class to component reactreact native use component in componentsimple const componentusing components reacthow to write class in reactreact create class in componentreact verions that had functional compnentsreact functional compoentn basic syntaxhow to make react componenthow to create component in react jshow to create component in react and use ithow to find a particular code in my component react nativereact component insert componentreact component creationreactjs component on creationways to make component in reactprops jsjavascript class react componentsfination components reactwhat are component attributes and properties in create react apphow to define a 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reactfunctional component react es6class component in react exampledifferent ways to make a react componentextends react componentcomposing react components starterreact component this when i should create componenet in reacthow to define function in react functional componentdefining a function reactwhy we use class component in reactreact native create componentcreate class component reactfunction in class reactjsfunction componenets in react jsclass equivalent in reacthow to call stateless function inside react componentreact function component with jsximplement class in react jsmake react componentreact simple functional componentreact class component templatereact component simplecreate component in reactfunctional component jsxclass based components in reactreact extends componentcreate components in react nativecalling props in a function component in reactcomponent react jsdefault components vs named components reacthow do react class use thiscomponents to reactwriting react 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