dart to json

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04 Nov 2017
1import 'dart:convert';
3main() {
4  String nestedObjText =
5      '{"title": "Dart Tutorial", "description": "Way to parse Json", "author": {"name": "bezkoder", "age": 30}}';
7  Tutorial tutorial = Tutorial.fromJson(jsonDecode(nestedObjText));
9  print(tutorial);
08 Jun 2019
1flutter packages pub run build_runner build
25 Jul 2018
1class Autogenerated {
2  int userId;
3  int id;
4  String title;
5  String body;
7  Autogenerated({this.userId, this.id, this.title, this.body});
9  Autogenerated.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
10    userId = json['userId'];
11    id = json['id'];
12    title = json['title'];
13    body = json['body'];
14  }
16  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
17    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
18    data['userId'] = this.userId;
19    data['id'] = this.id;
20    data['title'] = this.title;
21    data['body'] = this.body;
22    return data;
23  }
14 Jan 2017
1class Todo {
2  int userId;
3  int id;
4  String title;
5  bool completed;
7  Todo({this.userId, this.id, this.title, this.completed});
9  Todo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
10    userId = json['userId'];
11    id = json['id'];
12    title = json['title'];
13    completed = json['completed'];
14  }
16  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
17    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
18    data['userId'] = this.userId;
19    data['id'] = this.id;
20    data['title'] = this.title;
21    data['completed'] = this.completed;
22    return data;
23  }
20 Aug 2017
1class posts {
2  int idPost;
3  String datePost;
4  String objectPost;
5  String contenuPost;
6  double latitude;
7  double longitude;
8  List<Null> fichiers;
9  Null domaine;
10  List<Null> partages;
11  Null user;
12  List<Null> commentaireCorpsMetiers;
13  Null post;
14  List<Null> sousPost;
15  List<Null> votes;
16  List<Null> likes;
18  posts(
19      {this.idPost,
20      this.datePost,
21      this.objectPost,
22      this.contenuPost,
23      this.latitude,
24      this.longitude,
25      this.fichiers,
26      this.domaine,
27      this.partages,
28      this.user,
29      this.commentaireCorpsMetiers,
30      this.post,
31      this.sousPost,
32      this.votes,
33      this.likes});
35  posts.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
36    idPost = json['id_post'];
37    datePost = json['date_post'];
38    objectPost = json['object_post'];
39    contenuPost = json['contenu_post'];
40    latitude = json['latitude'];
41    longitude = json['longitude'];
42    if (json['fichiers'] != null) {
43      fichiers = new List<Null>();
44      json['fichiers'].forEach((v) {
45        fichiers.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
46      });
47    }
48    domaine = json['domaine'];
49    if (json['partages'] != null) {
50      partages = new List<Null>();
51      json['partages'].forEach((v) {
52        partages.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
53      });
54    }
55    user = json['user'];
56    if (json['commentaire_corpsMetiers'] != null) {
57      commentaireCorpsMetiers = new List<Null>();
58      json['commentaire_corpsMetiers'].forEach((v) {
59        commentaireCorpsMetiers.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
60      });
61    }
62    post = json['post'];
63    if (json['sous_post'] != null) {
64      sousPost = new List<Null>();
65      json['sous_post'].forEach((v) {
66        sousPost.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
67      });
68    }
69    if (json['votes'] != null) {
70      votes = new List<Null>();
71      json['votes'].forEach((v) {
72        votes.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
73      });
74    }
75    if (json['likes'] != null) {
76      likes = new List<Null>();
77      json['likes'].forEach((v) {
78        likes.add(new Null.fromJson(v));
79      });
80    }
81  }
83  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
84    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
85    data['id_post'] = this.idPost;
86    data['date_post'] = this.datePost;
87    data['object_post'] = this.objectPost;
88    data['contenu_post'] = this.contenuPost;
89    data['latitude'] = this.latitude;
90    data['longitude'] = this.longitude;
91    if (this.fichiers != null) {
92      data['fichiers'] = this.fichiers.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
93    }
94    data['domaine'] = this.domaine;
95    if (this.partages != null) {
96      data['partages'] = this.partages.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
97    }
98    data['user'] = this.user;
99    if (this.commentaireCorpsMetiers != null) {
100      data['commentaire_corpsMetiers'] =
101          this.commentaireCorpsMetiers.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
102    }
103    data['post'] = this.post;
104    if (this.sousPost != null) {
105      data['sous_post'] = this.sousPost.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
106    }
107    if (this.votes != null) {
108      data['votes'] = this.votes.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
109    }
110    if (this.likes != null) {
111      data['likes'] = this.likes.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
112    }
113    return data;
114  }
12 Mar 2019
1class Testing {
2  String guid;
3  int index;
4  String favoriteFruit;
5  double latitude;
6  String company;
7  String email;
8  String picture;
9  List<String> tags;
10  String registered;
11  String eyeColor;
12  String phone;
13  String address;
14  List<Friends> friends;
15  bool isActive;
16  String about;
17  String balance;
18  String name;
19  String gender;
20  int age;
21  String greeting;
22  double longitude;
23  String sId;
25  Testing(
26      {this.guid,
27      this.index,
28      this.favoriteFruit,
29      this.latitude,
30      this.company,
31      this.email,
32      this.picture,
33      this.tags,
34      this.registered,
35      this.eyeColor,
36      this.phone,
37      this.address,
38      this.friends,
39      this.isActive,
40      this.about,
41      this.balance,
42      this.name,
43      this.gender,
44      this.age,
45      this.greeting,
46      this.longitude,
47      this.sId});
49  Testing.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
50    guid = json['guid'];
51    index = json['index'];
52    favoriteFruit = json['favoriteFruit'];
53    latitude = json['latitude'];
54    company = json['company'];
55    email = json['email'];
56    picture = json['picture'];
57    tags = json['tags'].cast<String>();
58    registered = json['registered'];
59    eyeColor = json['eyeColor'];
60    phone = json['phone'];
61    address = json['address'];
62    if (json['friends'] != null) {
63      friends = new List<Friends>();
64      json['friends'].forEach((v) {
65        friends.add(new Friends.fromJson(v));
66      });
67    }
68    isActive = json['isActive'];
69    about = json['about'];
70    balance = json['balance'];
71    name = json['name'];
72    gender = json['gender'];
73    age = json['age'];
74    greeting = json['greeting'];
75    longitude = json['longitude'];
76    sId = json['_id'];
77  }
79  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
80    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
81    data['guid'] = this.guid;
82    data['index'] = this.index;
83    data['favoriteFruit'] = this.favoriteFruit;
84    data['latitude'] = this.latitude;
85    data['company'] = this.company;
86    data['email'] = this.email;
87    data['picture'] = this.picture;
88    data['tags'] = this.tags;
89    data['registered'] = this.registered;
90    data['eyeColor'] = this.eyeColor;
91    data['phone'] = this.phone;
92    data['address'] = this.address;
93    if (this.friends != null) {
94      data['friends'] = this.friends.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
95    }
96    data['isActive'] = this.isActive;
97    data['about'] = this.about;
98    data['balance'] = this.balance;
99    data['name'] = this.name;
100    data['gender'] = this.gender;
101    data['age'] = this.age;
102    data['greeting'] = this.greeting;
103    data['longitude'] = this.longitude;
104    data['_id'] = this.sId;
105    return data;
106  }
109class Friends {
110  int id;
111  String name;
113  Friends({this.id, this.name});
115  Friends.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
116    id = json['id'];
117    name = json['name'];
118  }
120  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
121    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
122    data['id'] = this.id;
123    data['name'] = this.name;
124    return data;
125  }
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to make a fromjson flutterjson converter for darthow to convert data into json format in dartflutter docs json parsingdart parse to jsonjson to array converter dartflutter convert json to classflutter convert to jsonjson parsing flutterjson decode dart json to dartgenerate json documents fluttermodel to serialization online for flutterfrom json to dartdart convert json decodejson dependency flutterdart flutter jsonflutter serializationcreate json object in dartdart convert string jsonflutter scheduled json file generationformat data json to darthow to declare json in flutter and how to value to itdart json to string parsedart jsonserializable vsuse json in flutterjson object into dart converterdart output json texthow to create dart object from json flutterint to json file flutterstring to json in flutterjjson to dartserialization in dartjson to object converter dartflutter google serializer json customize value from json nulljson dartflutter json decodedart json classconvert to json 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