data target in html

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25 Apr 2019
1$('#closemodal').click(function() {
2    $('#modalwindow').modal('hide');
05 Mar 2016
1Notice the link element has two custom data attributes: 
2data-toggle and data-target . The toggle tells Bootstrap what to do 
3and the target tells Bootstrap which element is going to open. 
4So whenever a link like that is clicked, 
5a modal with an ID of “basicModal” will appear
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close button in a modalboostrap modal close buttononclick function in javascript to close modal popupmodal close button htmldata target in htmlclose modal from jsdata dismiss modal on click eventdesigned popup models in bootstrapclose modal with jsonclick close modal with idmodal close wiht jsjs how to close modal 1 and open modal 2close modal listener javascriptdata toggle data target htmlclose modal on click in buttonclose modal pop up in javascriptdata target jsjavascript data target data target htmlclose modal on button click javascriptauto close modal jsdata target balise adismiss modal javascriptsmall modal bootstrapdata dismissclose modal in htmljavascript on close modalhandle modal window that close on click outhow to close a modal using javascripthow to close modal in javascriptclose html modal by javascripton click button close modalclick close modaljavascript wenn modal existiert close modalhtml modal popupdata targetvanilla js click on modal closeclose modal using jspop up 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on javascripthow to close modal popup video in javascriptclose modal close buttonbutton x close modaljs window click close modalmodal close event javascriptmodal on close buttonbsmodal role dialogclose modal when submission javascripthow to handle after close button on popup modal in javascriptdata target use in htmlclose modal onclickhtml data targetdata target in i tag in htmlmodal popup close buttonhow to dismiss modal in javascriptclose modal on submit javascriptclose modal on click offjavascrip event on modal closeclose modal on click close buttonon modal close clickhow to add a modalhow to add modal close buttomwhat is data target in htmlmodal onclick closeclose modal with buttonmodal large classmodal window bootstrapdata target jqueryjquery modal box shown on one timeclose modal on click javascriptexit modal javascriptjavascript close any open modalmodal close on buttondata target with classcss click outside to exit the modalon which tags data target attributeclose modal window javascripttrigger modal from javascriptbutton html javascript modalhow to close modal dialog box in javascripthow data target works htmlwindow click close modalmodal box closemodal bootstrap example codejs close modal on clickmodal close with jsclose modal via javascriptmodal close in jsbs modal close event w3schoolclose the modal popup using javascriptjavascript modal window closeopen and close of modal jsjavascript open modal on button clickmodal on exitmodal dismiss javascripthow to make modal close on click button by using json close modal stop javascriptclose modal jsfclose modal on clickclose particular modal javascriptclose modal popup confirm avent how to do on modal close in jsget modal closecreate custom html tag attribute data target how to close modal popup on button click in javascriptclose a modal using html and cssjavascript modal close eventdismiss modal in jsstop modal from popup on button close clickjavascript dismiss modaldata target html attributepop ups in bootstrapjavascript modal closejavascript onclick close modal 3bclose modal popup using vanilla javascriptmodal event close javascriptmodals close button close modal and appel function javascriptonclick close modalclose model using javascripthow to show bootstrap modalprevent modal from closing javascriptjs close modal on submithow to dismiss a modal from javascriptonclick popup modal w3schoolsmodal popup close eventmodal button closehow to make a close modal buttonhow to close a modal on button clickadd close button in modaltarget element datajavascript open 2fclose modalhtml data targethow to close a modal window in javascriptclose modal on click outside in javascriptmethod for close modal in javascriptdismiss modal using javascripthow to dismiss modal from javascriptonclick modal popupmodal dismiss in javascriptjavascript function oncllick close modaljavascript close modal after timeclose modal jsopen modal on click javascriptclose modal in javascriptclose modal windowhow to close modal when click outsidewindow close modal dialogwhat is data target in bootstrapjavascript how to auto close modaldata u target htmlcalling modal through onclick event htmlventana modal bootstrap 3how to close modal onclick okdata target html a elementturn off modal with javascripton click outside modal closemodal html quithow to handle close button modal popup dialog boxhtml modaldata target 3d this 28class 29target attribute html listboostrap popupclose modal box from jsdata target examplebootstrap large modalhandle event on modal closehow to close a modal javascriptjavascript show modal when other modal dismissclose modal on click outnclose modal dialog buttonbootstrap on click show modalmodal close on click buttonbutton close modal on clickclose modal from javascriptwhen modal close eventdata target bootstrap 4javascript close popup modalclose modal javascriptmodal event open and closejs modal close eventjavascript modal box closeclosing a modal window using javascriptdata target htmlclose the modal in jsmodal htmlcss data targetclose the modal if the button is clickbootstrap dialogbutton click close modal popupmodal window close event javascriptjs window close modalhtml a targetaltair modal close using jsmodal on request closewhat are data target in htmlclose modal plain javascripthow to create modal on button clickmodal header class bootsraphow to modal window close in javascriptmodales fenster bootstrap w3schoolson button click close modalhow to open modal on button click jsjavascript to close modalclose modal using htmljavascript function on modal closemodal close javascriptlarge modal bootstrapbootstrap modal for add userclose button in modal popupopen and close modal from buttonclose button in modalmodal close event close button javascriptcall a function on modal closehow to close modal javascrioptmodal examplejs open close modal on clickjavascript close modalbutton click close modal popuobootstrap popup homepagehow to close modal window in javascripttoggle modal and toggle contentselement modal closehow to close dialog modal in javascriptbutton close modelclosing a modal using jsuse of target in htmlclose a modal using javascriptjavascript button to close modeljs simple open close modalclose modal on click on itself javascripthtml close modal on click href close modaljavascript modal doesnt closedata target in javascriptmodals in javascriptdata target attribute htmlclose modal window with javascriptclose modal automatically javascripthow to close modal in jsclose a modal in javascriptpopup modalclose modal by button jsclick to close modalclosing a modal with jsjavascript close all modalhow to create modal in bootstrapmodal close pure js codehide modal in javascriptclose modal in jsdata bs target in htmlbootstrap modal elementwhat 27s data target in htmlclose modal by jshow to exit modaldefault modal box font in bootstrap 3modal headerdismiss a modal in javascriptopen and close modal javascript js modal closejs prevent 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modalmodal popup close iconclose modal popup in javascriptmodal open and close immediately javascripthow to cloase modal in jasmodal close from jsmodal boxjavascript dialog modal closemodal close using jshow to close modal in htmlhow to close a modal in htmlhow to set data target to classhow to close modal from javascripthow to put modal in particular boxcant close modal dialog javascriptdata target bootstraphtml targetclose bootstrap modal on close click using javascripthtml css data targetmodal close buttonclose modal command in javascriptclose modal vanilla javascripton bs close modal jsdata target bootstrap urlwhat does data target use for in bootstrapopen and close modal function javascriptpop up bootstrapdata target javascripthow to add close button in modal popuphow to close modal using jsclose bootstrap modal on button click nodejsmodal close using javascript domopen html page in modal popup bootstrapmodal close with javascriptbutton click modal popup jquerymodal popup close pythonmodal with close buttonmodal on close eventinput data targetjavascript close modal windowdocument body click modal closepopoup bootstrap codehtml data targemodal popup button closeclass data target and 23how data target working bootstrappopup bootstrapdata target example in htmlhtml a data targetclose button modalclose modal buttonbootstrap modal showmodal popup fade in bootstrapon modal popup close eventmodal bootstrap 3click outside modal to close javascriptclose modal with javascripthow to close a modal in javascripteventhandler to close modal in javascripton modal close eventbootstrap 3 modalmodals javascriptjs dismiss modalmodal dialog box in htmlevent on modal closemake a modal in htmlmodal event closehow to close a modal on button click in javascriptclose modal on click outside javascriptcall function on modal closeclose modal dialog javascriptclose modal popuponclick function to close modaljavascript on modal closedhow to close bootstrap modaldata target from jsmodal box javascripthow to add onclick event on modal close buttononclick close modal javascriptclick to dismiss javascriptopen modal bootstraphow to close modal popup in javascriptmodal exit buttondefault open modal bootstrap using classdata target in html