date and time in php

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showing results for - "date and time in php"
08 May 2018
1$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");                   // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
2$today = date("m.d.y");                           // 03.10.01
3$today = date("j, n, Y");                         // 10, 3, 2001
4$today = date("Ymd");                             // 20010310
5$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');       // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
6$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.');     // It is the 10th day (10ème jour du mois).
7$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");                 // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
8$today = date('H:m:s \m \e\s\t\ \l\e\ \m\o\i\s'); // 17:03:18 m est le mois
9$today = date("H:i:s");                           // 17:16:18
10$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                     // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (le format DATETIME de MySQL)
06 Mar 2018
1//Get current date time in PHP
3// Simply:
4$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
6// Or:
7$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s');
9// This would return the date in the following formats respectively:
10$date = '2012-03-06 17:33:07';
11// Or
12$date = '2012/03/06 17:33:07';
15 * This time is based on the default server time zone.
16 * If you want the date in a different time zone,
17 * say if you come from Nairobi, Kenya like I do, you can set
18 * the time zone to Nairobi as shown below.
19 */
23// Then call the date functions
24$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
25// Or
26$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s');
28// date_default_timezone_set() function is however
29// supported by PHP version 5.1.0 or above.
04 Oct 2016
1$timestamp = strtotime('2009-10-22');
3$day = date('D', $timestamp);
01 Apr 2018
1$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");               // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
2$today = date("m.d.y");                       // 03.10.01
3$today = date("j, n, Y");                     // 10, 3, 2001
4$today = date("Ymd");                         // 20010310
5$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');   // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
6$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.'); // it is the 10th day.
7$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");             // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
8$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h');   // 17:03:18 m is month
9$today = date("H:i:s");                       // 17:16:18
10$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                 // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)
10 Nov 2020
1$dateTime = new \DateTime();
2$dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
27 Apr 2020
1echo date('d/m/Y h:i:s a');	// 01/02/2020 01:01:30 am
2// d - The day of the month (from 01 to 31)
3// D - A textual representation of a day (three letters)
4// j - The day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31)
5// l (lowercase 'L') - A full textual representation of a day
6// N - The ISO-8601 numeric representation of a day (1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday)
7// S - The English ordinal suffix for the day of the month (2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j)
8// w - A numeric representation of the day (0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday)
9// z - The day of the year (from 0 through 365)
10// W - The ISO-8601 week number of year (weeks starting on Monday)
11// F - A full textual representation of a month (January through December)
12// m - A numeric representation of a month (from 01 to 12)
13// M - A short textual representation of a month (three letters)
14// n - A numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 to 12)
15// t - The number of days in the given month
16// L - Whether it's a leap year (1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise)
17// o - The ISO-8601 year number
18// Y - A four digit representation of a year
19// y - A two digit representation of a year
20// a - Lowercase am or pm
21// A - Uppercase AM or PM
22// B - Swatch Internet time (000 to 999)
23// g - 12-hour format of an hour (1 to 12)
24// G - 24-hour format of an hour (0 to 23)
25// h - 12-hour format of an hour (01 to 12)
26// H - 24-hour format of an hour (00 to 23)
27// i - Minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59)
28// s - Seconds, with leading zeros (00 to 59)
29// u - Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2)
30// e - The timezone identifier (Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores)
31// I (capital i) - Whether the date is in daylights savings time (1 if Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise)
32// O - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours (Example: +0100)
33// P - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours:minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3)
34// T - Timezone abbreviations (Examples: EST, MDT)
35// Z - Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is negative (-43200 to 50400)
36// c - The ISO-8601 date (e.g. 2013-05-05T16:34:42+00:00)
37// r - The RFC 2822 formatted date (e.g. Fri, 12 Apr 2013 12:01:05 +0200)
38// U - The seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
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show timedate using phpdatetime php w3schoolsget day full name from date in phpphp new date from format full date with timezoneget time phphow to find now time stamp usig phpphp datetime current timestampphp datesget day number from day name phpphp date 28i 29create date and time in phpphp date format month namehow to make datetime in php formatphp date exampledate 28d m y 29 in phpphp get the dayphp get month name of a datefunction to get the day for today phpphp date get monthhow to make time format in phpphp atomic timeget the day in date phpphp date format timestampecho date nowphp return full datephp time to date formatphp current time datadate time 2c phpdate rfc3339 extended in phpphp date and timetime not get using date function in phpcurrrent datetime to string phpphp date forphp create date timestampphp get current timestamptoday 28 29 phpphp date now current stampshow day name in phpphp time formatprint date from timestamp phpphp date vardatephptimestamp php nowtime 28now 29 phphtml output time 7cdate 3a 27y m d 27get present time phpphp specify timephp whole set asian date timedate time phpphp get time of dayfunction time phpphp date datephp date format secondstime phpget today 27s date in phpecho today in phpecho date ohoget current day and time in phpphp date format functionget part of a day based on time phpphp date rfc formatdatetime php datephp formate date timehow to get day value from timestamp php 5cw 5cd phpfind day from date in phptime formate phpget day from date php datetimedate phhpago time formate in phpphp now timestampget this date of day phpcurrent date format in phpdate 28 22l 22 29 phpdate 28ymd 29 in phpcreate date with timestamp in phpphp time format sqlcurrent date timestamp phpdate to time php 3a 3atime in phptime format to exact i phphow does datetime work in phphow to get new date 28 29 in phpdatetime to datestring phpdate du jour en phpdate day phpphp datetime now formatdate format php example day namedatetime get day phpphp date 28 27i 27 29date syntax phpdate format in phpphp get month dayphp date 28 c3 a0tim phpdates on phpprint date of the day phpdatetime object php get datephp get timemeaning of 3fdate in phphow to format time to 24 hour in phpphp day of dateformating a new datetime object phpphp time functionphp print datetimephp if 6 mois c3 a0 une datephp date atomlaravel time formatsphp time format function a inputtimes phpcurrent time php timestamphow to get the day and month from a date in phpphp time returnoutpu date phptime 28 29 3b in phphow to get day from year month and day in phpphp time 28 29 vs date 28u 29print time with phpphp timestamp is todayh 3ai time format in phpnew datetime nowphp datetime y m d h i sphp get current epoch timephp date 28 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27datetime drfault format phpget days from date phpdates and time phphow to get the day number form date in php date 28 29php time functiophp datetime format iso8601how to get present day in input with phpdatee function phpcurrent server time phpphp get day from date to current dateget now time phpdate format timeformat phpphp iso8601 time formatdate formate phphget time in php and format systemget current day with date phpdate du joure n phpdate timestamp phpget day of date phpdate time amformat phptiime format phpdate y m d in phpprint date from variable phpdatetime comes as an object in phpphp now 28 29 timestampphp get day from datetime 2bday phpformat a date phpphp the datephp datetphp date 28 27y 27 29current date in phpcurrent time and date phpiso date and time format phpformat datetime phpdate 28l 29 phpphp datetime 5cdatetime format phpdate time long format phpphp complete dateget day or night from date in phphow to get day from date in phpget date timestamp phpphp date a m php get now 28 29database date phpphp current timestampdate atom in phpphp date format write hdatetime 28 29 3bphp time formartdate 28 29 phpdate time format list phpdatetime with phpparametre date phpdate 28w 29 php 24s 3e 24h php codecurrent datetime timestamp in phpphp date fuctionsget only day from given date in phphour min sec in laravel format 28 27y m d h 3am 3as 27 29formate time phpphp ctimephp datetime 3a 3acreatefromformat 28datetime 3a 3aatom 29 javascriptdate method in phpget timestamp now phpphp today date time with 24 hour format phpdate from datetime sql phpphp time format listphp current date functionphp date get day name by full datetime 28 29 function in phpstring time format phpphp display current date 21php net datedata time on phpdate get month phphtml hour format phpphp fhirconstants 27 not foundphp datetiomephp datetime get day of monthdate actuel phpdate class in phpphp net datephp data nowphp return dayphp date from datetimeth after 4 date phpphp 5 datetime nowphp get day from intdatein phpvar dump datetimedate with time in phpw3school php date and timephp date timestampformat date php from stringphp get day name from datephp date 5dc date format phpsouth african timezone phpphp get this dayclass datetime phpis date php functiontim in phpphp current datephp get time formatphp time nowphp new datetimephp date nphp today 27s datedatt time datetime phpdate time to date phpphp time stamp nowphp display day and full datephp get day from stringfunction in php to get the current timephp date 26 timephp time for htmlphp calculate daydate of print code html phptime 28 29php now datetimedate format php 25php time formatephp datetime windows 10php echo date 28 27y m d 27 29date w phpget date from day name in phpformat date phpdate 28 29 5c in phpget data time phpphp datetime get current date timenow date phpdates function phpwhare datetime phpphp class datetime formathow to get present day in phpdatetime api phphow to get day in number phpget day name from day number phpdate php meaninghow to get day before of date phppart of a day based on time phpphp now 28 29 in timstempfu nction de la date du jour phpphp date isophp date tdata type of time php classphp which day of datephp get full day of given datadate syntax in phpget dayname in phpphp how to get day from datecurrent day date in phpget day php date 7cdate phpphp get day number in monthdisplay time in phpphp unix time nowdatetime get date phptoday timestamp phpdate in php day in fuillphp date classdate time format phpnow function in php to timestampphp date jour en fran c3 a7aisget now timestamp phpcurrent time function in phphow to get current day name in phpdatetime 28time 28 29 29 phpphp date day of weekphp date 28 29datetime example phphow are php get dayphp format date timestampphp time of systemget server timestamp phpcurrent date timestamp in phpdate format 2020 01 01 phpphp echo date from timestampphp date how to get day from date function in phpphp date time format with tphp get today 27s day numbercurrent date show in phpget time from standard datetime in phpphp date and time formatsdate day in phpphp time format functiondisplay the date in phpphp nice date format 24datetime php formatdatetime format with time phpdate t phpformat heure phptime formats phpis php date output a stringdatetime format php datetimeget time format from phpdate 28 29 function phpset current date in phphow to get full day name from date in phpdatetime atom examplehow to get date value from timestamp phpdate 28 27y m d 27 29 phpday 28date 29 php php new datetime from stringphp get current timephp get today 27s date timestampphp dattimenew datetime with format phpdate object php with a datedate and time in php databasephp datetime get day indiceget month of date phpuse the correct date function to output the weekday of todayget name of the day in phpuse date time in phpphp time formatsphp get day ago from datetimehow to get today 27s date in phpphp 3e date 28m 2fd 2fy 29 after an yearphp date 24get current day code in phpphp time function formatphpgotmat datephp current datestampdate 2b day in phpbasic date phpget all day of month phpphp datphp date 28 29php get the day base on timestampphp timestamp formathow to get a day from date in phpphp time stringphp where timestamp 3d nowhow to get date in 24 hrs format in phpget specific day from date phpdatetime php formatdate type phpmanipuler heure en phpphp 7 3 date format php ini iso8601php date with how to add a time format class in phpphp datetime now format c2 b5date formate in phpphp select current datenew 5cdatetime 28 22 40 24seconds 22 29 phpphp datetime 3a 3aatom javascript date converttoday phpshow day in date phpseconds to date in php tutorialphp current monthphp get day name from numberfontion php qui retourne la datephp how to write date in a textphp get daytime inc in phpphp time format timestampdate time class phpphp date functionsphp data time t ophp get current day in numberphp get day from datephp format for timecurrent date in timestamp phpget day in a date phpphp get datetime daydate of phpnew datetime now phpphp timestamp currentget current date in phpformat a date in phpget day number from date in phpphp get day number datedate function phptimeformat in phpphp full date formatphp date methoddatetime formats phpdate phpsec in php php datetime data typedate format phdate object phpphp date show day namephp get current date in unix formatnew date phpdate function php menualphp date 28 29 format date php php name daydate to get month in phpdaste time in phpcan php date be echoed as stringphp get timestamp for nowphp date string to format languagephp get timestamp date nowget current datetime using datetime class in phpphp ddatephp get day number from day namedatetime format with timezone phpphp new datephp format minutesdate days and get date in phpiso 8601 phphow to get the day in phpdisplay current day date and time phpget day name from date in phpphp time 28 29 to date formatphp timestamp to datetimephp time date formatnew date 28 29 phpdate functions in phpphp get day numberphp today datetimephp 7 curdatehow to get day in phpdate and time format pphpphp get date format from stringhow to print day from a date using phpphp current time datedate 28 27l 27 29 phpget current date timestamp in phpphp time 24date formate with timestamp phpdat phpphp date mnus timephp iso 8601date 28 m 29 in phpphp timeformatfonction date phpgenerate time phpgetting date in phpsql php date php get now unix timestampget day from string phpphp get day exampledatatime time phpphp dayphp date get day of monthdatetime string phpmonth name format phpphp timingphp getdate nowphp set time for datephp echo date as stringdate 28 27c 27 29 phpnew datetime in phpformat php timephp date to month namedate format for phpget date 2b days phpdate n in phpphp get date y m d formatmonth name php datephp format timephp get day from datetimedate 28 29 3b phpcurrent date into timephp time format timedatetime w phpget all day number phphow to get day name phpformatting date in phpget epouc time phpphp time 28 29 to datetake time data and format phpget dat ein phpdatetime php classphp date to stringphp get day part from string datephp convert datetime to stringphp iso nowdate year in phptime school phpphp date 28 29 dayphp date imeget year and month in phpphp get time in nice formatphp echo datetime avec tphp display database date and timegetting only 12 hours time format in phpphp date ddate 2ftime format phpphp date and time fieldsphp extract day from dateprocedural tostring phpphp new date from date atomcurrent datetime to unix time using phpphp date 28 27d 2fm 2fyphp date 3bstrftime format phpphp date now timestamphow to get time in 24 hrs format in phpphp date syntaxphp get day number from timestampdatatime in phpdate of the day phpphp get the day part from date stringfind day from date phpphp format date timestamp from databaseget the date for specific day in phpnew datetime php nowphp get timestamp from todaydate format datetime with day fullname in phpdate php y m dhow to get current time in phpfind current date in phpphp get day after specific datephp datedate time format php simplefinding day from date phpfull month in phpecho gettime 28 29php internet datetime formatdate get day of the month phptime date in phpget current time in phpphp datetime functiondisplay day in phpphp date uphp current day formatsphp time format examplesphp create datetime with current timestamp 28 29how to know the current time in phpdate format 28 29 phpphp date monthchange time format in phpget only day number of date in phpfunction date phpphp format tdate timehow to get day name from date in phpdisplay time from date with phpphp curent datephp datetime datetime formatphp formate dateget date from current timestamp phpphp date function get current timestampreturn date with a t in phpdatetime siteget day number 28in the year 29 period of time phpformat php date data in phpget day from given date in phppresent date in phptime in seconds phpphp date datetimephp code for date formathow to display time in phpdate php formatphp tmedate in php what does m do in php date functionsphp date object from stringhow to set time with format in phptoday date in phphow to php get current datephp timestamp todaycurrent time phpphow to print current date in phpphp calculate d 27heureget date and time phpphp date hformat php timestampformat date heure phpphp date to formatphp date time get year of date in phpphp datetime get dayget day name in phpphp time 28php get now daephp get heurephp time format idate in php in daydatetime class in phpphp date now to formatphp time format without datedate 2b date phpphp date tagtime to time formate phptimestamp now phpdtae phpget this date phpphp date get month and daylive time with seconds in phphet date phpget day name from php dateecho timestap phpphp is datetimestamp 28now 28 29 29 echo in phpphp return object dateget past day from date in phpphp todat datecurrent timestamp in phpdate time format in phpextract day from date in phpphp time formattingtimestamp to date in phpphp get date and timestamphow to find current day in phptimestamp of now phpdate time object phpdate en cours phpnow date in phpdate time in phpphp get current date in timestampphp iso 8601php date format add 22of 22date time php time 28 29 phpdate day phpphp datetime now to stringphp date 28 22d 22 29dattime phph in php dateget datetime simple in php 24heure 3d date 28 27h 27 29 3b php 5php new datetime nowget the date with phpdate php daydate 28 29 3b phpphp current epoch timephp function todauphp current date time timestampdate format month name phpget day phpdefine time format string to time phpphp date time formatphp put current timestampphp set datetime nowtime string phpwww what is the use of date 28 29 in phpreturn day of the date phpusing php date find dayday in full in phpphp get complete daydate p phpphp date todaydate 28 27d 27 29 in phpphp format time 28 29 as stringphp datimeget current datetime from timestamp phpphp time now timestampget date of given day phpphp date show to get day in number in phpphp date du jourphp todayphp get timestamp nowtimestamp to date phpphp 5cdatetime getdayget day name of day in phpcurrend date in phpphp get current day of monthphp datetime getdayf j y date formattoday in php date 28 22m d 2c y 2c h 3ai a 22 2c 24date 29 3b phpphp get date from day numberformat a given date string phpphp get current day timestampphp get now in unix timestampphp datetime format ccreate timestamp php todayget only day from date phpyear function in phpphp date 28 27u 27 29php datetime variablephp get timestamp todaycurrent day name in phpcurrent day phpdate 25d phpget currenct day in phpphp datetimefinding which day it is phpdatetime phpphp get the day from a datestring date in phpphp get day of month from datephp get current timesphp current dayphp datetime classphp date dayphp new date format iso 8601php date fucntiondate pphphp function return datephp of datephp current date time functiondatetime 28 29 in phphow to get day number of the month in phpphp date and hourphp dateinterval formatnow 28 29 in php w3schoolsdisplay month in php datedate format function in phpphp date 2ftimephp program to print current dataedate 28 29 to time 28 29 in phpget day from date phpphp day month year hour minuteget the day from php dateday of year phpphp get date as if it was dategenerate timestamp in phpcorrect time format in phpphp format a datehow to get current day in phpdate 2b time phpdatetime dates phpphp get daysdate 25a phpphp datatimeget day from date string phphow to get the time of a day in phpphp get date day namehow to get the day value from a date in phpphp hour formatphp date formatesdatetime php 24time 3d 28date 28 27h 3ai 3as 27 29 29 3btime formats in phpdatetime not phpphp get date now timestamptime php formatdate date phpdate time formats in phpget timestamp in phpphp today timestampphp datetime object format php datetime get day as textecho current date in phpdate 3c 3d3 month in phpuse timestamp in phpphp date wy m d date format in phpdate get phpdate at phpphp date get full day nametime to formated phpphp hours formatdate object in phpphp set datedatetime datetime phphow to get day from datetime in phpget day from date using phpphp day from dateget date now phpformat timestamp phpfull week name get in date format phphwo to use date rfc3339 extended in phpget only day from datetime in phptime 28 29 phgpgert the day by certain date phpdisplay date and time phpphp get day namehow to use date 28 29 in phpphp get datetime stringphp created datestring to time format in phpget day number from date phpphp get day int from datestr date phpnow timestamp phpphp current date timestampdisplay time phpphp the datephp 7 get now date timephp date 28php date month namedate php nowphp from date get day numberphp get current day as numberphp datetimenowphp day stringfunction php datedatetime class phpphp date 28how we can get current date in phpphp date format 5dphp datrecurrent date and time timestamp in phpformat time in phpphp date get dayphp datetime get day numberhow to get current date in phpphp get date from datetimenew datetime php format time phpdate fucntion phpphp date 28 22l 22 29 3bphp get full day from php datephp code find dayget day name from date phpphp date of todaycurrent datetime in timestamp phpphp datime 3e datetimeday and date in phpphp get the day using calendarphp date dtophp iso format date with timezonedate date in phpformatted time phpphp getdatedate time phpphp get current day formatphp create datetimeget unix timestamp phpphp get current dayphp date 28 27y m 27 29 affichageusing date in phpdates in phpformat to time from datetime phpphp time now formatdate php get dayextract date string from php datetime objectreadable date phpgenerate unix timestamp phpcurrent date php functionphp net 2fdate 24this 3edate phpyear short form in phpphp get gurrnet date time 12hfun to get of current timestamp in php 24date 3d datetime in phpfetch day from date in phphow to pass now to timestamp phpphp datetime to meaningphp echo date date actuelle phpphp datetime formatphp date time objectphp month formatformat date ohodate now php timestampphp which day from the date givengenerate timestamp now phpi date 22d 22 in phpcurrent time stemp phpget time from datetime string php format datephp datetime date 28 29php get day from date in numberphp current timestamp numberhow to find day from date in php utcdatetime phpphp time format fr date format with phpcurrent date and time in timestamp phptime from now phpnow date time php timestampdate phpdatetime function in phpday of week phpdate to day in phpphp month formatsphp datetime fullphp date tiem formatphp todays datephp format time to datetimephp time format aestphp time to string formatphp date format full month namedatetime php nowphp print date objectstring to php datephp get current dateget seconds in php now 23date php wget timestamp in minutes phpphp current timpstampphp month short namehow to format time string phpdate operations phpphp date 25atime format int phpdate 2f time formatter phpphp timestamp nowphp unix timestamp nowphp date function monthdatetime object in phpphp timestamp to datehow to show date in differebt ways in phpdate from date time phpdate format phpphp set time formatphp date 28 29 functionphph date 28 29date to string phpdate time formats phpphp heure actuelleto get current timestamp in numbers in phpphp datetime datetimephp date retrun dayhow to get the curent time and date in phpdate from time 28 29date value in phpdate in phphow to use datetime class in phpphp find day in stringfind day by date phpdate od date phpphp iso 8601 date timecurrent date time timestamp in phpphp write full month name from datenow date time php brazilphp datetime datetimephp date day nameget current time phptime php mysqldate 28 22hi 22 29formattime phpdatetime type phpdate php 2b time phpdate today phptime to string phpdatetime 24 hour format phpphp getdate wdayphp date in input timephp datetime 28 29datetime default format hour format phpphp correct time formathour 28 29 phpphp date day name fullphp current date timephp carbon get dayphp add date format to classphp format datephp date operationtodays timestamp in phpdate format y m d h 3ai 3as and time zone in phpdate 28y m d 29 phpphp date of the daymake date given the month date year phpphp format time fieldphp echo date of the dayphp 7day timephp format date with day of weekphp 3adate 28w 29get day from date php datetprint current date timestamp phpphp time from formatnew datefrom from string date rfc2822 phpphp get day number from datecurrent time in phpdate time in phpget day from number phpphp get tody date in formatdate get day in phpfind current day in phpdata time phpget day in phpphp date and time formatdate du jour phpphp datetime fudate time now phpget string date phpdate of today in timestamp phplearn date phpcurrenttimesptam in phpdatetime object phtime date php formatsdate to time 28 29 phpiso 8601 phpnew datetime 28 29 phpprint date timestamp in phpdate with th phpdate php format datetimephp datetime format tutorialwhat is 5cdatetime in phpphp nowdate in php format 5cphp get full day of given datephp date 28 22l 22 29date noe in phpphp echo date now formatcheck day of the week phpphp current timestampdate fonction phpdate format from string phpfull date in phpphp month of current datephp datetaimephp net datetimephp get datetimephp datetime today as text 24dayname in from date in phphow to find day in phpget time now phpphp date to timestampcheck the day of a date with phpphp datetime format timestampdate with time phpphp get month with dayphp get day of monthphp get current timestamp and date 3ddate phpphp datephp time to stringphp date 5cphp date operationsphp code to display timeget time 28 29 in php to echo valueday date phpphp time stampphp date 28 27m 27 29date get day number phpphp datetime stringdate 28 27m 27 29 phpget the day from date phpphp date value definedate 28y 2c m 2c 0 29php get day from dategoble time in phpphp show datephp 24now 3d new 5cdatetime nowdate 28 22d 2c m 2c y 22 29 in phpphp cuirrent dateget the day from date in phptake day from timestamp phpphp current timestamp formatget date day number from date phpphp datetmephp todaysdate time php get day based on date phpget day number phphow to use datetime phpdate 28 29 phpfind day by date in phpget date of today in timestamp phpdatetime 28 29 3edate phpphp date variable date time format in phpphp return time stampphp now timestamp formatdate and time in php