date comparison function in php

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showing results for - "date comparison function in php"
31 Feb 2019
1$today = date("Y-m-d");
2$expire = $row->expireDate; //from database
4$today_time = strtotime($today);
5$expire_time = strtotime($expire);
7if ($expire_time < $today_time) { /* do Something */ }
12 Jun 2016
1dev:~# php
5$d1 = new DateTime('2008-08-03 14:52:10');
6$d2 = new DateTime('2008-01-03 11:11:10');
7var_dump($d1 == $d2);
8var_dump($d1 > $d2);
9var_dump($d1 < $d2);
14dev:~# php -v
15PHP 5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 26 2009 20:09:03)
16Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
17Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
31 Nov 2020
1Select if(Date('2020-10-01') > Date('2020-11-01'), '1', '2' ) as rslt_date
05 May 2019
1$date1 = "2021-01-15";
2$date2 = "2021-01-18";
4if ($date1 < $date2) {
5 	echo "$date1 is earlier than $date2";
6} else {
7	echo "$date1 is later than $date2";
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