datetime to string php

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showing results for - "datetime to string php"
12 Jul 2020
1$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
2$date = strtotime($s);
3echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);
06 Aug 2016
3$date new DateTime('2000-01-01');
4echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
13 Aug 2020
2$date = '27/06/2020, 04:42:43 PM';
3$date = str_replace('/', '-', $date);
4echo date('F j, Y, g:i a',strtotime($date));
6// output : June 27, 2020, 4:42 pm
26 Jun 2016
1phpCopy$theDate    = new DateTime('2020-03-08');
2echo $stringDate = $theDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
4//output: 2020-03-08 00:00:00
19 Jun 2020
1Date to string
3$date = "2021/03/13";
4$newdate= date('d M, Y', strtotime($date));
5echo $newdate;
17 Jun 2016
1$old_date = date('l, F d y h:i:s');              // returns Saturday, January 30 10 02:06:34
2$old_date_timestamp = strtotime($old_date);
3$new_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $old_date_timestamp);   
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stringconvert date format from d 2fm 2fy to y m d in phpphp convert date and time to datetimephp convert date time to stringconvert datetime to date phpdateime php from stringphp how to make string type to date and then format ithow to convert a date to string in phpconvert database date to d m y format phpdate to datetime phpdatetime string to datetime phptime string to date time phplarave string to datetimephp new datetime formatdate 28 29 to string phpphp tostring datetimedatetime format phpparse date to string phpphp convert date to different formatphp format to datetimephp convert string date to string datephp datetime object to stringchange format of time phpconvert date to d m y phpvar dump datetimeconvert date into string phpphp date time convertdate 28 27y m d 27 strtotime phpphp parse datetime from stringparse datetime phpconvert string date to time phpphp string to timeconvert date time to string phpformat date php string to stringphp change date time formatconvert date to another format phpphp new data format stringdatetime to string in phpphp display date formatphp get date to stringecho datetime phpphp convert date time stringget date from datetime object in phpstrtime 28getdate 28 29 29 phpphp format string to dateconvert datetime php to stringphp timestamp to users time formatphp mysql date to stringphp date from timestampconverting only time to time string in phpcarbon 3a 3acreatefromformat 28 24format 2c 24time 2c 24tz 29datetime object to string en phpphp convert time to time stringhow to time convert in string in phpphp function time to stringconvert string to time phpstrtotime format datechange date format dec 207 pm timestamp phpconverting string date to minutes phpphp formatphp current datetime to stringphp string to datetime formatconvert string to date object phpphp parse dateinterval to stringphp date function convert to normal timephp time string to datetimedatetime object to string in phpphp convert time string to timestring time to datetime laravel c3 8a c3 a1 c3 b4 c3 a1 c3 b7 c3 be c3 b1 c3 a7 c3 b3 c3 a7 format phpphp mysql datetime to stringphp date format from stringphp datetime y m dchange date format from dd 2fmm 2fyyyy to y m d in phpphp format date to y m dth 3am 3aszformatter function phpnew date from string phphow to change date to string phpphp datetime create from formatconvert string into date phpphp format string dateconvert string to date object laravelremove 22 3a 22 from datetime json php and convert to pyhtonconvert from string to date phpphp create date from stringphp convert date value to stringphp format from y m d to d 2fm 2fyphp format y m d to d 2fm 2fyphp date to string 281 2f1 2f1 29php time to time stringdate format m d y phpdate to str phpconvert time to str in phpobject time to string phpchange date format to string phpphp an application that you are implementing requires multiple date format to be transformed into one implementing the functions changedateformat which accepts a list of string 2crepresenting dates and returns new list of stringstime to string in phphow to convert month and year to timestamp in phpchange date time to string phpphp create time from stringphp convert string to timephp date typeconvert format of date y m d to d d m y phpphp change date format y m d h 3ai 3as to m d 2c ydate object to string phpdatetime php from stringphpdatetime to stringphp string to timestampphp datetime to strconvert string time to datetime phpconvert time string to datetime phpphp date d m y to d m yhow to convert string to datetime format in phpchange date format d 2fm 2fy to y m d in phpphp convert date to datetimephp string date formatdate create to string phpcreate time from a string phpphp mysql datetime string to datetimedate to timestamp phpconvert any date time format to y m d h i s in phpcreate date from string in phpstrtime to duration in phplaravel convert date to stringphp parse date time b formatdatetime to string phpphp new date from formatstr time in phpphp short timestring a date phpprocedural tostring phpy m d format date from php datetime objconvert month and year to datetime phphow to convert date to string in php convert time to string phpconvert 12 10 20 to timstamp in phpphp convert string to datetimehow do i set time to a string in phpphp string date to date objectdatetime convert phphow to convert date time to string phpchange date format to d m y phpphp date conversion stringstring to dat atom format in phpconcert date string to date phpstrtotime to date in phpconvert string to 27 27 fomrat phphow to convert date 28 22u 22 29 to string date in phpphp convert m d y to d 2fm 2fyconvert local datetime format to y m d h 3ai 3as phpphp get timestamp from day month yearnew datetime php to stringconvert m d y format to y m d phphow to convert datetime to string phpphp date 28 27y 2fm 2fd 29 convert to string2021 02 01 format phpphp time to stringphp date to stringphp date 28 27y 2fm 2fd 29convert date into y m d format in phpconvert a date into string in phpphp used date db change format to onlu datecreate time from string phpphp display today 27s date date dd 2fmm 2fyyyy add 1 dayhow to convert string time to datetime in phphow to convert string to time phpphp datetime y m d h i snew datetime formatstrtotime convert timestamp in date phpphp datetime to date and timehow to create date from string phpphp strtotime day 10 of next monthconvert string to time in phpconvert php date to stringstring to date time phpphp date object to stringtimestamp of a date in phpphp format timestamp in d m yphp string date objectdate time to string in phpget time in t datetime format phpphp convert dattimechange date to string phpstring of numbers to date phpphp strtotime todayconvert date to str phpphp date formatphp to string datephp how to convert time to stringhow to convert a date to a string in phptime php from stringdatetime from format phpconvert date format to f d 2c y h 3ai 3as in phpphp strtotime custom formatformat object in phpphp datetimephp 8 digit date formate convert to readable datetime string to datetime phpconverting date time to string phpdate function php from d m y to y m ddatetime to str phpdatetime to string en phpdatrtime to string php 3c 3fphp echo date 28 27h 3ai a 27 2cstrtotime 7d 24row 5b 27chat date 27 5d 3b 7d 3f 3e style 3d 22float right 3b 22 3c 2fi 3ephp parse string to datetimephp string to datphp datetime formattingdate time into time strng phpfro integer to date in string format phpconvert d 2fm 2fy to date phpphp string in dateconvert date in m d y to y m d phpdate object in string in phpconvert datetime had t in phpstring time to datetime phpphp datetime format hours and minutesphp datetime format why i used for minutereformate date from string to another view string ih phpphp ojbject to string format outputphp current time to stringif not format datetime phpcurrent timestamp in php to strstringphp timetostrphp change date f j y to timestampconvert mysql string to php datetime objectmysql string to timestamphow to format phpphp string to timestamp using formatstring convert to time in phpphp date to datetimephp datetime to datephp get date from stringtotimeparse string to date in phpconvert d m y into y m d in phpstring to date phpphp date time object to stringstring to date en phpcreate date in php from string how do i convert datetime to string format in phplaravel datetime to stringdart string to datetimeextract date string from php datetime objectconvert string to datetime phptimetostring phpphp timestamp from stringphp cast string to datetimeconvert date string to date phpphp to date timestampstrtotime his in phpformat phpphp date to string for namedob in variable convert to datetime phpconvert php time 28 29 to stringhow tp convert string to time php convert time 11am string to datetime in phpphp parse to datetimephp change date format from y m d to d 2fm 2fydate as a string sql phpconvert date string into format phpphp timestamp stringconvert datetime in php24 hrs format in time date datetime phpphp str to datconvert string to date phpphp date to time stringphp object writing formatatechange number of date to string phpconvert date now to string phpweek php objectwhat is php str to timephp current date to stringparse dattime to string phpjs created timestamp formatted wrong in phpphp convert date to strinconvert stringto time result to date phpdo something chech two week phpphp change respond format datephp create a date from stringhow to convert d 2fm 2fy to y m d in phpchange date format in php from yy m d to d m yphp format date onmly timedate format in php 10 1 20 to 10 jan 2020php get timestamp as stringconvert string to time from format phpconverting to date 28 22y m d 22 29 in phpphp create date from stringtotimehow to convert a string to date in phpphp make datetimetimetostr php 24creatdatetime 3ddate 28 27y m d h 3ai 3as a 27 29 3bdatetime gormat mask phpphp string to daytimeconvert text to datetime phpchange date format to y m d in phpphp time from stringdatetime to date phpconvert date and time to datetime phphow to convert string to date phpconvert mysql timestamp to date format yyy mm dd phpphp string date to strftimephp datetime to string formatphp new date from stringphp convert datetime to stringstring to datetime php formatconvert a datetime object php to stringobject datetime to string phpphp datetime 2f to php timestaamp to stringhow to make date to string in phpfrom date to timestamp phpformat phpphp echo date from timestampis php date output a stringphp datephp datetime formatconvert d 2fm 2fy to y m d in phpconvert datetime to only datw in phpphp datetime from stringdate into string phpphp dateime to stringdate string to date phpcreate timestamp from 21 hour date time in phpconvert a date to string phpconvert string into time phpphp convert string to datephp convert date format y m d h 3ai 3as to local datetimeget date format d m y h phpconvert date php to string c3 8a c3 a1 c3 b4 c3 a1 c3 b7 c3 be c3 b1 c3 a7 c3 b3 c3 a7 c3 90 c3 a1 c3 b1 c3 a1 c3 a3 c3 a3 c3 a5 c3 ab c3 9f c3 a1 c3 b2 c3 ac c3 a5 c3 a1 c3 b1 c3 a9 c3 a8 c3 ac c3 bc format phpphp date to timestamptimestamp of a string phpread timestamp phpstring to time in phpdate converter to string phpconvert string to time object phpconvert date time into datein phpphp datetime to string formartchange datetime to string phpconvert datetime object to string phpdatetime and strtotime phpdate now to string phpphp convert year to timeformat string date phpget datetime to string phpconvert php datetime to stringdate 28 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27 2c convert date formatdate to string php formatphp convert time to strdate object from string phptime object to string phpphp dateto stringphp format date from timestamp 24date 3d new 5cdatetime 28 24unformatted date 29 3bdatetime to string pythonphp get date time stringphp string to datehow to convert date into y m d format in phpreturn date as string phpphp convert 28 29 datetimestr to date phpphp formate date timephp print date in formatphp code to convert date to readable formatchange datetime format from y m d h 3ai 3as to d m y in phphow to convert date data type to string in phpphp formarconverter time para string phpphp get date from datetime to stringphp dateformatphp from date to string php date time formatphp formatted datetime to datetimephp datetime to stringphp date from str to timehow to create a 2cc 2cb date form in phpdatetime object to string phpphp convert to datetimelocal time format string laravelcreate date using string in phpphp get string date from date objectcreate date by str phpstarting of the day timestamp phpphp string to datetimephp datetme to stringdate value to string phpstring to 5c the date inj phpconvert string to datetime php 5cconcvert string timestamp to datetime php sqlconvert datetime to string in phpconvert date from m d y to d m y phpget the date of today and convert it to datetime phpdatetimr format phpchange date format from d 2fm 2fy to m 2fd 2fy in phptime to timestamp phpdate string to number in phpphp date time to dateparse string datetime phpphp create a date from string y m d h 3ai 3asconvert a string variable to datetime phpconvert string in datetime phpphp string to date conversiontime to str phphow to convert date to datetime in phpphp date now to stringphp convert date format d 2fm 2fy to y m dphp convert datetime to datelaravel time to stringdatetime php from stirngphp datetime format to stringphp read string as datetimeparse string to datetime phpcast date to string phpformat date from string phpconverter string em time datetime phpphp format datetimehow convert the date from y m d to d m y in phpphp convert date to stringtotimephp date str to timephp get date as stringphp convert datetimephp convertir string a datetimeformat utc datetime phpphp time 28 29 from stringconvert string into datetime phptime string to date phpconvert 1 2f1 2f1 to d 2cm 2cy phpphp get date from datetime objectdatetime php to stringhow to decode date range url in phptime to string convert in phpreturn date 28 27f d 2c y 5ca 5ct h 3ai a 27 2cstrtotime 28 24date 29 29 3bphp dateinterval to stringdate time to string phpconvert date and tome to string phplaravel string to datetimephp date format from d 2fm 2fy to y m dphp time 28 29 to stringdatetime from string phphow to make a date to string in phpdate to phpphp convert time to stringconvert date 28 22y m d h 3ai 3as 22 29 to datetime phpstring to datetime format phpconvert current datetime to string phpphp calendar str format codenew datetime format phpconcert current datetime to string in phpphp getdate to stringstring to time phpphp make date from stringsting to time in phpphp last month yyyymmcreate date from string phpcoonvet time to string phpmysql datetime stringconvert string tpo date phptodaytime to string phpphp 2bdate from stringhow to change datetime to string phpphp convert date d 2fm 2fy to y m ddate from string in phphow to change php date to stringto str from date phpconvert y m d h m s to d m y in phpstring to date phpdate to string to time phpphp change date format from d m y to y m dconvert datetime to string phpmysql datetime string to datetime phpconvert string of number to datetime phpphp date time strngphp date object to strngconvert time format phpdatetime y m dfrom date object to string phpphp datetime convert to stringconvert datetime in strtostring phpstrtotime to 2b yearconvert string to date in phpphp date string to other formatphp new date from formaphp convert datetime to string formatphp time to string formatphp str to datedate y m d format in phpstrtotimecreate timestamp from date time in phphow to convert date object to string in phpconvert string to dat phpphp timestamp to date stringmake date php d m ydatetime php formphp str to time to datedatetime to datestring phpstring to datetime object phpphp parse datetime to stringphp convert 07 jan 2020 to date formatdatatime object into string phpphp time to datephp get time to stringfrom string to date phpphp make string datephp date value to stringconveert date to string phphow to convert string to time in phpconvert string to datetime in phpphp date from formatphp convert date to datetime formatdatetime drfault format phpdate to string convert phpconvertir un string en date phpphp datetostringconvert y m d to d 2fm 2fy in phpstring date convert to date in phpphp date object from stringconvert date to datetime phpphp string to date using datetimehow to create date from string in php 3fdatetime 07 3a35 3a00 convert to intmake date from a string phpconvert time to string in phpreturn as date timeformateconvert date to string in phpconvert date tot string phpconvert datetime to string phptime php time to stringstrtotime y m dphp date formattingphp change date format from m 2fd 2fy to y m dphp from date to timestampphp change date format from d 2fm 2fy to y m dtime to string converter phpphp datetime to string examplesconvert date array to string phpphp time format t insidetime conversion from h 3ai a to h 3ai 3as in phpstrtotime to datetime phpphp date string to datephp string to mysql datetimedate 28 24defaultformat 2c strtotime 28 24timestamp 29 29totime phpphp convert date string to datetime objectphp conver timephp parse datetimestrtotime to date phpforamt phplaravel format string to dateconvert datetime in date in phpphp convert date format y m dphp convert dateperiod item to datedate time format in phpphp change string to date formatwhy am i returning 00 error phpphp timestamp to stringphp date as stringphp strtotime specific formatsm d y format in phpconvert datetime phpconvert a m 2c y format to date phpget month year day strtotime phpconvert month year to timestamp phpstring datetie into time phpphp time to datetimegmtime time to string phpphp get current time in datetimeoffset formatconvert date to string phpconvertir date a string phpad time to string phpchange date to string in phpphp from string to datetimestring to datetime python phptimestamp to date phpdate to str in phpdate to strftime phpstring to date in phpdate 28 22y m d h 3ai 3as 22 2c strtotime 28converting date from one format to another phpmdate 28 24datestring 29 2b days phpphp convert string to time formatconvert time 28 29 to datetime phpstring to dateand time in phpphp string to datetime objectphp convert date to timestampphp datetime to sringconvet 02 2f24 2f2021 6 3a00 am to timestamp on phptime to string phpdate convert to string phpdate time php formatphp date only work to 2020php date with time to stringformat in phpdate 28format 3a 27y m d h 3ai 3as 27 29 3bconvert full date to y m d phptimestamp string to int in phpmake datetime from stirng phpstring to datetimeinterface phpphp conversion date to stringphp timestamp from date stringstring to datetime in phpphp find number of seconds in a time stringtime to str in phpdate from string phpphp date string to d m ydate to string in phpdate string to datetime object phpconvert existing date into f j 2c y formatphp datetime format h 3ai without scecondsconvert date and tome to string to time phpget date to string phpphp format an objectmake string date phpphp timetostringphp new datetime to stringdate time string to datetime phpnew datetime 28 29 to stringphp time 280 to stringconverting date to string in phpstring date to date phpfrom date to datetime phpphp turn into datetimedatatime to date phphow to turn a string into a date in phpdate to string with format phpconverting string to datetime in phpphp convert date format y m d h 3ai 3as to local datetimephp date stringphp date 10 digitconvertir datetime a string en phpconvert datetime to the last date of the year phptypecast time to string phpdatetime example phpget timestamp from datetime phpnew date to string in phpshow date like 26 may 2020 in phpconvert date type to string phpdatetime to string php no timephp convert datetime object to stringconvert time string to datetime in phpdate time object to date strign phpphp date and time to stringphp date format to stringphp get timestamp stringconvert time into string phpphp convert date y m dth 3ai 3as to y m dphp date format y m d h 3ai 3asphp datetime mtime formatdate to string phphow to convert string to date in phpconvert string date to datetime in phppass string to datetime phpconvert strtotime to date string in phpcovert datetime phpphp convert date format to anotherhow to conver time to string in phpphp date string to timestampphp date from stringtransform string to date phpphp datetime tostringdate time object to string phpcall format on string php datephp convert dateinterval to stringstr to datetime phpconvert string to date format in phpchange datetime object to string phpconvert datetime string to only date phpphp date time to stringhow to convert date into string phpphp date string to date objectphp convert time to timestampconvert string date to date in phpphp date format y m d from given data php strto dattimephptime to datephp datetime object formatshow to convert date to string in phpphp create date formatphp formate to datetimephp time 28 29 to datestring format d 2fm 2fy to datetime phptimetostr in phpphp stringtotime from databasephp code to convert date to stringcheck if time is 3 am in phpconvert start to time to time formate phpdatetime to string php