define root path php

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showing results for - "define root path php"
04 Mar 2019
3    define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__DIR__).'/');
4    include ROOT_PATH.'header.php';
5    include ROOT_PATH.'main.php';
6    include ROOT_PATH.'footer.php';
17 Feb 2020
1function getHtmlRootFolder(string $root = '/var/www/') {
3    // -- try to use DOCUMENT_ROOT first --
4    $ret = str_replace(' ', '', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
5    $ret = rtrim($ret, '/') . '/';
7    // -- if doesn't contain root path, find using this file's loc. path --
8    if (!preg_match("#".$root."#", $ret)) {
9      $root = rtrim($root, '/') . '/';
10      $root_arr = explode("/", $root);
11      $pwd_arr = explode("/", getcwd());
12      $ret = $root . $pwd_arr[count($root_arr) - 1];
13    }
15    return (preg_match("#".$root."#", $ret)) ? rtrim($ret, '/') . '/' : null;
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