dijkstra in c 2b 2b

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01 Oct 2020
1void dijkstra(int s) {
2  priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, greater<pair<int, int> > > pq;
3  for (int i=0; i<N; i++) dist[i] = INF;
4  dist[s] = 0;
5  pq.push(make_pair(0, s));
6  while (!pq.empty()) {
7    pair<int, int> front = pq.top();
8    pq.pop();
9    int w = front.first, u = front.second;
10    if (w > dist[u]) continue;
11    for (int i=0; i<adj[u].size(); i++) {
12      pair<int, int> v = adj[u][i];
13      if (dist[v.first] > dist[u] + v.second) {
14        dist[v.first] = dist[u] + v.second;
15        pq.push(make_pair(dist[v.first], v.first));
16      }
17    }
18  }
22 Mar 2020
2using namespace std;
4int main()
6	int n = 9;
8	int mat[9][9] = { { 100,4,100,100,100,100,100,8,100}, 
9                      { 4,100,8,100,100,100,100,11,100}, 
10                      {100,8,100,7,100,4,100,100,2}, 
11                      {100,100,7,100,9,14,100,100,100}, 
12                      {100,100,100,9,100,100,100,100,100}, 
13                      {100,100,4,14,10,100,2,100,100}, 
14                      {100,100,100,100,100,2,100,1,6}, 
15                      {8,11,100,100,100,100,1,100,7}, 
16                      {100,100,2,100,100,100,6,7,100}};
18	int src = 0;
19	int count = 1;
21	int path[n];
22	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
23		path[i] = mat[src][i];
25	int visited[n] = {0};
26	visited[src] = 1;
28	while(count<n)
29	{
30		int minNode;
31		int minVal = 100;
33		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
34			if(visited[i] == 0 && path[i]<minVal)
35			{
36				minVal = path[i];
37				minNode = i;
38			}
40		visited[minNode] = 1;
42		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
43			if(visited[i] == 0)
44				path[i] = min(path[i],minVal+mat[minNode][i]);
46		count++;
47	}
49	path[src] = 0;
50	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
51		cout<<src<<" -> "<<path[i]<<endl;
53	return(0);
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