display np array as image

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showing results for - "display np array as image"
12 Mar 2019
1from PIL import Image
2import numpy as np
4w, h = 512, 512
5data = np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
6data[0:256, 0:256] = [255, 0, 0] # red patch in upper left
7img = Image.fromarray(data, 'RGB')
queries leading to this page
create numpy array imagehow to display a numpy array as image in htmlnp array from imagepython display matrix as imagehow to display images using matplotlib from a numpy arrayshow image from numpy arrayconvert array to image of specific sizeprint np array as imageimage to array numpynp array of imageshow to read image as numpy arrayhow to display a numpy array as image in pythonhow to convert image to np arrayprint img python numpy arrayconvert np array to imagenumpy to imgprint an array of images pythinpython convert array to imagenp array en python from imageshow arry as image npnp as array pillowimage as numpy arrayconvert 3d array to image pythonshow a numpy imagehow to get back an image from a numpy arraypython show array as imagepython print numpy array as imagehow to create image from numpy arraymake an image from an array pythonshow images python numpyshow a numpy array as imagehow to get numpy array of an image in pythonview numpy array as imagenumpy arrays to imagepython 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