django connection cursor

Solutions on MaxInterview for django connection cursor by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "django connection cursor"
19 Oct 2017
1from django.db import connection
3sql = 'SELECT * FROM db1.a AS a
4       JOIN db2.b AS b 
5       ON b.some_id =
6       WHERE = %s'
7cursor = connection.cursor()
9      cursor.execute(sql, ['localhost'])
10      row = cursor.fetchall()
11except Exception as e:
12      cursor.close
27 Apr 2019
1from django.db import connection
2with connection.cursor() as cursor:
3  cursor.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE table_name CASCADE')
16 Aug 2017
1>>> Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__lte='2006-01-01')
queries leading to this page
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