enum function in c

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showing results for - "enum function in c"
03 Jan 2020
1// An example program to demonstrate working 
2// of enum in C 
5enum week{Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun}; 
7int main() 
9    enum week day; 
10    day = Wed; 
11    printf("%d",day); 
12    return 0; 
30 Oct 2018
1//enum <name of enumeration> { <possible choices separated by commas> } 
2enum type_of_fuel{ Gasolina, Gasoleo, Hibrido, Eletrico};
10 Nov 2020
1// Changing default values of enum constants
2enum suit {
3    club = 0,
4    diamonds = 10,
5    hearts = 20,
6    spades = 3,
13 Jun 2019
3enum week{Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun}; 
5int main() 
7    enum week day; 
8    day = Wed; 
9    printf("%d",day); 
10    return 0; 
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