fibonacci program in python

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showing results for - "fibonacci program in python"
13 Jul 2018
1#Python program to generate Fibonacci series until 'n' value
2n = int(input("Enter the value of 'n': "))
3a = 0
4b = 1
5sum = 0
6count = 1
7print("Fibonacci Series: ", end = " ")
8while(count <= n):
9  print(sum, end = " ")
10  count += 1
11  a = b
12  b = sum
13  sum = a + b
27 Feb 2020
2Number = int(input("How many terms? "))
3# first two terms
4First_Value, Second_Value = 0, 1
5i = 0
6if Number <= 0:
7print("Please enter a positive integer")
8elif Number == 1:
9print("Fibonacci sequence upto",Number,":")
12print("Fibonacci sequence:")
13while i < Number:
15Next = First_Value + Second_Value
16# update values
17First_Value = Second_Value
18Second_Value = Next
19i += 1
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