find kth max and min element in an array

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23 Jul 2018
1#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
2using namespace std;
4int main(){
5  	const int size = 10;
6  	int k = 3; //Can be any number smalled than size
7	int array[size] = {5,2,8,34,73,82,1,6,19,29};
8	sort(array,array+size);
9	int smallestKthElement = array[k-1];	
10	int largestKthElement = array[size-k];
26 Feb 2019
1def divideAndConquer_Max(arr, ind, len):
2	maximum = -1;
4	if (ind >= len - 2):
5		if (arr[ind] > arr[ind + 1]):
6			return arr[ind];
7		else:
8			return arr[ind + 1];
11	maximum = divideAndConquer_Max(arr, ind + 1, len);
13	if (arr[ind] > maximum):
14		return arr[ind];
15	else:
16		return maximum;
19def divideAndConquer_Min(arr, ind, len):
20	minimum = 0;
21	if (ind >= len - 2):
22		if (arr[ind] < arr[ind + 1]):
23			return arr[ind];
24		else:
25			return arr[ind + 1];
27	minimum = divideAndConquer_Min(arr, ind + 1, len);
29	if (arr[ind] < minimum):
30		return arr[ind];
31	else:
32		return minimum;
35if __name__ == '__main__':
37	minimum, maximum = 0, -1;
39	# array initialization
40	arr = [6, 4, 8, 90, 12, 56, 7, 1, 63];
42	maximum = divideAndConquer_Max(arr, 0, 9);
43	minimum = divideAndConquer_Min(arr, 0, 9);
45	print("The minimum number in the array is: ", minimum);
46	print("The maximum number in the array is: ", maximum);
06 Feb 2017
2function nthlargest(arra,highest){
3			var x = 0,
4				y = 0,
5				z = 0,
6				temp = 0,
7				tnum = arra.length, 
8				flag = false, 
9				result = false; 
11			while(x < tnum){
12				y = x + 1; 
14				if(y < tnum){
15					for(z = y; z < tnum; z++){
17						if(arra[x] < arra[z]){
18							temp = arra[z];
19							arra[z] = arra[x];
20							arra[x] = temp;
21							flag = true; 
22						}else{
23							continue;
24						}	
25					}					
26				}
28				if(flag){
29					flag = false;
30				}else{
31					x++; 
32					if(x === highest){ 
34						result = true;
35					}	
36				}
37				if(result){
38					break;
39				}
40			}
42			return (arra[(highest - 1)]);	
43		}
45console.log(nthlargest([ 43, 56, 23, 89, 88, 90, 99, 652], 4)); 
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