find largest number in array javascript using for loop

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showing results for - "find largest number in array javascript using for loop"
15 Sep 2018
1var peopleData = [
2    { name: "Paul", height: 180, age: 21 },
3    { name: "Johnny", height: 198, age: 43 },
4    { name: "Brad", height: 172, age: 49 },
5    { name: "Dwayne", height: 166, age: 15 }
8//Find biggest height number
9var maxHeight = 0;
11for (var i = 0; i < peopleData.length; i++) {
12    if (peopleData[i].height > maxHeight) {
13        maxHeight = peopleData[i].height;
14    }
02 May 2016
1const array1 = [1, 3, 2];
4// expected output: 3
12 Apr 2020
1const max = arr => Math.max(...arr);
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find maximum value in array javascriptjavascrupt maxmath max 28 5b 5d 29js array search biggest valuehow to find 10 largest values in array in jsjavascript find largest number in array single for loop 5c max 28 29 mdnreturn the largest number in the list javascriptwrite a function called max which accepts an array and returns the highest valuelargest javascript numberhow to find highest number in arrayhow to find largest element in an array javascriptgiven an array return the min and max value javascripthow to do return the largestnumber in array jsmdn array maxsecond largest number in array javascriptmath max 28x 2cy 29 3breturn the largest integer in a array javascriptbiggest num in array jsmath maxjs arr maxjs get highest nr in arrayget the biggest number in an array javascriptmax value javascriptfind max numbe in array javascriptget a big value in an arrayhow to get maximum from arraywrite a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the largest number in the list if no 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