find permutations

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showing results for - "find permutations"
13 Aug 2016
1void permute(string a, int l, int r)  
3    // Base case  
4    if (l == r)  
5        cout<<a<<endl;  
6    else
7    {  
8        // Permutations made  
9        for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)  
10        {  
12            // Swapping done  
13            swap(a[l], a[i]);  
15            // Recursion called  
16            permute(a, l+1, r);  
18            //backtrack  
19            swap(a[l], a[i]);  
20        }  
21    }  
12 Apr 2016
1void find_permutations(vector<int> &array, size_t index, vector<int> current_perm, vector<vector<int>> &res){
2    if(index == array.size()) 
3        res.push_back(current_perm);
4    else{
5        for(size_t i = 0; i <= current_perm.size(); ++i){
6            vector<int> new_perm(current_perm.begin(), current_perm.end());
7            new_perm.insert(new_perm.begin()+i, array[index]);
8            find_permutations(array, index+1, new_perm, res);
9        }
10    }
24 Jul 2016
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