find unique values in object javascript

Solutions on MaxInterview for find unique values in object javascript by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "find unique values in object javascript"
27 Jan 2021
1const array =
2  [
3    { "name": "Joe", "age": 17 },
4    { "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
5    { "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
6  ]
8const key = 'age';
10const arrayUniqueByKey = [ Map( =>
11  [item[key], item])).values()];
15   /*OUTPUT
16       [
17        { "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
18        { "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
19       ]
20   */
22 // Note: this will pick the last duplicated item in the list.
22 Jan 2017
1const data = [
2  { group: 'A', name: 'SD' }, 
3  { group: 'B', name: 'FI' }, 
4  { group: 'A', name: 'MM' },
5  { group: 'B', name: 'CO'}
7const unique = [ Set( =>]; // [ 'A', 'B']
17 Oct 2016
1var flags = [], output = [], l = array.length, i;
2for( i=0; i<l; i++) {
3    if( flags[array[i].age]) continue;
4    flags[array[i].age] = true;
5    output.push(array[i].age);
19 Aug 2018
1days on month
queries leading to this page
js get distinct values from array of objectsget all unique keys in array of objectsfilter on two keys unique objects in array of objects javascriptjavascript distinct propertyget unique objects javascriptfilter object by unique object valuefilter array to return unique values using field in object and datehow i can unique an array of objects in nodehow to write the unique objects by one key in an array jsreduce array to uniqjavascript get unique array objects from array of objects how to remove unique objects from a array in javascriptreturn distince number in array jabscrtiptunique js list of bojectsjs 2 array object get uniqueunique by array objecthow to get all unique values out of an object array in javascriptget unique values from array of objects jshow to filter unique key in object in javascriptfilter array of objects by unique string fieldarray filter nested object return unique valueusing map get unique item from array javascriptjquery get unique values from array of 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convert list of object in map using javascript distinct values with sub valueget the objects that are unique array typescriptjavascript find unique values in array of objectshow to find unique values in an object based on one property and then return that objectmap unique values js get distinct values by property of objects in array javascrget unique object from array of objects javascriptget unique value array object javascriptcheck for unique values in array of objects javascripthow to get unique object and its count from array in javascripthow to get 4 unique values from array of object in javascripthow to get only unique items from array of objects in javascripthow to find unique values in object and its count in javascripthow to get unique objects in array based on certain keys in javascripthow to set unique value object in array javascriptfaster way array of objects unique in jsunique key in array javascriptunique values using map javascriptdata map distinctjs get unique keys from array of objectsjavascript filter unique values from object arrayfilter array by unique object valuefilter out unique objects in array javascriptfilter unique object values in array javascriptjavascrip filter unique objectsremove duplicate objects from array javascript es6find unique in objectarray distinct by key typescriptubique object inn array of objectsarray of only unique objects javascriptunique values in object in array javascriptfilter array of objects for unique property valuereturn unique array of objects jshow to get unique value from an array of objectsshow only unique obj array javascriptjavascript find all unique values in arrayunique array javascript es6get unique numbers and stores in object array in javascriptfilter unique item from array of objectjs objects array return unique keyshow to get unique item from js array of objecthow to find unique values from an array of objects javascriptget unique values angulararray of uniqe objects javascripthow to make array of objects unique in javascriptadd all unique values in array of objects javascriptmap function in javascript uniquearray map return uniquehow to get unique values from object array in javascriptunique array of objects js for valuefilter only uniques in obejct array property javascriptjavascript finding unique values from an array objectunique id filter in array of object map functionmake array of objects unique jsget unique values in aray of objects javascriptfilter elements in array inside of objects that have same unique valuecreate unique array from array of objects jsjs unique objects in arrayget each unique values array from array of objects javascriptget only unique object data from an array javascriptarray unique by key javascriptget distinct array of objects javascriptfilter object with unique id javascriptfilter array with unique objects javascriptjs filter array of unique objectsget all unique values from array of objects typescriptfilter unique values from array of objects 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javascripthow to make an array of objects unique based on one field of objectunique elements in array ecmascriptunique list of objects javascriptjavascript array get unique objectsjavascript filter unique object ids in arrayjs object list uniqjs unique arraydistinct array into object javascriptarray of objects get all unique keysjavascript unique array objectsjs array of objects uniquejavascript get unique values from array of objectsi want to pick unique value from the array of objectsfind unique object based on property in javascriptunique objects in array javascriptfind unique values in array of objects javascripthow to unique array of an object in javascriptdistinct value in array object javascriptarray of objects filter unique values in reactreturn unique objects from array javascripthow to find unique array of of object in javascriptfilter array of objects by unique idarray unique javascript objectsmake an array of unique objects javascripthow to get unique array of object 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