flatlist react native horizontal

Solutions on MaxInterview for flatlist react native horizontal by the best coders in the world

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14 Jan 2019
2    data={this.state.newsFeed}
3    refreshing={this.state.refreshing}
4    horizontal={this.state.isHorizontal}
5    ref={ref => { this.newsFeedListRef = ref; }}
6    renderItem={this.renderNewsFeedRow.bind(this)}
7    keyExtractor={(item, index) => `feed_${index}`}
8    onRefresh={this.__handleNewsFeedOnRefresh.bind(this)}
9    //renderScrollComponent={this.renderScrollComponent.bind(this)}
10    ListHeaderComponent={this.renderListHeaderComponent.bind(this)}
11    getItemLayout={(data, index) => ({ index, length: ITEM_HEIGHT, offset: (ITEM_HEIGHT * index) })} />
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