font weight react native

Solutions on MaxInterview for font weight react native by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "font weight react native"
18 Nov 2020
1<Text style={styles.bold}>I'm bold!</Text>
2<Text style={styles.italic}>I'm italic!</Text>
3<Text style={styles.underline}>I'm underlined!</Text>
5const styles = StyleSheet.create({
6    bold: {fontWeight: 'bold'},
7    italic: {fontStyle: 'italic'},
8    underline: {textDecorationLine: 'underline'}
17 Mar 2019
2    style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}
4   <Text style={{ flexShrink: 1 }}>
5       Really really long text...
6   </Text>
12 Oct 2017
1  subWarningText: {
2    color: '#5460C8',
3    fontWeight: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 'normal' : '400',
4    fontSize: 14 / fontScale,
5    marginLeft: scaleWidth(24),
6    marginRight: scaleWidth(10),
7    marginBottom: scaleHeight(276),
8  },
queries leading to this page
react native stop text wrapfontweight argument react nativereact native text too longreact native text pre wrapreact native styles fontspace tow text in react nativereact flex wrap input fieldreact native text word wrapfont size in react maxwidth and wordwrap react nativereact native word wraphow to put text element in button react nativern textdecoration underlinereac native text wrapreact native linehow to wrap text in text react nativeparagraph style react nativecontent is flowing out of card react jsreact native change fotn colorwrap text in textinput react nativereact native text input with bold fonttext props react nativereact native style for all textstext underlined react antivereact break text widthunderline in react jsreact native italicfont style react nativetext word wrap in react nativeonly text wrap to next line react nativefont weight for react nativefont bold react nativereact native long text wraptext go from block react nativefontstyle 3a italic reactreact native text overflow wrapwrap content with react nativereact native break line text if too bigfont style in react nativereact native text wrap contenttext maxlines react nativetext is going out of view in react nativefont weigths react nativetext wrap in react nativereact native h1 textreact native css text wraptext below react nativereactjs numberoflinesreact native wrap textfontwight 3a 27bold 27 react nativereact native text underline styletext inside wrapper react nativereact native text wrap widthreact native not break textword break react nativehow to wrap text in react native textfontweight react ntiveitalic font react nativefont italic reactwraping text in react nativejustified text react nativehow to make text wrap react nativereact mative text excceds containertext wrap in react native webreact getting text to stay within columnshow to fit textcontent in view using react nativefont family react nativefont wrap react nativewrapping text in react nativereact native text italicstext don 27t over react nativeautowrap react nativeitalic on react native iostext auto wrap react nativewrap content in react nativereact native long text wrapunderlinein reactgive font to weight in react nativeadd underline to text reactjsfont weight react native androidreact native wrap text flex 1react make text whitereact native app text wraofont weight constant react nativereact native text coming as wordwrap react native stylesreact native text style italichow to styl text within a text react nativefont bold css react nativehow to italicise text in react nativefont weight handling in react nativetext color reactfontsize react nativehow to make word wrap around in react nativereact native flex wrap text not workingtextwrap react nativerext native text wrapreact fontstylehow to style text in react nativetext wrap react nativetext wrap on react nativebreak line instead of extend width reactfontfamily in react nativereact native forcing text to leave containerunderline react native texttext to native boldreact native bold stylinghow to make the text wrap in react nativereact native make italicsreact native font weight extra boldhow to refer a particular text tag in reacty nativereact text sizebold font style react nativechange overall text style of react appunderline reactreact native text fontsize and boldreac native text font familywrap content txt react nativewhite space nowrap react nativetext in view react nativeunderline react nativereact native style font weightunerline react nativetext font size in react nativereact native text auto line breakreact native text break viewtext going behind time in view react nativefont style react native boldmultiple text wrapper reactnativeunderline in react nativereact native wrap text inside viewbold in text react nativetext content react nativereact native wrap 3ctext 3fgetting broken table in react nativereact native how to wrap textword break in react nativetext output react nativeline break width react nativereact native font weightreact native kursivhow to italic text react nativeparagraph in react nativereact native textwrapwrapping text in reactbolder in react nativewrap words react nativehow to break line if text is more than 10 words in react nativecss underline reactreact native fontweight boldstyle for text in react nativetwo paragraph text wrap react nativereact native font weightitalics text in react nativetext react native change wrapping text wrapping react nativereact native set italic stylereact native textreact native text different color widthreact native italicgive italic to font in react nativereact native no wrapreactnative 2btext wrap as per viewtext react native max linesapply style to raw text reactnativehow to add front color in react nativereact native text italicisehow to bold react native texttext overflow wrap css react nativereact text boldtextwrap react nativespread text react nativereact native ios text warpreact native style all text componentsreact native font underlinereact native make text not wrapreact text font stylereact native wrap text in viewfontweight not working react nativemy text going out of my view width react nativereact native text outside of viewtext react native undedrlinehow to wrap text in react nativeitalic inline style jsxreact font underlinecontain text within a view in reacthow to scratch text reactnativehow to wrap content in text in react nativefont weight bold react nativeunderline text reactnativereact mative text excceds cardreactnative text wrapreactnative text wordcan text wrap text in react nativefont weight bolder in react nativeitalic react native textfontstyle react nativereact native container wrap textmake text not go down reactdisplay all text react nativereact font boldhow to make font bold in react nativetext format to skip letters in large text react nativejsx inline italictext wrap in react nativetext font family bold react nativemake text wrap react nativeparagraph react nativeimpor text style props types from reacttext make italic react nativehow to underline work in reactnativehow to make a view wrap around a text in react nativereact native text wrap offreact native letter layoutitalic font style in react nativereact native ios text breaks adjustfontsizetofitreact native text inside texttext wrapper reactnativetext weight react nativereact typography text underlineitalicized tag not working in reactreact native style all textreact native text font weightfont style itallic css react nativewrap text in screen width react nativetext underline react nativereact native underlined texttext wrap in characters react nativeavoid text wrapping in react nativeandroid text wrap react nativefontweight react ativetext auto break line react nativefontweight react native exampleunderlineline reactreact native text outside flextext number of line react nativereact native text font weight not workingreact native force text to wrapfontweight react nativfont weight react nativereact native text wrappingreact native style word wrapfont wei react nativereact native android font weight 700text numberoflinereact native textoverflow textstylereact native fontsizeword wrap react nativereact natice text go towrap text react nativereact text overhangreact native text going off my screen 2c refusing to wrap what to do 3ftitle wrap text react nativereact native 2a 2a bold text italicreact native style font weight 500font style italic react nativereact native style underline textreact native italicize textset font to italic in react nativereact naative paragraph costumizereact native text overflow viewreact native text linehow to wrap text react nativereact native italic style textset font text reactjsreact antive underlinetext not wrapping in react native react native text no wraptext wrap in react nattive set font text reactstring moustrender with text react nativetextinput react native wrapreact native font weight mediumtext no wrap react nativereact native font italictext autowrap react nativereact native textstyle descenderstext wrap in view react nativereact native fontweightunderline texte react nativehow to underline text in reactreact native how to make font weight androidhow to underline styles react nativebold font react native text inputreact native text italicfontweight react nativeunderline font react nativereact native text wont wrapreact native fontstyle italicreact native text goes out of viewhow to make font weight thin in react nativeunderline react antive textcss react native underlinetext spacing react nativeword wrap in react nativehow to wrap view with text width react nativetext react nativereact native elements italicreact underlinewrap text in text in react nativecss text wraphow to make a text italic in react nativereact view wrap textwrap view around textdifferent fontweight react nativefontweight in react native stylesreact native text underlinefont underline react nativestyle text react nativereact native text dont break linestyle font react nativebold italic in react nativetext spacing react react native render italicset text underline react nativehow to italicize inline with jsxbreak word react nativestyle wrap text react nativereact wrapping text and sizehow to give font style italic react nativefont weights for react nativereact native fontstyle exampleadd font weight react nativetext react native out of viewfont weight in react nativereact native fontweight italicreact native 5 9 4 fontweight bolditalic react nativereact native text color overflowhow to light a text color in react nativefont weight and font thickness in react nativereact native text overflowing screenitalic react nativetext underline in react nativehow to change the color of word in a paragraph in react nativereact make text wrapreact js underlinejavascript bold react nativecan text component wrap text component in react nativereact web text wrapdreact native h1 marginreact text wrapreactnative italicsreact native bold fontfont size react nativemake a text underline react nativereact mative text wrapreact native font boldfont weight react nativetextwrap in react nativefix text in view react nativereact native text reaches the containerreact wrap textmake text wrap in react nativeset part of text italic react nativetext space react nativereact native font weight valuesreact native overflow wrap texttext react native stylehow to make text wrap its content react nativeautomatically wrap text in div react nativefont bold reactreact native font weight boldreact native italic text htmlreact native title stylereact natice text stylereact text coloruse fonts with fontweight in react nativereact native word wrapfont styles react nativern underline tex thow to make text bold in react nativdereact native style italichow to make selected text bold 2fitalic 2funderline in reactreact native text inside of text change stylehow to set underline below the text in react nativereact native text component exampletext wrap content react nativetext lines reactwrap content react nativetext style react nativeword wrap on react nativereact native wrap text to next linereact native text adapt to viewjsx display text option for longer texttextalignvertical react nativetext is going out of the view in react nativereact native text not wrappinghow to make text not go past react nativeinline css text italic reactreact native underline textreatc italichow to solve text longer than screen reactjsreact native text sizefont color react native stylesletter width react nativereact native underline going after textreact underline text in stringfontweight thin react nativereact native italic texttext wrap css react nativereact text wrap should be fontweight property in react nativereact native font family weightset text to large and white react nativehow to wrapping text in react nativereact native text flex wrapunderline reactjstext react native underlinebold font react nativereact native top title prettyunderline in text react nativegoing off view from container react nativereact font weight propertywrap text in react nativereact font sizereact native underline tetxfont bold in react nativehow to do onpress with text in react nativereact native font highthow to the text to an custom lines in react nativeunderline text jsxreact native wrap contenthow to make text cross bigger react nativereact native make font boldautowrap text in react nativeitalic font reactdon 27t let text wrap react nativemake text container to start text from one point in text react nativereact native text wrap to next linereact native ios font weightreact native make text wrapreact underline textreactjs content break display flexget text to wrap in react nativereact native containers for textwrap text in view react nativereact native text weightreact text elementstyle chiled text inside view react nativeflex wrap in text not working react nativeitalic font in react nativehow to set font italic in react nativewhy not working fontweight in react nativereact native view underlinecontent is flowing out of card reactreact native text wraptext underscore react nativebold font in react nativereact text decoration boldunderline text reactt nativetext props typehow to italicize css in reactreact js text designtext overflow wrap react nativereact native requirement texthow to italicize in react jsset font weight react nativereact native textbreakstrategydoes text element in react native format text white spaceitalic text in react nativetext italics react nativetextview in react nativeadd underline to text reacttext wrap length react nativebold font weight react nativeitalic font in react react native letter spacinghow to text wrap in react nativetext ouside view react nativewrap react nativestyles to make text italic vreact react text wrap componentreact native wrap content new linehow to increase font weight in react nativehow to set font bold in react nativereact native view text overflowhow to make sure the text does not wrap react nativereact native create underlinereact native italicsreact native font styleno wrap text react nativeitalics react jsreact native textunderlinehow to underline text in react nativereact native showing textsreact native text sizetext wrap in react ntivereact native text line break without space afterwardsreact native text wrap break wordreact native font color styleadd underline and bold text react nativehow to get the text to wrap in react nativehow to justify react native textreact native text outside framehow to make the text bold in react nativemake a text wrap react native text won 27t wrap react nativeoverflow text wrap react nativetext react native wraptext layout react nativereact native wrap large textshow in text react nativehow to underline text in css react nativetext without wrap in react nativeblock out text react nativereact native tutorial text style sizereact native style by wrapppingreact paper coming horizontally not in the next linereact native text wrap textreact native text wrap not workinghow to get text to wrap in reacttext styles react nativefont color in react nativetext wrap react native 27react native text different colorreact native number in textwrap a text in react nativefont style react natievhow to change a text htrough props in react nativereact native text ensure no wrapreact native text fit contentreact native textinput wrap textwrap component react nativereact text wrap to next linereact native underline buttonteact native underline textreact native view wrap contenttext color in react nativestyle text inside view react nativehow to text auto wrap react nativecustom fontweight in react nativehow to italic text in react nativeitalics react native 5cn text react nativereact native fontcomponent going off phone screen react nativehow to wrap text according to view in react nativetext color react nativereact native label text wrap font weight not working react nativereact native wrap wordfont wieght react nativereact native big texttext wrap in css react nativefont style in react nativereact native text warphow to apply text style props in html react nativetext flowing out in react nativeitalic in react nativeitalic text react nativereact native text wrap break wordreact native font style boldtext wrap in react nativehow to set underline in text in react nativetext in react native did not wrap inside boxspace in react native textreact native italic fontreact native cursive fonttext wrap strategy react nativereact native text wraphow to style text in line in react nativeforce text to wrap react nativereact native text onpressflex wrap text react nativetext net to be wraped in view react nativebold font reactreact native word wraptext wrapping in react nativereact native underlineunderlined text react nativecolor word in the middle of string react nativetext style italic react nativereact native view text wrapreact native no text wrapwrap text in react native viewfontsize in react nativereact native text with linesreact native font weight in numberunderline text react nativetext wrap in react natiecitalics text style react nativereact native text stylehow to break text in react nativereact native custom font weight not workinghow to bold font in react nativetwexp reactchange font style react nativereact native text break linethe text goes out of the screen react nativefont italic react nativehow to set text at the start in react nativeadjust font weight by number react nativereact native android text width wrap contentshow part paragraph react nativehow to wrap a letter in react nativeno wrap text in react nativehow to wrap text properly in react nativemake text break react nativewrapping text inside view in react nativereact native text paragraphfontweight in react nativetext wrap 5c react natuivenot break the text in react nativereact native trext prop within boxbolder title react nativetext italic react nativereact native wrap texttxt that go over react nativeunderline text in react nativefont weight react native