get centos uptime of a server in datetime format python

Solutions on MaxInterview for get centos uptime of a server in datetime format python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "get centos uptime of a server in datetime format python"
05 Aug 2017
1def get_uptime(session=None):
2    """
3    Get the uptime of system in secs
5    :param session: VM session or remote session object, None for host
7    :return: uptime of system in float, None on error
8    """
9    cmd = "cat /proc/uptime"
10    if session:
11        uptime = session.cmd_output(cmd)
12    else:
13        try:
14            uptime =, shell=True).stdout_text
15        except process.CmdError:
16            return None
17    return float(uptime.split()[0]) 
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